From this life experience, this work about Guinea-Bissau was born, told in the first person with the aim of reporting only true facts, respecting the culture and political optio...

  • 168


    5% of 2 870€

    9 backers

  • 06/08/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

From this life experience, this work about Guinea-Bissau was born, told in the first person with the aim of reporting only true facts, respecting the culture and political options of the people of this country.

- This is the book I intend to share with you about situations experienced in the first person, to give you a real idea of the personal and professional problems that you have to face in Africa.

- I describe in detail, episodes that I lived, in many cases at risk of life, in a country where the law is not complied with, and the corrupt, swindlers, and criminals, live their daily lives hand in hand, exploring without mercy or even contemplating the human misery of more than 90% of the population, who often pays with their lives.

- In reality, life for a foreigner, even with special care for their safety in Guinea-Bissau, is daily linked to risk, even if you have a lot of power as I had, because I was general manager of hotels and restaurants, which is a very popular area where I met many powerful people.

- The book reports the events that happened to me with total veracity, without any personal concern or restriction, related to the politically correct, only concerned with telling the truth and respecting the culture and political options of the Guinean people.

- To be able to pay the costs of the book to the publisher for its printing and distribution, "APPEAL TO YOUR SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTION" to be able to publish it, and to be on sale already at Christmas, in all bookstores.

- I decided that after the book is on sale in bookstores, 10% of the sale price of each copy, will revert to an international institution that combats “slavery of children in North Africa”, many of them taken from Guinea-Bissau, and thus help to rescue them, from the places in the Sahara desert where they live in chains, to be sold in Libya.

- With these funds we will help to free children from prisons, from the clutches of malefactors who rape, subjugate and torture them.

- I count on your support and share this project of mine!

- Let's make a better world together!

Thank you

About the author

- After a lifetime of traveling due to my profession as manager of several hotels around the world, it was nevertheless in Africa that I got to know better and had to face, with no room for retreat, the dangers, corruption, violence and human misery.
From this life experience, this first work about Guinea-Bissau was born, told in the first person with the aim of reporting only true facts, in a country adrift without anyone complying with existing laws, but where I insist on telling the stories I lived, always respecting the culture and political options of the people of this country.

Budget and due dates

The Book will only be printed after raising the 2,870.00 euros to pay the publisher. The minimum amount to support fundraising is 15.00 euros, and multiples of this amount will correspond to the sending of the number of books corresponding to the amount sent, without additional costs for sending by mail to the financier.
Editing and printing by the publisher for the book to be on sale in bookstores, is scheduled for the end of September. From that time, 10% of the sale value of each book, will revert to an international institution that deals with the liberation of slave children, living in Libya, some of them kidnapped in Guinea-Bissau.

  • Invest with
    13€ or more


    The minimum amount to support fundraising is 13.00 euros, and multiples of this amount that will correspond to the sending of the number of books of the value sent, without additional costs for sending by mail, whose books can serve as an offer to friends of the funder . You will be saving 2 € in relation to the price that the book will cost in bookstores, plus the free value of sending the book.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    The amount to support fundraising in this case is 25.00 euros, and multiples of this amount, which correspond to the discount of 5 euros of the value of 2 books sold in bookstores, and the sending of the number of books corresponding to the amount sent, without additional costs for sending by mail to the funder.

    2 backers

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 05:12


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 17/06/2020 - 17:44

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


9 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 7
    new backers

  • 2
    recurrent backers

  • 2
    anonymous backers

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