When Luís came to the Association, 1 year ago, he ripped off the shelves, a mirror, the closet doors, he broke Joana’s glasses, plucked out Rita’s hair, hit Sarah and Alexandra. We've always believed in Luís potential. Today, he doesn't hit people anymore and he has been reducing his autism condition in 29%. Imagine what Luis will evolve being at the Association 100 hours per month!
Luís parents felt lost and powerless everytime Luís hit them, other people or even himself, everytime he wanted to destroy everything around, everytime he tried to express himself, but they couldn't understand what he needed
Until a year ago, there was no answer to Luís situation. No one could deal with his behaviour, with his agressiveness.
Nowadays Luís:
Can look other people in the eyes
Can have a conversation, ask questions and interact with other people
Stopped being agressive, turning into a more flexible and caring child
All of this was only possible, through an attitude of comprehension, acceptance, caring and dedication of all Vencer Autismo Staff. This evolution happened a long a year, with 380 hours of work, 6 hours per week.
But we want much more for Luís! We want to quadruple the number of hours and give Luís and his family support for 25 hours per week, a total of 100 hours in a month!
With the 1500 euros we can offer Luís those 100 hours for a month! If we exceed the value we can be able to offer him that for more months and boost his evolution.
Join us and lets help Luís recover and evolve as quickly as possible!
We count on you!
You can follow Luís news at his Facebook Page: Tornem o meu SONHO realidade!
Associação Vencer Autismo
Olá a todos!
Olá a todos!
é com muito agrado que vemos atingido o objetivo dos 1500 euros para o Luís. E tudo isto só foi possível graças a todos aqueles que têm contribuído para esta campanha: da nossa parte um gigante obrigada por tornarem tudo isto possível.
Até ao final da campanha, o nosso objetivo é angariar o máximo possível, para podermos oferecer mais horas ao Luís.
Apesar do objetivo estar alcançado, a campanha só acaba dia 30 de Dezembro, até lá ainda é possível partilhar a campanha e contribuir, pois todo o dinheiro extra que conseguirmos reverte para as horas do Luís na Vencer Autismo.
Um enorme obrigada a todos os que já contribuíram e partilharam a nossa campanha!
Abraços e Sorrisos,
Associação Vencer Autismo
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Associação Vencer Autismo
Amigos e amigas,
Um enorme obrigada e um abraço apertado a todos vocês!
Falta 1 mês e 1 semana e atingimos hoje os 900 euros, graças a todos vocês que são fantásticos.
Se puderem, partilhem com a vossa família e amigos esta campanha para chegarmos ainda mais longe e atingirmos os 1500 euros (ou mais)!
Abraços e Sorrisos,
Associação Vencer Autismo
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