We are in despair! This month in treatments, vet appointments, operations, hospitalizations and medications was around 6 thousand euros and we have to find a solution quickly. We don't want to give up this fight and that is why we need help.
We have around 100 adult cats and 20 babies/young cats in our adoption space
This appeal of ours is because we are truly in despair, it is our last attempt after 3 years of dedicating ourselves to this cause, after 3 years of giving our sweethearts a home and after having found permanent homes for so many. We don't want to give up this fight and that's why we need help.
Aldeia dos Gatos de Sintra
ObriGATO =)
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Faça nos uma visita e venha conhecer a nossa casa e os nossos Gatinhos, não garantimos que não se apaixone ;)
Ronrons da Aldeia dos Gatos de Sintra,
até breve
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