Let's Move Crowdfunding in Angola

Let's Move Crowdfunding in Angola

It is time to move for those who need it most from us. Movimenta wants to be zero with more small and social projects, with as little as possible.

  • 60


    3% of 1 972€

    8 backers

  • 07/06/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

It is time to move for those who need it most from us. Movimenta wants to be zero with more small and social projects, with as little as possible.


According to GEM, in Angola of every 100 young adults, 40 are or intend to be entrepreneurs. Even so, 86% of these are unable to obtain financing to take the first steps, 70% who manage to undertake on their own effort, end up failing in the first year! All because the rate of rejection of small loans by banks is already around 80% and of those approved, 90% are concentrated in Luanda even though the rate of bad loans is already around 32%. If we look at the unemployed population, estimated at 34%, it adds up to the 14 million young people inclined by some form of entrepreneurship who have nowhere to get their first support. Although according to the UN, these small ideas that are realized in small enterprises constitute between 60% to 70% of the jobs and 65% of the GDP worldwide.

In this way, not even the most social cause can rise.

With everyone, it's easier!

Movimenta, as a Crowdfunding platform, is a tool for the independent creators of these projects without doors, with the characteristics that we all believe are the most needed to take the first steps in Angola. We created it to offer our mechanisms that intuitively demand good project management, communication with the community of interest and if it is possible to obtain the first zeroes. Because we believe that the most important thing is the creation of a community determined to do good without looking at whom .

Queres conhecer-nos melhor?

Why PPL!

Even in our small existence, we had contacts with several creators and NGOs in search of the first support and visibility. Without Movimenta being able to start as it needs, we decided to join these projects to promote them and be the digital infrastructure in Angola that would allow them to have visibility. At this moment that we have finished all the programming part, we lack the next step to take and can add an Angolan payment gateway, and due to "problems" this cost is already around 500 euros to be able to deploy it as our payment partner that in the country are scarce. Get to know these projects here !

  1. Our task until December of this year (2021) will be to be the gateway for up to 20 projects if we manage to pay the payment partner's fees. Today, 5 more projects have reached us from the Higher Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of Angola (ISUTIC).
  2. In June / 2021 we want to carry out the first pilot tests, and the costs for this step have overloaded countless administrative procedures, and we believe that with reaching the objective proposed here at PPL , we will be able to cover various responsibilities and really boost all campaigns with firmness and professionalism. at Movimenta with tools, support materials, evaluation and communication with those who come to us.

Um desafio de dois meses.

The existence of Movimenta brings a breath of life to small Angolan projects (of NGOs, writers, artists and developers) at a stage when the economic agents are frequent, but they take their credibility away from what motivates them to obtain one, which directly affects the birth of small projects.

An environment to bring dreams to life is being built: [YOUTUBE: v_37oQOMpFY]

Get to know us

Muito mais do que uma Plataforma de Crowdfunding.

We need to achieve this goal in order to take the first steps and be the first steps of many more and increase the family of platforms of the PPL genre through Lusophone and maximize this great community.

About the author

Levemos o Crowdfunding para as famílias afectadas

  • I am the CTO, Inácio Kawala , graduated in Automation Engineering with more than 4 years of activity in the area, I developed the first social network (UTH-Cuba 2017) of the foreign community in this country, Web programmer, Android and Desktop in addition to being the Movimenta co-founder and software Develop. We created an easy-to-use interface for everyone who needs Movimenta.
  • Bruno Yonng , although a geologist by training, I am the CMO at Movimenta, professionalized with experience in Digital Markting with expertise in managing paid traffic, offering mentoring to an already considerable group of companies in different sectors, he has helped several entrepreneurs and business owners. businesses in Angola to have better results, I believe that within Movimenta we will maximize the reach of these campaigns.
  • I am the Telecommunications Engineer Jandira Lourenço who currently works as a community manager, and is also the CSO of Movimenta, I try to ensure that our presence and dissemination through social networks have an impact directed to our desired Benefit corporation profile, something that will allow us not to just create content that increases traffic through Movimenta campaigns and the relationship with all the communities in which we operate.
  • Hence! Ketson Lima Rodrigues , co-founder and Business management of Movimenta, today I am the CEO in addition to having developed the functional requirements to accommodate the algorithms that have given to Movimenta's database. I believe that as an Industrial Engineer, due to the academic and technical mastery of organizational modeling, the management and modeling of processes and Data Science in statistical data mining projects, it will allow us to increase the level of confidence in making decisions about the data generated.
  • I am Osvaldo Quingongo , COO of Movimenta e Eng. De Telecomunicações, academic Power Link researcher with more than 10 projects in the area, these activities accompany me from my university research groups at renowned universities in Angola, having won several awards in scientific journeys in what I believe allowed to have a decisive influence on the organization and administration of projects mainly in the category of independent projects of technologies and innovation.
  • I am the web designer and designer Sandro Santos , I make sure that the Movimenta interface is always suitable for the majority, intuitive and easy to interact with users in such a way that we keep a pace of updates whenever and when we think that the data obtained by our CRMs do not indicate for a great user experience.

Budget and due dates

How we will move Movimenta from zero to 100% active together with these first three projects!

Movimenta's greatest difficulty will be overcome in May .

  1. The Payment System of Angola (SPA) is managed by the interbank service company EMIS SA, responsible for the implementation of automatic and online payment systems, and for that, for an infrastructure like Movimenta, we need to join the banking system first (130 € ~ "100,000kz" for company account). After this step, we will be in a position to close the agreement with the online payment partner that is authorized by EMIS and we must enter into the agreement with an amount of € 400, which is the heaviest for us at the moment.

Counting the clock at 00:00 starts the race in June .

  1. Our main objective at that moment is to provide conditions for these projects to have support from the society, close and interested Movimenta users, and for that, we need the tools to work on what our team is competent, the essential four are:
  • Tools for data management.
  • Tools to validate and remove indicators of good project management.
  • Content creation tools.
  • Digital Markting Tools.

Juntos chegaremos a este objetivo

The time to increase visibility for many other dreams of hard work from August to infinity .

  1. In order to maintain a coordinated work rhythm, the Movimenta team needs to be together, and in constant contact with the members and institutions that supported us as long as there is no flow of support for new projects that seek Movimenta or because of the need to increase our existence and pass on the message to the entire Portuguese-speaking community.

Este é o M de Mudança para novas soluções.

Don't miss this great opportunity to bring more than a Crowdfunding Platform to light, we will bring light to many who need tools like these to join efforts, unite support and motivation, just as we will emerge from a Crowdfunding Platform , a new one will be born beyond the possibilities of those who do not have a presence in Portugal, we are going to move these first projects and many others that could appear through our existence and contribute with the first zeros in the steps of real solutions.

Com todos, sim é possível.

  • Be the # 1 supporter.

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    Be the # 1 supporter.

    With this pim of victory, each problem solved is a solution for many others. And so, not only do we send you this reward, but you are also invited to participate in the pilot tests. We will move the campaign around so that these tests are a reality for many more.

    8 backers

  • Open new doors

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Open new doors

    With this key ring, we will open new doors to new paths, so with special care, we give you with a special invitation to participate directly in Movimenta's forums, mentions and highlights on the blog throughout this first year of activity with great repercussion. on our networks.

    2 backers

  • The piggy bank of dreams

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    The piggy bank of dreams

    We deliver this piggy bank to you with the greatest dedication and love, so that you keep small contributions and together unite in each piece by piece, all the needs to give birth to something huge coming from the contribution of all of us, and not just enough, we have included within this card specially created for someone like you who will move dreams from now on.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 45 units. 45 remaining

  • The love in the sweater

    Invest with
    35€ or more

    The love in the sweater

    Just like our love for the Movimenta shirt, here we offer you one with our love included. Join our team, we need you in this challenge. We will deliver with all the nobility that was your contribution, this is the shirt that Movimenta to hope, and for that reason we send it in a spatial way to the points added in our team.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 20 units. 20 remaining

  • Tracksuit for every moment

    Invest with
    40€ or more

    Tracksuit for every moment

    By purchasing this clothing, we will protect any instability that presents itself, and for those bad times that only those who dream know of the needs of a comfort, we deliver with all the royalty that you represent. And for that reason, you will be from now on in a special way, included in the pilot tests and the presence highlighted in Movimenta's block and communication channels.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 10 units. 10 remaining

Thu, 19/09/2024 - 02:12


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 14/04/2021 - 16:48

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 14:27

Os primeiros zeros para os primeiros passos foram alcançados

Saudações família! Queremos agradecer pela atitude de cambio a forma como podemos todos fazer as coisas tornarem-se realidade. Esta é a missão da Movimenta assim como de ser os ...

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Mon, 12/04/2021 - 14:44

Começamos o primeiro passo

Hola pessoal! É um enorme prazer e gratidão que possamos juntos estar dentro desta construção, começamos a somar as primeiras forças para alcançar o nosso objetivo comum. Temos ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Movimenta

    Os primeiros zeros para os primeiros passos foram alcançados

    Saudações família! Queremos agradecer pela atitude de cambio a forma como podemos todos fazer as coisas tornarem-se realidade. Esta é a missão da Movimenta assim como de ser os primeiros zeros para os primeiros passos daqueles que trazem soluções e ações a novas mudanças como aconteceu nestes 2 primeiros dias com a Movimenta. Agradecemos o contributo e força para alcançarmos a diferença juntos.

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  • Movimenta

    Começamos o primeiro passo

    Hola pessoal! É um enorme prazer e gratidão que possamos juntos estar dentro desta construção, começamos a somar as primeiras forças para alcançar o nosso objetivo comum. Temos 57 dias para alcançar o nosso propósito e de uma vez seguirmos com a nossa missão..!! Vamos Movimentar o Crowdfunding em Angola!!!!!

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8 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 0
    recurrent backers

  • 3
    anonymous backers

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