ANIMAL's 2021 fundraising campaign. We want to pay the Hospital debts corresponding to the second half of 2021, as well as ensure some other NGO expenses.
ANIMAL's 2021 fundraising campaign. We want to pay the Hospital debts corresponding to the second half of 2021, as well as ensure some NGO other expenses.
For a couple of years, we have been posting one these raises per year. ANIMAL, like any non-profit NGO, survives on membership fees and some sporadic donations. If the situation was already difficult before the pandemic, it got much worse, as several members people stopped being so, for reasons of cost containment, and donations decreased considerably.
ANIMAL was a pioneer in Portugal as a campaigns NGO, in a professional way, in all areas of animal protection, never neglecting the study, training and updating. We work in all areas of animal protection, always bearing in mind the responsibility and importance of the service to those who cannot represent themselves.
As mentioned in previous fundraisers, ANIMAL's work is public knowledge. By doing a quick search, you can easily find some of the work we've been doing over the past 27 years. We continue with many projects, but we also continue with the same self-sustainability difficulties.
We also remember that the functioning of any NGO requires daily and monthly means to be able to have a minimum of quality. ANIMAL does not have and has never had any State support, in order to maintain its independence. We rely on the associates, donations and some sporadic projects that we do with other NGOs.
About the author
ANIMAL is a non-governmental and non-profit organization founded in December 1994. ANIMAL develops education and public information campaigns about animals, their characteristics, needs, interests and fundamental rights. In addition to these educational activities, ANIMAL also organizes protests and awareness events, special investigations and public complaints, public relations work and legal cases. ANIMAL has a strong element of political work, being a major force in contact with authorities and policy makers, in order to promote the advancement of respect for the rights of animals and their legislative protection.
Although in the first years, ANIMAL had centered its activity essentially in the northern region of the country, it became an organization with a national scope and also an international scope of action.
ANIMAL is the Portuguese member of Cruelty-Free Europe , Cruelty Free Europe, Fur Free Alliance , Aquatic Animal Alliance, International Anti-Fur Coalition , Plataforma La Tortura no Es Cultura , Open Wing Alliance , and is founding member and part of the coordination of the International Anti-Bullfighting Network , among other collaborations. Although founded in Portugal, ANIMAL is increasingly an international NGO. Not being its first vocation (nor being in an open regime for safety reasons), ANIMAL also provides – in a sanctuary regime – support to individual animals, animals with chronic health problems and/or old age.
Budget and due dates
For a couple of years, we have been raising 1 of these fundraisers per year. ANIMAL, like any non-profit NGO, survives on membership dues and some sporadic donations. If the situation was already difficult before the pandemic, it has become much worse, as several associated people stopped being so, for reasons of cost containment, and donations decreased considerably.
ANIMAL was a pioneer in Portugal to carry out campaign work, in a professional way, in all areas of animal protection, never neglecting the study, training and updating. We work in all areas of animal protection, always bearing in mind the responsibility and importance of the service to those who cannot represent themselves.
As mentioned in previous fundraisers, ANIMAL's work is public knowledge. By doing a quick search, you can easily find some of the work we've been doing over the past 27 years. We continue with many projects, but we also continue with the same self-sustainability difficulties.
We also remember that the functioning of any NGO requires daily and monthly means to be able to have a minimum of quality. ANIMAL does not have and has never had any State support, in order to maintain its independence. We rely on the associates, donations and some sporadic projects that we do with other NGOs.
- Fees for the Platform: €691.88
- Debt at the Veterinary Hospital: €3041.73
- Feeding and supplementation of animals for 2 months: €526.17
- Pharmacy + Prophylaxis for 2 months: €205.26
- Solicitor + Accountant Expenses (speeding up/continuing ANIMAL's urgent bureaucratic procedures): €1100
- Fund for consultations and examinations for 3 of the animals: €500
- The remainder will be used to cover part of the expenses of the new 2022 campaign: (1434.97€)
We are available to answer any questions via
Follow us on social media and get to know some of our work even better.
Sucesso! Muito obrigada!
Queremos agradecer a todas as pessoas que nos apoiaram nesta angariação de fundos.
Em breve receberão um e-mail para pedir endereço postal para envio das recompensas. Recordamos que, conforme descrito na campanha, os portes de envio não estão incluídos. Em todo o caso, explicaremos tudo via e-mail.
Assim que recebermos o dinheiro do PPL, enviar-vos-emos o dito e-mail, onde incluiremos detalhes relativos à sua utilização.
Com amizade e consideração,
A Direcção da ANIMAL.
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Faltam 8 dias!
Obrigada uma vez mais pela vossa generosidade. Faltam apenas 8 dias dos 15 extra que o PPL nos deu. Com a vossa ajuda, acreditamos que podemos conseguir chegar ao objectivo. Por favor partilhem o máximo que puderem.
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Caras/os apoiantes,
Antes de mais, muito obrigada pelo vosso apoio e generosidade. O PPL contactou-nos há pouco para nos informar que, excepcionalmente, nos deu mais 15 dias.
Agradecemos muito este voto de confiança da Plataforma e contamos convosco para nos ajudarem a angariar mais apoios.
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Mais um esforço!
Muitíssimo obrigada a todas/os quantas doaram para este PPL. Não importa quanto doaram, o que importa é que o fizeram e isso é digno de agradecimento.
Pedimos a todas/os que nos ajudem neste último esforço. Estamos muito aquém do valor e com a vossa ajuda talvez seja possível lá chegar. Se puderem apelar aos vossos contactos, ficaremos muito agradecidas.
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Uma nota de agradecimento a todas as pessoas que continuam a mobilizar-se para nos ajudar a atingir o objectivo desta angariação. Por favor continuem a seguir as nossas redes e partilhar pelos vossos contactos, fazendo um apelo directo para que, caso se identifiquem, também apoiem.
Muito, muito obrigada pela vossa generosidade!
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Faltam 2 semanas. Precisamos de vós!
Olá a todas/os,
Uma vez mais muito obrigada pela vossa generosidade. Infelizmente, faltam 2 semanas para o final da campanha e estamos tremendamente aquém do esperado. Não pedimos nada de mais, está tudo devidamente explicado. Quem nos acompanha nas redes sabe que o valor da dívida do Hospital tem aumentado desde que lançámos a campanha. Ainda assim... temos muitas visualizações, mas muito poucos apoios. Vimos, por isso, pedir-vos para partilharem com os vossos contactos, apelando à sua generosidade.
Muito obrigada a todas/os!
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Estimadas/os apoiantes,
Agradecemos muito pelo vosso generoso apoio a mais esta campanha. Pedimos encarecidamente que continuem a divulgá-la pelos vossos contactos, a fim de conseguirmos atingir o objectivo.
Pelos Animais,
Muito obrigada!
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