Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom

Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom

A picture book to get to know the exceptional woman who was Maria Lamas.

  • 4490


    112% of 4 000€

    216 backers

  • 25/03/2024

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

A picture book to get to know the exceptional woman who was Maria Lamas.

We are promoting this campaign because we need help to complete our project to publish a picture book about Maria Lamas. Mafalda has already written the text and Rui Pedro has already done the illustrations, but, in order to print 1000 copies, we still need €4000. We believe it is important to make this woman's life known to a wider audience. We sought to create a book for children, young people and intelligent adults.

We have worked, above all, with Municipal Councils who purchase copies from us to offer to children in schools or for sale, but, in the case of this book, we did not receive the support we expected...

When Maria Lamas was born, Portugal was still a monarchy, but she lived long enough to participate in the celebration of freedom and democracy on the 25th of April. She was one of the first journalists, in a profession dominated by men. She was also a writer and translator. She fought for the rights of women and children at a time when society kept women at home to cook and take care of their children and husbands. She fought for a fairer world against Salazar's dictatorship, was arrested and lived in exile for several years. She traveled to several countries carrying the women's struggle and the flag of peace. She discovered the meaning of his life: leaving the world a better place.

After the crowdfunding campaign, the book will be on sale for €13.50.

About the author

Barca do Inferno is a small publisher that creates and publishes illustrated books since 2012. It's a way of sharing themes and ideas that we like. Illustrations are not just for children, that's why we try to make books to dream about at any age! The care, effort and investment that each project requires does not allow for many publications, but we work every day because we believe that someone will like it in leaf through one of our books. We have already published several books, many of which are included in the National Reading Plan lists.

Mafalda has a degree in Art History from FCSH/UNL and a master's degree in Art and Heritage Sciences from FBAUL, with a merit scholarship in the 2012/2013 academic year. She completed an internship at the Ingres Museum, in Montauban, France, under the Leonardo da Vinci program and collaborated with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Center for Modern Art in producing texts about works by the artist Fernando Calhau published on the Foundation's website. In 2012, she created, with Rui Pedro Lourenço, the publishing house Barca do Inferno. She received a Literary Creation Grant in 2018 awarded by the Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas / Ministério da Cultura. She has written several books, many recommended by the National Reading Plan.

Rui Pedro Lourenço was born in Leiria in 1973. He studied painting at the Center for Arts and Visual Communication - Ar.Co. in Lisbon. In 2001 he was selected for the National Exhibition of Young Creators, in the area of illustration. He worked in advertising and in bookstores, was a wall and furniture decorator and collaborated on a newspaper cartoon . He currently works in illustration and is an editor and illustrator at Barca do Inferno, the publishing house he created in 2012, with Mafalda Brito. He participates in painting and illustration exhibitions. He lives and works in Leiria.

Budget and due dates

The €4,000 from this campaign will be used to pay for the printing of 1,000 copies of the illustrated book “Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom”, the PPL commission, the rewards and the production of the final artwork for the book.

All supporters will receive their rewards by the end of April.

  • Invest with
    12€ or more

    A book

    A copy of the book "Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom".

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    134 backers

  • Invest with
    22€ or more

    Two books

    Two copies of the book "Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom".

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    39 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Three books

    Three copies of the book "Maria Lamas, love, peace and freedom".

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    47 backers

Sun, 02/03/2025 - 14:50

Sun, 08/09/2024 - 12:23

agradecimento - livro ilustrado sobre José Mário Branco

Bom dia! Queremos agradecer muito a todas as pessoas que voltaram a acreditar no nosso trabalho, comprando antecipadamente exemplares do livro "José Mário Branco, ser solidário...

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Thu, 22/08/2024 - 19:13

nova campanha de crowdfunding - José Mário Branco

Boa tarde! Depois de terminarmos com sucesso a campanha de crowdfunding para a edição do livro “Maria Lamas, amor, paz e liberdade”, decidimos voltar a recorrer ao financiament...

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Wed, 17/04/2024 - 17:39

Entrega dos livros

Boa tarde! Foram duas semana muito intensas, mas estamos quase quase a terminar os envios das recompensas de todos os apoiantes que moram fora da zona de Leiria. Por isso, se a...

Read more

Tue, 02/04/2024 - 12:56

Entrega dos livros

Queremos, uma vez mais, agradecer a todas as pessoas que nos apoiaram, comprando exemplares em pré-venda e/ou divulgando a nossa campanha. Os livros "Maria Lamas, amor, paz e li...

Read more

Tue, 26/03/2024 - 09:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sat, 16/03/2024 - 21:12

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 05/03/2024 - 11:00

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 23/02/2024 - 17:15

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 23/02/2024 - 14:30

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Barca do Inferno Editora

    agradecimento - livro ilustrado sobre José Mário Branco

    Bom dia!
    Queremos agradecer muito a todas as pessoas que voltaram a acreditar no nosso trabalho, comprando antecipadamente exemplares do livro "José Mário Branco, ser solidário". A campanha de crowdfunding para a publicação deste livro conta, até ao momento, com 2114€ angariados, o que corresponde a 52% do valor necessário, e 108 apoiantes!
    Seguimos juntos!

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  • Barca do Inferno Editora

    nova campanha de crowdfunding - José Mário Branco

    Boa tarde!
    Depois de terminarmos com sucesso a campanha de crowdfunding para a edição do livro “Maria Lamas, amor, paz e liberdade”, decidimos voltar a recorrer ao financiamento coletivo para concluirmos o nosso projeto de publicação de um livro ilustrado sobre José Mário Branco. A campanha consiste na pré-venda, com desconto, do livro "José Mário Branco, ser solidário". Por isso, se quiserem ter este livro em casa, comprem aqui:

    Agradecemos muito toda a ajuda na divulgação do nosso projeto.

    Muito obrigado e até breve!
    Mafalda e Rui

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  • Barca do Inferno Editora

    Entrega dos livros

    Boa tarde!
    Foram duas semana muito intensas, mas estamos quase quase a terminar os envios das recompensas de todos os apoiantes que moram fora da zona de Leiria. Por isso, se ainda não receberam os vossos livros, receberão muito em breve!
    Para quem está em Leiria, relembramos que no sábado, dia 20 de Abril, estaremos no Jardim de Santo Agostinho, entre as 15h00 e as 18h00, para entregar os livros pessoalmente. Apareçam! Vamos levar bolo e queremos brindar a Maria Lamas. Até lá!

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  • Barca do Inferno Editora

    Entrega dos livros

    Queremos, uma vez mais, agradecer a todas as pessoas que nos apoiaram, comprando exemplares em pré-venda e/ou divulgando a nossa campanha. Os livros "Maria Lamas, amor, paz e liberdade" chegam no dia 5 de Abril e, a partir desse dia, irão ser enviados pelo correio para as moradas que nos indicaram.
    Para quem está em Leiria, ou queira vir até cá, vamos estar no sábado, dia 20 de Abril, das 15 às 18h00 no Jardim de Santo Agotinho, ao lado do Museu de Leiria, para entregar os vossos livros pessoalmente. Até breve!

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216 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 87
    new backers

  • 129
    recurrent backers

  • 18
    anonymous backers

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