Bicycle travel is one of the fastest growing tourism and leisure activities in the country. Given the great changes we face nowadays, this is an environmentally friendly way of traveling that promotes better physical and psychological well-being.
The aim of this campaign is to finance the identification of 500 new kilometers of roads with low traffic - as well as cycle paths, greenways and rails-to-trails when they exist - in order to contribute for a better territorial cohesion, encompassing more routes in the north of the country.
As can be seen in the General Map of the National Cycle Touring Network , the northern part of the country still has a small number of identified routes.
Thus, simultaneously contributing to the growth of the network - a totally private project that has been under development since 2011 - the intention is to identify more routes in the provinces of Minho, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Beira Alta and Beira Litoral in order to achieve a better territorial distribution of tourists by bicycle, bringing them from the coastal and south areas (more saturated) and taking them to cycle through these regions strongly affected by human desertification.
This contributes so that these provinces can see their towns and cities visited by fans of long distance bicycle travels, a tourism activity increasingly practiced by Portuguese and foreigners in our country .
These 500 km should represent about 10 new sections for the network, with about 50 km each, and should be identified in the areas of Gerês and Galicia, Ponte da Barca, Chaves, Vila Real, Guarda, Aveiro and Tomar .
More information about the National Cyclie Touring Network here.
Paulo Guerra dos Santos
Conseguimos !!! We did it !!!
Conseguimos !!! Todos nós conseguimos !!! (english bellow)
Até ao final do ano a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo irá crescer em mais quilómetros de rede, mais fotografias, mais mapas e mais trilhos GPS.
Por culpa de todos vós estou cheio de energia para em breve iniciar as primeiras pedaladas rumo ao Road Book 2021, que deverá roçar os 6000 km de rotas identificadas.
E já estou a pensar no futuro próximo, em mais e melhores formas de colocar os portugueses a viajar de bicicleta por este país com tantos recantos por descobrir. E atrair também cada vez mais visitantes de outros pontos do globo.
Ah! E em breve irão receber as vossas recompensas, mais do que merecidas.
Boas pedaladas e até breve !!!
Paulo Guerra dos Santos.
P.S. Agradeço a todos vós, apoiantes deste projecto, tanto os anónimos como os que se deram a conhecer, sem esquecer ainda aqueles que fizeram donativos extra-campanha, incluindo a Fundação Vodafone. Vocês foram todos espectaculares.
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We did it !!! We all made it !!!
By the end of the year, the National Cycle Touring Network will grow in more kilometers of network, more photos, more maps and more GPS tracks.
Because of all of you, I am full of energy to soon start the first rides towards the Road Book 2021, which should cover about 6000 km of identified routes.
And I'm already thinking about the near future, more and better ways to get the Portuguese to travel by bicycle through this country with so many corners to discover. And to also attracts more and more visitors from all over the globe.
Ah! And soon you will get your rewards, more than deserved.
Good rides and see you soon !!!
Paulo Guerra dos Santos.
P.S. I thank all of you, supporters of this project, both the anonymous and those who made themselves known, including those who made extra-campaign donations, like the Vodafone Foundation. You were all amazing.
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Paulo Guerra dos Santos
Mais de 80% angariado !!! More than 80% raised !!!
Caras e caros apoiantes,
É com enorme prazer que informo que, com o vosso contributo, já ultrapassámos os 80% do financiamento necessário para a identificação de mais 500 km de rotas para a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.
Os meus maiores agradecimentos pelo privilégio de poder contar com o vosso apoio.
Peço-vos agora mais uma ajuda: faltam 10 dias para o final da campanha, por isso partilhem o mais que puderem pelos vossos contactos o link da campanha:
Juntos conseguiremos.
Até breve,
P. Guerra dos Santos
Dear supporters,
It is with great pleasure that I inform you that, with your contribution, we have already exceeded 80% of the financing necessary for the identification of another 500 km of routes for the National Cycle Touring Network.
My greatest thanks for the privilege of being able to count on your support.
I ask you now for another help: 10 days left until the end of the campaign, so please share as much as you can, through your contacts, the campaign link:
Together we will succeed.
See you soon,
P. Guerra dos Santos
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Paulo Guerra dos Santos
Obrigado caros viajantes em
Obrigado caros viajantes em bicicleta!
Alcançámos os 40% em apenas 1 semana.
Ainda mal a campanha de angariação de fundos começou e já ultrapassou os 2000€ de donativos.
Ainda falta muito até ao final de Julho, mas cada dia conta para o sucesso desta campanha.
Por isso, se possível, partilhem a campanha juntos dos vossos familiares e amigos.
Votos de boas pedaladas.
Até breve.
Paulo guerra dos Santos
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