Project - umbigo theater company
PPL Causas

Project - umbigo theater company

After more than a year without being able to work, its time to get back on our feet. For this we need your help to, in a few months, rebuild what had taken 12 years to build and...

  • 2605


    86% of 3 000€

    133 backers

  • 06/08/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

After more than a year without being able to work, its time to get back on our feet. For this we need your help to, in a few months, rebuild what had taken 12 years to build and continue to follow our mission.

As is well known, these were and are difficult times for Culture, and especially for small companies and Cultural Associations that do not enjoy any support from the State.

Fixed costs were maintained throughout this year, but revenues were very close to zero. In addition to the shows that we had on stage and ready to move forward and resume their work, they lost their casts due to the withdrawal of our actors, who, due to lack of work, gave up on our projects and in some cases even on the profession. trying to get up almost from the bottom of the well. We have the commitment, the talent, the will to work, but we lack the minimum in terms of funding to move forward.

In that sense we are asking for help, yes, asking for help. Never in life did we think we needed it, but it's the reality we have. Umbigo - theater company, after almost 12 years of existence, without ever needing any financial support, sees itself, for the first time, needing to ask for donations.

Mário ou eu próprio-o-outro (2017)

The amount eventually donated will be allocated to the costs of re-staging and re-staging the shows that we already had on stage and that we need to replace for the new academic year, "The girl who hated books" and "A drop in the ocean" and for the production of a new shows for the general public.

As itinerant company that we are, and so that we can continue to take our work throughout the country, as we have always done in our nearly 12 years of existence, we also need to acquire a means of transport for teams and scenarios, it is also for this purpose that your donations are destined, because without revenue it was not possible to keep what we had.

We know that these are difficult times for many, so we ask for support from those who can, knowing that no support is too small (nor too big), and what for some may seem small, for others, especially if replicated by different people and entities, can make all the difference.

All we want is to get back to work with conditions to guarantee the quality as always.

Join our Umbilical Cord, with a help to this campaign!

Dizendo e cantando Ary dos Santos (2012)

About the author

Hi, I'm Ricardo Barceló, one of the founders and Artistic Director of umbigo - theater company.

I've been working in theater for 12 years where I've been working mostly in the projects and direction of the navel theater company, but not only that, I directed works like "QUADROS VIVOS DE CARAVAGGIO" and wrote the text that gave rise to the show by Seiva Trupe in Porto " PEOPLE", staged by Bruno Schiappa.

As a director of the navel - theater company I learned to make omelets only with eggs, inventing stoves and pans, butter and salt. It's to keep inventing these things that this campaign is for.

These have been difficult times for everyone, but not all of us suffer in the same way, not all areas, not everyone within every area. The navel is a small structure, so with a little help from you, I'm sure we'll come back stronger than ever. How do I know this? Because I've been living for this project for 12 years, putting it ahead of my personal career, and sometimes even ahead of other factors in my life.

Right now we need help, as we never needed in these almost 12 years of existence. But I'm sure we'll be able to put the most successful shows back on their feet as a lever to continue the intense and continuous rhythm of cultural production that has always characterized us.

Right now we need help because we were left with no means of transport to the sets and teams, in this purpose that we always had and fulfill (and thus we want to continue) of taking theater throughout the country, from the Algarve to Minho and Trás-os-Montes .

We can guarantee to do this with as little as we ask because we have always known how to do a lot with little, this has always been our policy and we do not intend to change it. That's why we ask for your trust through a help, a donation, so that we can continue our mission of training audiences in children's theater, in street theater entertainment and with a medieval nature, and in the dissemination of the best that our culture. it has, with shows by José Régio, about Ary dos Santos or with stories by Sérgio Godinho,

And all this always with the mission of conveying a message that can be important for those who see us as the fight against drugs in the show "A lua de Joana" based on the book by Maria Teresa Maia Gonzalez, on the promotion of Reading as in " The girl who hated books" or in the dissemination of children's rights as in "Criançópolis.

For all this , join our Umbilical Cord, with a help to this campaign!

MEDOS (2015)

Budget and due dates

The donations, along with some sponsorships that we are negotiating and some funds that we still have, will allow:

Still in June we will start building a show for the general public based on a text by a great Portuguese author, we will not divulge it further because the secret is the soul of the "business" (yes, in the theater too), but soon there will be news.

Estimated cost: €1000

Starting in September, rebuild the show "The girl who hated books", which needs to be re-enacted as it has no cast, this being the need to make new costumes or adapt them to new actors, redo or arrange props and arrangements on the set, so that it is ready from the beginning of October.

estimated cost: €350

Starting in October, build the show for Christmas "The day when there was almost no Christmas"

Estimated cost €1000

In January we are going to rebuild and remake the show "A drop in the ocean".

estimated cost: €350

Finally, we intend to acquire a transport van for the sets and casts as soon as possible, ideally in October, but it will depend on whether or not we have the funds for that already at that time.

Estimated cost: €3300


  • Donor

    Invest with
    5€ or more


    At the end of the campaign, an acknowledgment video will be released where the names of all donors to this campaign will be written in isolation. This video will be sent to all Donors

    57 backers

  • VIP donor

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    VIP donor

    At the end of the campaign, a thank you video will be released which will contain in writing and orally the names of all VIP donors of this campaign. This video will be sent to all VIP Donors

    48 backers

  • Supporters

    Invest with
    30€ or more


    At the end of the campaign, a thank you video will be released where the names of all Supporters will appear in an isolated "Slide". This video will be sent to all supporters.

    15 backers

  • VIP supporters

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    VIP supporters

    At the end of the campaign, an acknowledgment video will be released, which will contain an isolated "slide" with the name and photo of each of the VIP Supporters (whether they are individuals or organizations). This video will be sent to all supporters.

    8 backers

  • Sponsor

    Invest with
    100€ or more


    A personal thank you video will be made and posted on the company's social networks. This video is personalized and each video is addressed only to one sponsor, and if he wishes, he can send a photo or a video justifying the support to be included in the video. The video will also be sent to sponsors. Sponsors will also be mentioned in the video of the previous levels.

    5 backers

  • VIP sponsor

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    VIP sponsor

    The VIP sponsors, in addition to the individual thank you video dedicated to each sponsor, will also appear in all the disclosure of the company's shows as its VIP sponsors until the end of 2023, in the "supports" section. Sponsors in this tier will also have the rewards of previous tiers.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Patron

    Invest with
    500€ or more


    The patrons of the umbigo - theater company, in addition to all the rewards from the previous levels, will also be mentioned in the thanks given out loud before the start of each session of all the performances of the umbigo theater company until 2023.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 19/09/2024 - 08:04

Mon, 09/08/2021 - 10:00

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 06/08/2021 - 18:38

Obrigado! Muito obrigado!

Sem mais nada. Obrigado pela vossa generosidade. Tentarei dar uma palavrinha a todos os que, sem qualquer outro móbil que não ajudar-nos, contribuíram para esta campanha. O que...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 05/08/2021 - 16:27


A campanha acaba amanhã às 18h e quero agradece-vos pela vossa enorme generosidade. Faltam pouco mais de 24h, mas falta ainda bastante para atingirmos o objectivo, se puderem f...

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Fri, 23/07/2021 - 14:32

Estamos tão perto!

Estamos tão perto! Faltam apenas duas semana para terminar esta campanha. Obrigado a todos vós que nos ajudaram! Infelizmente ainda estamos um pouco longe do nosso objectivo,...

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Thu, 24/06/2021 - 20:29

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Thu, 24/06/2021 - 14:59

Agradecimentos e recomendação

Muito obrigado! Com a Vossa ajuda atingimos 50% do nosso caminho rumo ao objectivo final?❗ Começa agora a fase mais difícil, os contactos directos já apoiaram e é necessário ...

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Wed, 16/06/2021 - 20:31

Agradecimento campanha - vamos ajudar a umbigo

A Vossa ajuda está a ser fantástica, devido a vocês os resultados da campanha estão a ser muito bons e não há palavras para vos agradecer como gostaríamos. Mas ainda estamos l...

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Mon, 14/06/2021 - 10:36

Vamos fazer um forcing

Antes de mais, obrigado a todos pela vossa ajuda! A verdade é que preciso vos pedir mais, agora preciso vos pedir apoio na divulgação da campanha, podem fazê-lo através de part...

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Fri, 11/06/2021 - 15:17

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 08/06/2021 - 21:31

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Ricardo Barceló

    Obrigado! Muito obrigado!

    Sem mais nada. Obrigado pela vossa generosidade.
    Tentarei dar uma palavrinha a todos os que, sem qualquer outro móbil que não ajudar-nos, contribuíram para esta campanha. O que posso dizer é que transformaremos este valor em trabalho, arte e condições de trabalho.
    A minha gratidão é enorme e chego ao fim desta campanha de coração cheio e muito, muito emocionado.
    Ricardo Barceló

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  • Ricardo Barceló


    A campanha acaba amanhã às 18h e quero agradece-vos pela vossa enorme generosidade.
    Faltam pouco mais de 24h, mas falta ainda bastante para atingirmos o objectivo, se puderem fazer um reforço ou se tiverem aí ao vosso lado alguem que possam convencer rapidamente... Duplico e triplico o meu agradecimento.
    Vamos lá tentar chegar à meta com o objectivo cumprido.
    Obrigado a todos

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  • Ricardo Barceló

    Estamos tão perto!

    Estamos tão perto! Faltam apenas duas semana para terminar esta campanha. Obrigado a todos vós que nos ajudaram!
    Infelizmente ainda estamos um pouco longe do nosso objectivo, na verdade estamos a pouco mais de dois terços do objectivo, o que significa que temos duas semanas para angariar o que falta!
    Mais uma vez temos que vos pedir ajuda. A divulgação é essencial e se cada um de vocês que já nos apoiou conseguir que um amigo nos apoie com 5€, já ficamos com mais de metade do que nos falta.
    Para isso, deixamos abaixo uma imagem que podem usar em conjunto com o link , e publicar no Facebook, linkedin e instagram, se o fizerem, estou certo que os números vão subir e que lá chegaremos.
    Para acabar, se quiserem reforço o vosso donativo, será também uma enorme ajuda. Talvez esteja a abusar, desculpem, mas estamos tão perto do fim da campanha que seria uma pena morrermos na praia, nós e vocês que nos ajudaram desta forma maravilhosa.
    Mais uma vez obrigado,
    Ricardo Barceló

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  • Ricardo Barceló

    Agradecimentos e recomendação

    Muito obrigado!
    Com a Vossa ajuda atingimos 50% do nosso caminho rumo ao objectivo final?❗ Começa agora a fase mais difícil, os contactos directos já apoiaram e é necessário passar a uma rede mais alargada. ?‍?‍??‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍??‍?Mais uma vez a vossa ajuda será essencial!
    Se puderem, partilhem a campanha com os vossos contactos de Facebook e whatsapp (o whatsapp é mais eficaz, mas o ideal é ambos), acompanhem o link com um pequeno texto em que expliquem porque apoiaram, porque é que confiaram em nós. Para quem não tem tempo para isso, deixo uma proposta para terem a papinha toda feita?

    Olá, a umbigo - companhia de teatro está a fazer um crowdfuding com o objectivo de se reerguer após esta fase de quase uma ano e meio sem trabalho e sem rendimentos. Não têm ou tiveram qualquer apoio do estado, perderam elencos e precisam de um empurrão para regressar ao activo.
    Eu já apoiei, pois acredito no trabalho desta companhia e em quem a dirige. Agora passo palavra e convido-te a apoiar também, para que eles possam retomar o seu trabalho que se tem pautado pela formação de públicos com o teatro escolar e na aposta em textos de autores portugueses. Somos todos necessários e esta foi a forma que escolhi de dar o meu apoio à cultura porque sei que cada euro que eles conseguirem será bem usado e lhes é extremamente necessário.
    Deixo-vos o link onde podem ajudar e ter toda a informação
    Se tiverem mais dúvidas podem sempre contactar: ou

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  • Ricardo Barceló

    Agradecimento campanha - vamos ajudar a umbigo

    A Vossa ajuda está a ser fantástica, devido a vocês os resultados da campanha estão a ser muito bons e não há palavras para vos agradecer como gostaríamos.
    Mas ainda estamos longe do objectivo, ainda temos muito caminho pela frente e não podemos baixar os braços.
    Por isso peço - vos mais uma coisa, que, a partir da página da campanha, partilhem nas vossas redes sociais, e depois, depois é só escreverem uma palavras vossas para que os vossos contactos também possam confiar em nós, tal como vocês fizeram.
    Muito obrigado.
    Ricardo Barceló
    (umbigo-companhia de teatro)

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  • Ricardo Barceló

    Vamos fazer um forcing

    Antes de mais, obrigado a todos pela vossa ajuda!
    A verdade é que preciso vos pedir mais, agora preciso vos pedir apoio na divulgação da campanha, podem fazê-lo através de partilha da minha página de Facebook ou da página de Facebook da umbigo ou directamente na página da campanha, mesmo onde diz "partilhar". Depois têm opções de usar mail, whatsapp, Facebook, tweeter, etc...
    Obrigado mais uma vez,
    Contamos convosco!

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133 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 87
    new backers

  • 46
    recurrent backers

  • 22
    anonymous backers

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