The Casa dos Direitos, in Guinea-Bissau, intends to organize the 3rd edition of the Book Fair, making books available on Human Rights and Development, as well as African and international literature.
Following the success of the previous editions of the Book Fair at Casa dos Direitos, we intend to organize the 4th edition in December of this year, offering books mainly in the areas of Human Rights and Development, as well as classics of African and international literature. This will require a means of strengthening the quantity and diversity of books available and ensuring that they are transported to Guinea-Bissau.
We have thus used this crowdfunding campaign to raise funds until 25 October. See the video we made for the first edition of the House of Rights in 2014!
The Book Fair will integrate the Quinzena dos Direitos, a reflection and discussion initiative on Human Rights in Guinea-Bissau, held by Casa dos Direitos in the first two weeks of December 2018.

Feira do Livro de Bissau na Casa dos Direitos em 2016
About the author
Casa dos Direitos is much more than a physical meeting place between Civil Society Organizations. It is also an initiative to promote dialogue between organizations and to strengthen networking in Guinea-Bissau.
For the first steps, in 2011, this project had a broad partnership involving Guinean civil society organizations and also Portuguese and an international organization. In Portugal the coordinating organization of the consortium has been ACEP, while in Guinea Bissau it is the LGDH - Guinean League of Human Rights.
The current consortium of Casa has the following organizations:
ACEP – Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos [Portugal]
LGDH – Liga Guineense dos Direitos Humanos [Guiné-Bissau]
AD – Acção para o Desenvolvimento [Guiné-Bissau]
AMIC – Associação dos Amigos da Criança [Guiné-Bissau]
NEP/CES – Núcleo de Estudos para a Paz / Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra [Portugal]
CIDAC – Centro de Intervenção para o Desenvolvimento Amílcar Cabral [Portugal]
RA – Rede Ajuda, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento [Guiné-Bissau]
RENAJ – Rede Nacional de Associações Juvenis [Guiné-Bissau]
RENARC – Rede Nacional de Rádios Comunitárias [Guiné-Bissau]
RENLUV – Rede Nacional de Luta contra a Violência baseada no Género e Criança [Guiné-Bissau]
Senim Mira Nassequê [Guiné-Bissau]
Tiniguena – Esta Terra é Nossa! [Guiné-Bissau]
ACEP - Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos
A ACEP - Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos, agradece a todos os que apoiaram esta campanha e que contribuíram para que a Feira do Livro e a Quinzena dos Direitos na Guiné-Bissau 2018 seja um sucesso. Muito obrigado a todos!
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