AJHAtherapies´s office

AJHAtherapies´s office

To equipe AJHAtherapies´s office to accomplish therapies to childrens with special needs that families don´t have money to provide them that kind of stimulation.

  • 1010


    101% of 1 000€

    36 backers

  • 27/11/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

To equipe AJHAtherapies´s office to accomplish therapies to childrens with special needs that families don´t have money to provide them that kind of stimulation.

The AJHA is a young association with four years of existence, based in the city of Beja.

Its mission is to create resources for equal opportunities for people with special needs.

We intend to realize why the lack of accessibility in various areas of the life of a citizen with any kind of disability, to design and develop real solutions to these gaps in society and thereby promote the inclusion of people with special needs in their community.

At this moment our target population are children with special needs from 3 to 18 years.

We found that in the city of Beja there is no available therapeutic response to all children with special needs.

Local institutions that develop work in this area have few resources and can not cover the entire population, in this sense the AJHA created a therapeutic support office (AJHAterapias) that aims to fill this gap.

The project that we have seen now present involves the raising of funding to finish our office and so we can begin therapeutic interventions as early as next year 2016.

If help us, we will put your name on the name of the association parecerdes to let everyone know that together we can create an inclusive space and make a difference in our community. This will not be the office of AJHA but the office of the Beja community and the world.


About the author

The Associação Jovem Habi(li)tar Alentejo - AJHA is composed of 12 friends with backgrounds in several areas, from education, rehabilitation, management, information technology, law, management teams and others.

In legal terms the AJHA is a young non-profit organization is not yet treated as a public utility, IPSS or NGOs.

Our motivation is to create and promote in our city an inclusive and quality response in therapeutic support to children espciais needs of the city of Beja, where we intend through various activities cabinet change mentalities and attitudes and thus promote equal opportunities and access to information as inclusive as possible.

There exist four years, and we have already held training in entrepreneurship socia area, monitors inclusive summer camps, summer camps for all, gatherings for parents among other activities.

the names of the social association:

Board of the General Assembly:

Barbara Carina da Cunha burst; Fedra Patricia Januario de Amorim and Joana Galvão dos Santos Figueira surrounds;

Director: Sofia Nídia Januario de Amorim; Rui Manuel Nobre Cerqueiro; Ana Isabel dos Ramos Carvalho; Marco de Jesus Rodrigues; Maria João da Silva Ganhão; Filipe Campos Santos; André Ferreira Caetano; Pedro Caetano Ferreira das Neves

We hope to mobilize least 300-500 people.

Budget and due dates

The main expenses go through the fitting headquarters for the office : we need to cover the floor , line the windows and furnishing with office equipment cabinet so we can carry out our activities .
We intend to achieve 60% of the amount requested by 20 November and the remaining 40% by the end of this month.

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    40 backers

Mon, 16/12/2024 - 09:24

Wed, 09/12/2015 - 12:20

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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