This is a situation that could be next to the house of any one of us... A house full of garbage... a nauseating smell, full of animal waste everywhere... a scenario that no photo or video is able to portray.
𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐦:
This house is owned by 2 sisters (one aged 78 and the other aged 82)
The house got to this point because the ladies are very reserved people, they have always lived by themselves and don't talk about their lives, and they started to lose abilities typical of their age and body structure and they were ashamed to ask for help.
In December, one of the ladies was hospitalized and the other was left alone.
A few days later, this other lady fell and couldn't get up.
They immediately called INEM and found that the lady was lying on the floor. She was taken to the hospital.
The Municipal Kennel was activated and apparently they removed the animals from inside the house, as well as the bodies that had already died, in the presence of the firefighters and as soon as the firefighters turned their backs, they released the animals in the courtyard. 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀: These animals are used to being indoors so they would hardly survive on the street... one of them was soon run over by the subway.
Despite the filth that this house was, these ladies took care of the animals. They were sterilized and some even had mouth treatments (extraction of teeth). The feed that was seen inside the house was of good quality, it was just spoiled at this point.
These ladies are already flagged by social security as they cannot return to that house. One of them has already been discharged from the hospital and has gone to a temporary shelter.
We cleaned up part of that rubbish outside the house so that we could set traps to capture the missing animals. Many may think that we didn't have to do it (and we didn't) but despite everything our heart still thinks of the other... We take out garbage that no one can imagine... bags and bags accumulated... full of larvae... a smell indescribable... The human being when he loses his abilities is scary...
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝟏𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐬
All animals are sick. Very sick: severe dehydration, anemia, hyper parasites (some had ticks the size of a 1 cent coin!!) apathetic and respiratory infection. They were all hospitalized, underwent tests and are still undergoing treatment.
Vânia Dias
Aqui está a prova!!
Temos apenas 1 dia! Estamos muitíssimo longe do objectivo!
Temos 2.800€ para pagar na clínica de pedras rubras... A conta não pára de aumentar... 😭 ainda ontem recolhemos mais bebes abandonados...
Só com a vossa ajuda conseguimos fazer tudo o que temos feito pelos animais em risco...
Será que nos podem ajudar nem que seja partilhando? 🙏🤍
Podem confirmar a veracidade junto da clínica!
Vejam aqui 👇
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