More Darte
Fundação EDP

More Darte

More Darte: offering art as therapy sessions to 40 young people from deprived areas and risky contexts in Lisbon and training one more Darte Practitioner to join the team and he...

  • 6000


    100% of 6 000€

    52 backers

  • 18/08/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

More Darte: offering art as therapy sessions to 40 young people from deprived areas and risky contexts in Lisbon and training one more Darte Practitioner to join the team and help us reach more young people!

This campaign aims to enable more young people from deprived contexts to benefit from Projecto Darte, in Lisbon. 

Projecto Darte is a psycho-educational project, not for profit, that uses an innovative methodology in Portugal of art as therapy to work with young people aged 5 to 16. This methodology aims to develop the self-esteem and self-confidence of the young people who we work with, as well as their social and emotional skills.

Since 2013, we have reached more than 300 young people in Lisbon, Portugal, and we aim to reach many more and in other zones of the country in the coming years. We believe that this methodology can transform ways of thinking and being and for that reason it can positively change many lives!

With the funds raised in this campaign we will be able to provide:

- 5 Darte Groups for deprived young people (each group has 8 young people who participate in weekly 1h30 sessions for 3 months);

- The training of a new Darte Practitioner (growing our team will help us reach more young people each week). 

In this PPL crowdfunding campaign we have, once more, the fantastic support of Fundação EDP, that will give us 3000€, if we manage to raise a minimum of 3000€, which will make the 6000€ of this campaign.

Shall we do this? More Darte!

About the author

The Darte Team has 2 Darte Practitioners and about 10 Darte Volunteers, that hold the Darte Sessions. Everyone aims to transform something in the lives of the young people we work with: Educating to Be, through art. 

Margarida Seruya is the founder and coordinator of Projecto Darte. With a degree in Management, she went to live in Oxford, UK, in 2011. She spent a year and a half there, training in The Art Room methodology and during that time she also did the Foundation Degree in Art Psychotherapy of the Goldsmiths College, London. In 2013, Margarida brought this methodology to Portugal and created Projecto Darte. 

Isabel Barrancos Vieira has a degree in Art History and is concluding a Master in Artistic Education. She integrated Projecto Darte in 2014 as a volunteer and after 3 months of training in the methodology, she joined the team as a Darte Practitioner.

Both practitioners have supervision with a psychologist who helps them reflecting about the most challenging cases and developing their approaches and working skills.

The Darte Volunteers receive initial training in the methodology and supervision during the term, from the Darte Practitioners.

Budget and due dates

The 6000€ we need to raise will be divided in:

  • 5500€ will provide 5 Darte Groups of up to 8 young people (1100€ for each group that fund for: art materials; waste materials; salaries of the Darte Practitioners; travelling costs)
  • 500€ will fund the training of a new Darte Practitioner (24h of training +  18h of supervisioned sessions)

We aim to raise these funds until 28-07-2016, so that we can plan for the next school year.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Public Acknowledge

    You have the right to a public acknowledge where your name will be mentioned in our Facebook page and monthly newsletter.

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    5 Darte Postcards

    You have the right to receive 5 Darte postcards with images of the projects made by the Darte Students. Posting costs included to Portugal only.

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Darte frame

    You have the right to receive a frame decorated by the Darte Students. Posting costs included to Portugal only.

    22 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Darte Mirror

    You have the right to receive a "King Midas" mirror, decorated by the Darte Students. Posting costs included to Portugal only.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Observe a Darte Session

    You have the right to observe a Darte Session, in one of the institutions where we work, on a date to be agreed with the Darte Team. You can observe the real impact of your donation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Darte Workshop

    You have the right to participate in a 2h workshop with 3 more people in a place and date to be arranged with the Darte Team. On this workshop you will be able to experiment a bit of what we do in the Darte Sessions and make a creative project you choose. In the end each person takes their masterpiece home and a bit more of self-confidence on their skills and creativity!

    2 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 07:22

Fri, 19/08/2016 - 14:57

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 17/08/2016 - 09:47

DARTE MAIS: Conseguimos!!!!!!! | DARTE MAIS: We made it!!!!!!!!!

Olá a todos | Dear all, A um dia do fim do prazo atingimos o valor que nos propusemos angariar neste crowdfunding: 6000€! Muito obrigado a todos pelos vossos contributos - ...

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Fri, 08/07/2016 - 17:47

DARTE MAIS: Dois dias depois... | Two days after...

Olá a todos | Dear all Dois dias depois do início da campanha estamos, praticamente, com 60% do valor angariado! É fantástico! Muito obrigada pelos vossos contributos e pela...

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Campaign launched


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  • Projecto Darte

    DARTE MAIS: Conseguimos!!!!!!! | DARTE MAIS: We made it!!!!!!!!!

    Olá a todos | Dear all,

    A um dia do fim do prazo atingimos o valor que nos propusemos angariar neste crowdfunding: 6000€!
    Muito obrigado a todos pelos vossos contributos - cada € fez a diferença.
    Estamos muito contentes por poder proporcionar o Projecto Darte a mais 40 crianças carenciadas já neste próximo ano lectivo!
    Se quiserem continuar a receber notícias nossas, por favor enviem um email a pedir a subscrição da nossa newsletter mensal para
    One day before the deadline we raised the funds we had proposed to do: 6000€!
    Thank you so much to you all for your contributions - each € made the difference.
    We are thrilled that we will be able to provide Projecto Darte to 40 more children this coming school year!
    If you wish to continue receiving our news, please subscribe the English version of our monthly newsletter by sending us an email to

    Um abraço e até breve, | Warm regards,
    Margarida Seruya

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  • Projecto Darte

    DARTE MAIS: Dois dias depois... | Two days after...

    Olá a todos | Dear all

    Dois dias depois do início da campanha estamos, praticamente, com 60% do valor angariado! É fantástico!
    Muito obrigada pelos vossos contributos e pela ajuda com a divulgação desta iniciativa. Graças a vocês, o Projecto Darte vai chegar a mais crianças e jovens já no próximo ano lectivo.
    Two days after the beginning of this campaign we have reached almost 60% of the value needed! Fantastic!
    Thank you so much for contributing and helping spreading the word. Thanks to you, Projecto Darte will reach more young people next school year.

    Um abraço e até breve, | Warm regards,
    Margarida Seruya

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52 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 28
    new backers

  • 24
    recurrent backers

  • 21
    anonymous backers

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