Luquembo's children need decent health care, and Mr. Pascoal's training is the solution! Make your contribution so that together we can pay for this inspiring Angolan's nursing course!
Mr. Pascoal, a determined Angolan, is a prominent figure in the village of Luquembo, in the province of Malanje. He is a man with crucial responsibilities for the local community, as he manages the agricultural cooperative of Luquembo, an organization that plays a vital role in the livelihood of the population, as the rice produced is not only the main source of income for the population, but also a essential resourse for everyone's nutrition.
In addition to his dedication to the cooperative, Mr. Pascoal also works as head nurse at the local health unit. Once again, an activity of extreme importance for the community, as it provides care and medical treatment to those who need it most, including countless children in situations of extreme poverty. However, there is a challenge that needs to be overcome.
Despite his experience and skills when it comes to healthcare, Mr. Pascoal does not have a formal nursing degree. However, he recognizes the importance of adequate professional training, which would improve his knowledge and skills, and which would allow him to provide even better assistance to his community. That's how he decided to turn to Bonsae, a rice producer in the region and the Luquembo cooperative's biggest customer, to help him set up a crowdfunding campaign, with the aim of raising money to pay for the nursing course.
Mr. Pascoal's determination to pursue this training opportunity is admirable, and an inspiring example of someone who, even facing personal challenges, continually seeks ways to serve his community and break perpetual cycles of poverty. Her dedication to the cooperative and the health unit is remarkable, and the opportunity to take a nursing course will only strengthen her ability to make a difference.
Each contribution, no matter how small, represents a step towards realizing this dream.
In this sense, let's unite to support Mr. Pascoal's crowdfunding campaign, sharing his story, and contributing as much as possible so that he can acquire the necessary resources to take the nursing course, because by doing so, we will be helping strengthen the well-being of the Luquembo community and Mr. Pascoal's ability to be an agent of positive change.
Antónia Oliveira
Primeiro ano completado!
É com muito gosto de damos a conhecer que o primeiro ano de estudos do Pascoal está concluído com sucesso.
O Pascoal veio ter connosco para mostrar as notas que obteve, os comprovativos da universidade e gravar uma mensagem de agradecimento a todos aqueles que o apoiaram nesta iniciativa.
Podem aceder ao video no seguinte link:
A equipa Bonsae
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Antónia Oliveira
Sabemos que ninguém vence sozinho, e seremos sempre gratos a todos que ajudaram a realizar o sonho do Sr. Pascoal. A todos os doadores, preparamos um lindo presente que já está a caminho. Estamos ansiosos para expressar nossa gratidão e compartilhar essa conquista juntos! 🌟🎁
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Antónia Oliveira
Excelente noticias!!!
Alcançamos ontem à tarde o grande objetivo, ter fundos para conseguir pagar o curso de enfermagem do Sr. Pascoal e todos os custos relacionados.
Queremos agradecer do fundo do coração pela ajuda prestada, cada um de vós deu o que podia, e como se costuma de dizer, "Quem dá o que tem, a mais não é obrigado".
Muito muito muito obrigado, toda a ajuda foi preciosa para alcançar este grande objetivo.
Quanto às recompensas, agora que terminou a campanha, vamos tratar disso.
O Sr. Pascoal está, a sua maneira, muito sensibilizado, apesar de não perceber bem todo este processo das doações.
Mais uma vez, do fundo do coração, OBRIGADO!!!!
(link abaixo tem o vídeo de agradecimento do Sr. Pascoal, pedimos desculpa pelo audio mas fizemos o melhor)
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