Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, lobsters and crayfish! The time has come to make history! Or, at least, to print a story, on paper, with ink and the smell of a new book!
I am Francisco Faniquito, a variety artist. "Lobsters and Crayfish" is a children's book written and illustrated by me. I count on your help to make this book real.
The story follows a crayfish who dreams of being a lobster — after all, who doesn't want that shiny shell, a life of luxury in the VIP aquarium and thousands of followers on Instagram? But when he finally does, he realizes that not everything is as fantastic as it seems...
This work is a satire of today's society, where not everything seems to be what it really is. We must be careful what we wish for, because sometimes the lives of those we most admire are not exactly what they show.
With your help, we will bring this book to life and share this story with the world (or at least with anyone willing to read it).
And, as an influencer lobster would say: "Drag your claw to the support button and be part of this incredible project!" 🦞✨

About the author
Francisco Faniquito, variety artist, illustrator, poet, musician (among others). Author of musical hits such as "Mousse", "Lau" or "Lorem Ipsum", I have now decided to venture into the world of children's books, because children deserve stories with more emotional crunch and less forced moralism.
My mission? To create fun stories that make kids and adults laugh while thinking about life.
If you want to know more about me, just follow my social media or watch my live streams on

Olá eu sou o Lagostim!
Budget and due dates
Publishing a book isn’t cheap, but it doesn’t involve selling a kidney on the black market either. Here’s where your support will go:
💰 €1,100 – Guarantee of publication of the book , making it available in the network of independent bookstores, partners of Atlantic Books, spread throughout the country.
The work will be sold online at,,,
It will also be featured for 3 months at Livraria Martins.
Printing of 100 softcover copies to offer to supporters. This is the goal I would like to achieve, anything above this amount is a bonus.
💰 €1,600 – Upgrade to a hardcover book , because crayfish deserve luxury.
💰 €2,100 – From this amount, the printing of free copies increases to 200 in hardcover , to conquer the world (or at least, a few bookshelves).
The schedule will always depend on the publisher, in this case AtlanticBooks, which was the one who presented me with a proposal to publish this book.

Beleza da Natureza
Francisco Faniquito
Obrigado a todos que
Obrigado a todos que decidiram apoiar o projeto!
Já concluí os contactos com o Editor Executivo da publicadora e já dei início ao contacto com o Coordenador Editorial, que vai articular todos os pormenores relativos ao design de capa e paginação com a equipa de design.
O mais tardar lá para Maio temos livro!
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Francisco Faniquito
Última semana!
Boas Lagostas e Lagostins,
venho aqui avisar que a publicação do livro já é certa (ainda sem data) e será em capa dura.
Esta campanha está na sua última semana, por isso partilhem com os vossos amigos e amigas, familiares, para angariar o máximo até ao fim.
Obrigado a todos vocês que já apoiaram e logo, logo dou novidades.
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