Virgílio de Carvalho's edition of Cumprir Agora Portugal is a contribution to a national strategy, with a vision of a direction for Portugal - to be the Atlantic face of Europe.
What is Cumprir Portugal? Everyone has a hunch, but few are sure. Much less solid and substantial ideas.
The book by Commander Virgílio de Carvalho that we want to publish gives us a lucid, consistent and very clear proposal, easy to understand, of what Portugal is, the whys and the whys of Portugal and points the way for a national strategy to which we have to pay attention.
It is a book awarded with the “Aboim Sande Lemos Award - Portuguese Identity”, from the Historical Society of Independence of Portugal, written by a man who gave a lot to our country but is little known to the younger generations.
That is why it is necessary to return it to the Portuguese, once the work has been exhausted for many years. To support the reissue of "Cumprir Agora Portugal" is to contribute to the formation of a generation of Portuguese aware of what their country is. Don't miss the challenge!
From the preface to this reissue:
Bringing out the fulfillment Now Portugal is, in the current context, bringing to the public debate a proposal that puts Portuguese thought at the center of political action, pointing to a course that seems long forgotten or abandoned.
Starting with an introductory part of “conceptual framework”, in which basic technical concepts about strategic planning are clarified, it is clear from the outset that there is no strategy without objectives, whose definition, delimitation and motivation is up to the conscious political organization of thought, interests and supra personal and supraparty aspirations that move the nation.
Even before outlining the national objectives underlying the proposed strategy, we are presented with two parts that lead the reader to situate himself in space and time: one on “strategic framework”; another on the “geopolitical perspective of Portugal”.
Finally, these initial parts are followed by an approach to permanent historical and current national objectives.
Here, in broad strokes, an inexhaustible picture emerges that encompasses all the national reality.
As for the permanent historical national objectives, the secular yearning for individuality and independence of Portugal is underlined, whose identity and autonomy, indelibly linked to its maritimity, comes from the individuality and autonomy of the Portuguese, which simultaneously protects the freedom of each individual Portuguese and unrepeatably considered.
From the nation's permanent or timeless goals, (...) we move on to circumstantial, autonomous goals, but still linked to those.
In summary, the current permanent objectives refer to: (i) the relationship of Portugal with the current maritime power (USA) and with the other Atlantic nations, within the scope of NATO; (ii) Portugal's participation in the European project; (iii) scientific and technological development; (iv) cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries; (v) territorial cohesion and administrative organization.
The proposal for the strategy outlined in Fulfill Now Portugal is not, it seems to us, a finished thing and there is an update always to be done, for each generation. But it is the most lucid proposal and the one that today can best base a strategic program for the country.
MCP - Movimento Cumprir Portugal
Caros Amigos!
Muito obrigado pela ajuda de todos.
O nosso livro já saiu das impressoras e vamos começar a preparar o envio. Por favor, envie para a morada onde pretende receber a sua recompensa. Caso não recebamos nenhuma indicação no prazo de 5 dias, enviaremos para a morada que foi indicada inicialmente.
até breve
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