An innovative platform for creating amazing campaigns and raising funds.

An innovative platform for creating amazing campaigns and raising funds.

ClubeSorte is an independent service and also a life style or new concept for promotions and fundraising.

  • 53


    2% of 2 000€

    5 backers

  • 13/03/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

ClubeSorte is an independent service and also a life style or new concept for promotions and fundraising.

Once upon a time there was an inventor (click here for the full story) ... who thought of a "Dynamic Tombola" (click here to try it), because from it you could provide various services and create exciting campaigns, which would be done by an independent sweepstakes platform. However, after the studies and creation of the prototype website, between 2018/19, it is only necessary to administer the system, which will be possible with the hiring of professionals specialized in programming.
Watch this 2018 video with more info WATCH VIDEO

In addition to the application in promotions and fundraising, under the Global Importance Theory the system promotes new applications, namely the concept of "network brands" (displaying the search garbage below the user's line of importance), and the concept "tagged ads" (immediately identified and credible), using the search engines but adding new utilities that will outweigh the costs as intermediary (importer> explorer> exporter).

Prospecting has found that the public wants to participate through "credible ads and potential benefits from being tired of rubbish". And companies want "show and intrinsic entertainment, but with savings" ... And we introduced the exploitation of the service by advertising companies due to "pay per visit cycle rather than per click" (protects the economy). We have joined the campaign and results researcher and where the prize claim is also made. In short, we developed the ideas to the point of exhaustion and found only indirect competition, which opens up prospects for the concept. We are thus able to launch the platform: Innovation by need, experience by effort, the market by insurance and your support by believing.

We want to help everyone create exciting campaigns. We will provide a variety of innovative services to public entities, companies, non-profit associations and private sellers (lotteries and lotteries, association raffles, company or interworker raffles, used raffles, goods and services promotion and lucky shopping - “ luck and bad luck ”for free and“ investment and luck ”promotions for raffles and lucky purchases).

Your support is our hope and that is why we have presented the sustainable minimum budget. We ask you to analyze the rewards because they are very important to both. We count on you!

About the author

Several people, close friends and new friends worked on this project. It is an extensive team of collaborators in various areas. I thank the direct participants, especially Abílio Santos, the company NavegaBem (soon I hope to pay you back what I owe), Pedro Gonçalo, Álvaro Bernardes, Fábio Duarte and Alexandra Viegas.

Miguel Meireles has a degree in electricity and switched to electronics due to an accident that caused a dislocation in his right shoulder. He is very fond of law, economics, social, religious and political sciences, graphic design and advertising. He has always dedicated himself to associativism and entrepreneurship, has several international and national creativity awards, and is the author of some Wikipedia definitions, for example “Quality” [] and “Utility in Economics”. ”[Https://]. According to him "it is necessary to promote the responsibility of economic thinking in the first phase of relative truth (2015DV>), which always implies disrupting one's ideological truth."

Budget and due dates

OBJECTIVE: TOTAL of € 2,970.00:
€ 690 - Website content consulting and development.
€ 1500 - Development and programming for the website.
€ 500 - Institutional communication (in priority and need, namely announcements and / or pamphlets and / or posters, and commemorative gifts, and other needs).
€ 280 - PPL Crowdfunding Platform Commission.

OBJECTIVE 2 - If the support value of Objective 1 is exceeded:
- Mobile application or APP and other justifiable needs, for example the acquisition of its own server, other technological equipment, etc.
- PPL Crowdfunding Platform Commission.

From 2 January to 28 March 2020 - PPL Crowdfunding campaign;
Until 15 March 2020 - Treatment of resources and rewards for this campaign.
Until April 30, 2020 - Website development, platform launch and advertising.

  • SPECIAL 2020

    Invest with
    3€ or more

    SPECIAL 2020

    Do you believe and would like to state this symbolically? 2 MEMORIAL OFFERS: The first offer is a commemorative e-card, signed by the founder of ClubeSorte and with a 2020 calendar on the back. TIPS: You can share it, reduce it size and use or print it as a picture, poster, with your photo, cover, book separator, etc. The 2nd offer is on the Founders List, your name or company name, YEAR 2020. Note: For the sake of operation the other rewards do not include this offer.

    1 backer


    Invest with
    5€ or more


    Do you want to help publicize in a supportive and rewarding way? PARTICIPATE! .. Soon after the campaign you will receive 1 BetCode, the rules and the address to play 20 instant raffles (€ 0.25 each) in the “Invite Friends” contest. The sender and recipient will receive 2 prizes in case of success (vouchers) € 85 and € 25 respectively, to spend at sponsor stores.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • « FAMOUS » Support with 15 € and earn 22.50 €?

    Invest with
    6€ or more

    « FAMOUS » Support with 15 € and earn 22.50 €?

    PageUp is a giveaway famous for its design, quality and usefulness, it puts sheets up to pass text on your computer or leave messages. ACTION: Take advantage of this discount to get PageUp on your desk or in your favorite furniture and color. You will receive a voucher of 22,50 € to spend in our “Gift Shop” (PVP 7,90 €).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!


    Invest with
    10€ or more


    PARTICIPATE! .. After the campaign you will receive 6 flyers, one for you and others to distribute to friends. Then on the ClubeSorte website you indicate the BetCode marked on the leaflets and play 20 instant raffles on the "Lucky Key" (0.50 € each raffle - probability appropriate to the number of BetCodes distributed). You can win vouchers up to a maximum of 450.00 € and choose where to spend them through the sponsor list (health, sound and image, decoration, car, household appliances, etc.).

    4 backers


    Invest with
    100€ or more


    Motivate your employees by offering PageUp (SPECIAL DISCOUNT). ACTION: For every 100 € you will receive a voucher of 150,00 € (+ 50 €) right after the campaign, to order PageUp in our "Gift Shop" (with / without ClubeSorte logo - PVP 7,90 €).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Full Website Offer

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Full Website Offer

    Need a website or renew the current one? Attention, this offer is limited to 9 supports. ACTION: Support with 200 € and after the campaign you receive the voucher of 300 € (+ 100 €) to send to WebDesigners sponsors (does not include programming but you can negotiate and keep the offer as a discount, equivalent to 20 hours of practical service). After 9 supports the valley goes down to 200 € for 3 more possible supports.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 14:02


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 11/02/2020 - 15:27

Temos mais um apoio, de

Temos mais um apoio, de Salvaterra de Magos, é de José Silva. Este apoiante já apoiou 21 campanhas, é incrível o seu exemplo. Fique atento ao website: https://www.clubesort...

Read more

Tue, 11/02/2020 - 14:37

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Thu, 16/01/2020 - 11:58


A angariação de apoios na rua, por email, Facebook e através da Loja dos Brindes, devia começar esta semana mas está atrasada por duas razões, a primeira porque as partilhas atr...

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Thu, 16/01/2020 - 11:52


Caros amigos, estamos quase nas 200 partilhas, era a primeira meta a atingir que o PPL Crowdfunding nos pede. OBRIGADO A TODOS?

Read more

Tue, 14/01/2020 - 10:38

Porque estamos sempre a mudar?

Durante a campanha podemos alterar o título e o resumo devido às sugestões dos visitantes, assim podemos entrar melhor na ideia de cada um, pois cada um tem o seu tipo de entend...

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Sun, 12/01/2020 - 11:54


Agradecendo a vossa colaboração na correcção de erros e na optimização das recompensas da minha campanha, venho informar que na Segunda-feira, dia 13/01/2020, começa então a cam...

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Sat, 11/01/2020 - 00:13

2º Apoio

Obrigado prima, eu sei que acreditas!

Read more

Tue, 07/01/2020 - 17:20

O quê? O nosso orçamento baixou?

Sim... conseguimos fazer novos acordos e no conjunto reduzimos o custo para 2.000,00€. Agora será muito mais fácil lançarmos a nossa plataforma com os vossos apoios.

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Mon, 06/01/2020 - 18:15

1º Apoio

Obrigado pelo seu apoio este é o primeiro e por isso vai ter outra recompensa surpresa.

Read more

Thu, 02/01/2020 - 17:21

Sobre a 2ª Oferta da RECOMENPSA 1

A 1ª oferta da recompensa nº 1 é para todos os apoios de 3€, e a 2ª oferta é em conjunto com qualquer dos outros apoios. Pedimos desculpa pelo erro.

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Mon, 30/12/2019 - 16:10


Agradecendo a todos os seguidores e apoiantes, devo informar que podem colocar as vossas dúvidas e até enviar a correcção de qualquer erro.

Read more

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Miguel Meireles

    Temos mais um apoio, de

    Temos mais um apoio, de Salvaterra de Magos, é de José Silva.
    Este apoiante já apoiou 21 campanhas, é incrível o seu exemplo.

    Fique atento ao website:
    e vá experimentando os jogos em:

    Agradecemos o seu apoio e desejamos-lhe felicidades.

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Miguel Meireles


    A angariação de apoios na rua, por email, Facebook e através da Loja dos Brindes, devia começar esta semana mas está atrasada por duas razões, a primeira porque as partilhas atrasaram-se um pouco, pois a meta era atingir as 200 partilhas antes das acções, e depois por falta das amostras e das pré-series para os apoios.

    Provavelmente teremos de realizar apoios por catálogo o que nos prejudica porque será o dobro do trabalho mostrar e depois voltar para entregar. Mas uma coisa é certa, na próxima Segunda-feira já teremos tudo isso resolvido.

    Obrigado pela atenção.

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  • Miguel Meireles


    Caros amigos, estamos quase nas 200 partilhas, era a primeira meta a atingir que o PPL Crowdfunding nos pede. OBRIGADO A TODOS?

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Miguel Meireles

    Porque estamos sempre a mudar?

    Durante a campanha podemos alterar o título e o resumo devido às sugestões dos visitantes, assim podemos entrar melhor na ideia de cada um, pois cada um tem o seu tipo de entendimento. Ao fazer alterações pertinentes no texto tornamos a nossa candidatura mais criativa e por isso atractiva.

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  • Miguel Meireles


    Agradecendo a vossa colaboração na correcção de erros e na optimização das recompensas da minha campanha, venho informar que na Segunda-feira, dia 13/01/2020, começa então a campanha de forma efectiva, sem mais demoras ou alterações. está atento ao teu email e facebook, porque pode haver boas surpresas.



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  • Miguel Meireles

    2º Apoio

    Obrigado prima, eu sei que acreditas!

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  • Miguel Meireles

    O quê? O nosso orçamento baixou?

    Sim... conseguimos fazer novos acordos e no conjunto reduzimos o custo para 2.000,00€. Agora será muito mais fácil lançarmos a nossa plataforma com os vossos apoios.

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  • Miguel Meireles

    1º Apoio

    Obrigado pelo seu apoio este é o primeiro e por isso vai ter outra recompensa surpresa.

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  • Miguel Meireles

    Sobre a 2ª Oferta da RECOMENPSA 1

    A 1ª oferta da recompensa nº 1 é para todos os apoios de 3€, e a 2ª oferta é em conjunto com qualquer dos outros apoios. Pedimos desculpa pelo erro.

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Miguel Meireles


    Agradecendo a todos os seguidores e apoiantes, devo informar que podem colocar as vossas dúvidas e até enviar a correcção de qualquer erro.

    Log in or register to post comments

5 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 2
    new backers

  • 3
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true