Hornscapes CD
  • Music
  • Ermesinde, Portugal

Hornscapes CD

A CD of horn and piano music written by horn players. The recording is ready, please support the release.

A CD of horn and piano music written by horn players. The recording is ready, please support the release.

Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce you to the Hornscapes project. This project began during my doctoral research, where I focused on idiomatic writing for the horn, based on a collection of new works composed by horn players. During this period, I gave three recitals, each lasting one hour, always accompanied by the pianist Isolda Crespi. We even considered the possibility of recording a CD.

In 2022, I was a featured guest at the International Horn Symposium, and after the recital, I received an invitation to record a CD that would be part of the Ring of Engelbert Schmid Horn Soloists. It is a great honor for me to be part of this collection of recordings.

Now, the time has come to share with you some fantastic works for horn and Wagner tuba, composed by Fernando Morais, Kerry Turner, Emma Gregan, and Jeffrey Agrell, as well as a few of my own compositions. As the name suggests, Hornscapes is a journey through the different soundscapes of the horn.

The CD is ready, and this crowdfunding campaign aims to help cover part of the investment and the costs associated with the release of the work. Additionally, those who support this project will be able to acquire the CD signed by both performers at a promotional price, with free shipping within Portugal (an additional €5 for international shipping).

Thank you in advance for your support, and as I always say: have fun playing the horn!

CD Contents

1 - Fernando Morais (*1966, Brazil) • Mosaic no.3 for horn and piano

2 - Emma Gregan (*1993, Australia) • Rose-Colored Glasses for horn and piano

3 - Kerry Turner (*1960, USA) • Abide With Me for horn and piano

4 - Ricardo Matosinhos (*1982, Portugal) • Pastoral, op.81 for horn solo

5 -         ''         • Mirage, op.83 for horn solo

6 -         ''         • Improvisation, op.82 for horn solo

7 -         ''         • Siegfried & Fafnir op.77a for wagner tuba and piano

8 -         ''         • Song without words op. 80a for wagner tuba and piano

9 -         ''         • Song for Emma, op.75 for horn and piano

Jeffrey Agrell (*1948, USA) • Gallimaufry Suite for low horn and piano

10 - I Odd March

11 - II Quirky Waltz

12 - III Angular Variations

13 - IV Blue Caccia

You can read here a review by Dr.James Boldin about this CD

About the author

Ricardo Matosinhos was born in 1982.
He studied horn with professor Ivan Kučera at the Esproarte (1994-2000), Mirandela, Portugal, and with professor Bohdan Šebestík at the Superior School of Music and Performing Arts (2000-2004) in Oporto, Portugal.
Ricardo graduated from ESMAE in 2004, where he received the prize of student of the school year 2003/2004.
In 2012 Ricardo presented his master's dissertation entitled “Annotated Bibliography of Horn Etudes published between 1950-2011” at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. In 2021 presented his DMA thesis "Definition and analysis of the idiomatic elements found on selected works composed by horn players" at the University of Évora.
Curiosity about the possibilities of the horn in jazz led him to take lessons with the saxophonist Mário Santos. This experience would play a major role in his style of composition. 
In 1998 he won a scholarship from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which he kept until his graduation.
Ricardo taught several masterclasses and workshops all over Portugal and also in Brazil, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, and EUA.
He played as a guest with orchestras such as: Filarmonia das Beiras Orchestra, Musicare Chamber Orchestra, Orquestra do Norte, Remix Orchestra, Remix Ensemble, and Orquestra Nacional do Porto.
Ricardo wrote several teaching materials for horn but also some music works for other instruments, including a musical inspired on a children book he wrote
His music works were recognized in various composition contests both in Portugal and abroad.
Ricardo is currently teaching at the Academia de Música de Costa Cabral in Oporto.
He is a member of the International Horn Society, the SPA, and the GDA.

Budget and due dates

The recording is now complete, and the official launch of the CD is scheduled for October in the cities of Oporto and Lisbon. This launch campaign will take place during the month of September and aims to cover immediate expenses for food and travel to Lisbon.

136€ travel + 40€ food

As the CD was recorded in Germany, there were travel costs for both performers, and the costs inherent in creating the CD, so any surplus to the support requested will be directed to supporting the investment.

Flights Porto - Munich and train to Mindelzell - €654

Tue, 17/09/2024 - 00:19

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 14:19

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 13:49

Obrigado / Thank you all

Muito obrigado! Graças ao vosso apoio, esta campanha atingiu o valor mínimo para ser financiada. A campanha continuará até ao final do mês. Divulguem-na, por favor, entre os vos...

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Sat, 24/08/2024 - 12:11

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Ricardo Matosinhos

    Obrigado / Thank you all

    Muito obrigado! Graças ao vosso apoio, esta campanha atingiu o valor mínimo para ser financiada. A campanha continuará até ao final do mês. Divulguem-na, por favor, entre os vossos amigos, para que o apoio suplementar possa ajudar a cobrir os custos deste projeto discográfico. Até breve!

    Thank you very much! Thanks to your support, this campaign has reached its funding goal. The campaign will continue until the end of the month. Please share it with your friends so that any additional support can help cover the costs of this recording project. See you soon!"

    Ricardo Matosinhos

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