"The lion was afraid of the dark" is a fable about the most prevalent and decisive sense in humanity: fear.
Livros de Ontem publisher is pleased to present "The lion was afraid of the dark," a children's story written by Raquel Santos and illustrated by Mafalda Azevedo.
The lion was afraid of the dark is a fable about the most prevalent and decisive sense in humanity: fear. This is an ambiguous emotion and necessary, since the limited while preserving our physical and psychological. Then we, educators, teach to deal with the fears and overcome them.
The bullying and all its collateral damage, either the victims or the perpetrator, originates in fear. The fear of not being accepted, the fear of being attacked ... and many others.
In this tale, a small group of animals is a unique and fun way to overcome a harrowing bullying scenario. Anxiety, self-overcoming, courage, creativity, acceptance and friendship matters are worked throughout the narrative.
The idea that if you want to pass is that through dialogue and unity all problems are surmountable!