Help your newspaper O SETUBALENSE keep publishing
PPL Causas

Help your newspaper O SETUBALENSE keep publishing

SETUBALENSE, the only daily paper newspaper in the district of Setúbal, continues to be published every working day, as always, and has strongly reinforced its editorial activit...

  • 2 131


    71% of 15 000€

    108 backers

  • 02/06/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

SETUBALENSE, the only daily paper newspaper in the district of Setúbal, continues to be published every working day, as always, and has strongly reinforced its editorial activit...

SETUBALENSE, the only daily paper newspaper in the district of Setúbal, continues to be published every working day, as always, and has strongly reinforced its editorial activity in digital media, but the continuation of this dynamic, and even regular publication, is at risk due to the lack of advertising revenue resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regular publication of the newspaper has a monthly cost of more than 40 thousand euros and, in the current situation, we will not be able to bear this charge for much longer.

In order for us to maintain the publication and ensure the dynamics of digital production, we ask you to make your donation.

What we want is to obtain a minimum fund of 15 thousand euros per month, for two months, to ensure at least these two months of publication. With this amount, although far from total costs, SETUBALENSE will be able to guarantee that it will not fail to print the paper edition daily and to give you serious, honest and quality information from all 13 counties in our region.

With 164 years of history in favor of Setúbal and the region, your newspaper would like to be able to continue fulfilling its mission in this very unique period. Since the pandemic was declared, many newspapers have suspended its publication, but SETUBALENSE has resisted and continues to struggle, with the sacrifice of all employees. We believe that with your help we can keep publishing and continue this mission.

We intend to give a public note of the most relevant contributions addressed to us (unless we are asked to maintain confidentiality).

Help your newspaper and contribute to an informed and more united region.

Together and informed we will overcome this.

About the author

SETUBALENSE, founded on July 1, 1855, has 164 years of history, being the oldest newspaper in mainland Portugal. Edited by Primeira Hora - Editora e Comunicação Lda, the title is published every working day and covers the district of Setúbal. It is for sale in all 13 municipalities in the district, namely in the nine municipalities of the Setúbal Peninsula, Alcochete, Almada, Barreiro, Palmela, Moita, Montijo, Seixal, Setúbal and Sesimbra, and in the municipalities of the Alentejo Coast, Alcácer do sal, Grândola , Santiago do Cacém, sines and Odemira.

Budget and due dates

Regular publication of the newspaper has an average monthly cost of 40 thousand euros.

We ask for funds to ensure publication for two months from the launch of the campaign:

15,000 thousand euros for the first 30 days

15,000 thousand euros for seconds 30 days

This two-month period is what we consider necessary to overcome the current situation of revenue shortages resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Two months of guaranteed publication

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Two months of guaranteed publication

    Ensure publication for two months. With the success of this campaign, the newspaper guarantees publication (except when there is an interruption in the supply of paper or other force majeure)

    92 backers

  • Receive PDF for one year

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Receive PDF for one year

    Receive the PDF (daily paper edition in digital format) for 1 year

    5 backers

  • Receive PDF for two years

    Invest with
    500€ or more

    Receive PDF for two years

    Receive the PDF (daily paper edition in digital format) for two years

    1 backer

  • Public recognition

    Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Public recognition

    The newspaper will enter your name, or that of your company, in the space dedicated to the campaign, on paper and digital media.

    2 backers

  • Outstanding public recognition

    Invest with
    2500€ or more

    Outstanding public recognition

    The newspaper will inscribe your name, or that of your company, in the space dedicated to the campaign, on paper and digital media and will report, most prominently, the donation. Includes interview if you are interested in sharing the reasons that led you to help

    1 backer

  • Public and historical recognition

    Invest with
    5000€ or more

    Public and historical recognition

    The newspaper will inscribe your name, or that of your company, in the space dedicated to the campaign, on paper and digital media and will report, most prominently, the donation. Includes interview if you are interested in sharing the reasons that led you to help. The name will also be inscribed on a sign referring to the newspaper's museological center (where the newspaper's centennial archive is located, which is visited by researchers, students and schools)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Wed, 26/03/2025 - 23:42

Thu, 04/06/2020 - 11:50

Estimado apoiante,

Estimado apoiante, Chegados ao final da campanha, quero partilhar convosco os resultados da campanha. Como já informámos publicamente na edição de ontem do jornal - onde pu...

Read more

Wed, 03/06/2020 - 15:30

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 15/05/2020 - 18:38

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 24/04/2020 - 15:52

Ponto situação da campanha do jornal O SETUBALENSE

Estimado apoiante, Queria partilhar consigo que já angariámos 5.437 € para a nossa campanha através da plataforma de crowdfunding! Ainda temos um bom prazo, mas nos último...

Read more

Mon, 06/04/2020 - 11:43

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • O Setubalense

    Estimado apoiante,

    Estimado apoiante,

    Chegados ao final da campanha, quero partilhar convosco os resultados da campanha.
    Como já informámos publicamente na edição de ontem do jornal - onde publicámos também a lista completa de apoiantes -, o valor total angariado ficou próximo do objectivo que tínhamos fixado.
    Entre os donativos na plataforma PPL e as ajudas que chegaram directamente ao jornal, sobretudo de empresas e na forma de aquisição de publicidade, foi possível juntar um total de 25.239 euros (contabilizando mais dois donativos que nos chegaram ontem e hoje, já depois do fim do prazo).
    Este montante ficou aquém dos 30 mil euros do objectivo, mas não deixa de ser um feito muito importante que não teríamos conseguido sem a sua ajuda.
    Se tivermos em conta que a média de campanhas deste género fica-se pelos três mil euros. temos uma melhor noção de que o resultado que atingimos é muito bom. E é importante, sobretudo, pela utilidade para a manutenção da publicação diária d'O SETUBALENSE. Esse é o grande objectivo e está agora, fruto deste resultado, em melhores condições de ser atingido.

    Assim, resta-me agradecer, em nome do jornal, dos funcionários e colaboradores, o seu apoio. É também um estimulo que reforça o nosso compromisso com a missão de informar

    Muito obrigado

    Francisco Alves Rito

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  • Rui Pedro Ribeiro

    Partilha ,
    podem partilhar pf?

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  • O Setubalense

    Ponto situação da campanha do jornal O SETUBALENSE

    Estimado apoiante,

    Queria partilhar consigo que já angariámos 5.437 € para a nossa campanha através da plataforma de crowdfunding!

    Ainda temos um bom prazo, mas nos últimos dias a angariação quase estagnou e, como creio que sabe, se não chegarmos ao objectivo de 15.000 €, além de ficar em causa o que pretendíamos – assegurar a publicação regular durante dois meses – todo o dinheiro doado como não incondicional é devolvido aos apoiantes.

    O valor reunido até agora na plataforma é pouco mais de um terço do objectivo.

    Seria um sonho realizado conseguirmos atingir o valor final. Podemos contar com mais um esforço da sua parte?

    O seu apoio vai fazer novamente uma enorme diferença, mesmo que seja um valor mais pequeno!

    Se não tiver disponibilidade para contribuir novamente, será que pode partilhar a campanha com os seus amigos e contactos? Já era uma nova grande ajuda!

    Se quiser saber mais sobre os resultados da campanha ou da situação do jornal, é só dizer.

    Muito obrigado,

    Francisco Alves Rito

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108 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 88
    new backers

  • 20
    recurrent backers

  • 24
    anonymous backers

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