Together we allow Rosetta to go to school!
PPL Causas
  • Social
  • Nhampuepua - Sofala, Moçambique

Together we allow Rosetta to go to school!

She is ten years old and has never been to school: this is the harsh reality of Roseta, a girl with a motor disability that prevents her from walking.

  • 3213


    52% of 6 162€

    80 backers

  • 19/09/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

She is ten years old and has never been to school: this is the harsh reality of Roseta, a girl with a motor disability that prevents her from walking.

She is ten years old and has never been to school: this is the harsh reality of Roseta, a girl with a motor disability that prevents her from walking. She has never had a wheelchair, so her life is all about staying at home while her six siblings go to school. He lives in the neighborhood of Nhampuepua, Mozambique, in a house made of matope (clay), covered with grass.
Through the younger siblings, enrolled in the Escolinha da APOIAR, our team became aware of this reality and went to meet Roseta (we found that she has a delay in speech development and motor difficulties that also affect her hand movement).
Without a wheelchair, adapted to her needs, Roseta would be at home but, with your help, she will be able to enter school!
We count on you in this mission to take Roseta to school, to the neighborhood, to the world!
May there be a new school year to come for Roseta too!

About the author

APOIAR - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a África is a Portuguese NGO with 27 years of existence that promotes development projects in the areas of Nutrition, Health, Education and Training in Africa.

Our mission is to “educate for sustainable development and promote humanitarian aid, contributing to breaking the cycle of absolute poverty” and we have multiple projects implemented in Africa with an impact, in the past year 2021, on more than 65,000 people.

For the execution of our objectives, APOIAR works closely with local partners. Since 2012, APOIAR has focused its activities on Mozambique.

Budget and due dates

Wheelchair with 7020 aluminum chassis, 35mm tube, fixed backrest, scissor brakes, clothing protectors, adjustable handles, all-terrain wheels, back pocket with velcro. ENDEAVOUR 3,620.04 EUR

Cushion for active users who need comfort and light/moderate postural support, with good skin integrity and moderate risk of developing pressure ulcers. Jay Lite Cushion 323.15 EUR

Wheelchair occupant stabilization systems. 360º wheel, 16" with off-road tire. 1,334.01 EUR

Total (Amount without VAT 5,277.20 EUR) / with VAT 5,593.83 EUR
Fees and commissions PPL 568.47 EUR
TOTAL 6,162.30 EUR


  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Report with the delivery of the wheelchair to Rosetta.

    When we reach the amount for the purchase of the wheelchair, we will share with all the donors, who leave us their contact, the report of the day of delivery of the wheelchair to Roseta!

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Report with the delivery of the wheelchair to Rosetta

    When we reach the amount for the purchase of the wheelchair, we will share with all the donors, who leave us their contact, the report of the day of delivery of the wheelchair to Roseta!

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Report with the delivery of the wheelchair to Rosetta;

    When we reach the amount for the purchase of the wheelchair, we will share with all the donors, who leave us their contact, the report of the day of delivery of the wheelchair to Roseta!

    47 backers

Sat, 27/07/2024 - 05:22

Tue, 20/09/2022 - 14:30

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 22/08/2022 - 13:04

Vamos encomendar a Cadeira de Rodas para a Roseta! Obrigado!

Olá, é com muita alegria que informamos que entre a plataforma PPL, os donativos MBWAY e as transferências bancárias efetuadas para a APOIAR, já conseguimos angariar o montante ...

Read more

Thu, 18/08/2022 - 19:12

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 12/08/2022 - 16:23

Estamos mais perto de entregar à Roseta uma cadeira de rodas!

Obrigado pelo seu apoio, fundamental para o sucesso desta campanha! Queremos dizer-lhe que, com a sua ajuda, estamos já a 62% do nosso objetivo, 62% do valor que necessitamos p...

Read more

Wed, 10/08/2022 - 11:49

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 04/08/2022 - 16:02

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • APOIAR - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a África

    Vamos encomendar a Cadeira de Rodas para a Roseta! Obrigado!

    Olá, é com muita alegria que informamos que entre a plataforma PPL, os donativos MBWAY e as transferências bancárias efetuadas para a APOIAR, já conseguimos angariar o montante necessário para entregar à Roseta uma Cadeira de Rodas!
    Passamos agora à fase de confirmação da encomenda da cadeira junto do fornecedor e, após o tempo de produção e de envio para Moçambique, na altura da entrega, voltaremos a entrar em contacto.
    Bem haja pela sua contribuição que foi essencial para atingirmos este objetivo.

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  • APOIAR - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a África

    Estamos mais perto de entregar à Roseta uma cadeira de rodas!

    Obrigado pelo seu apoio, fundamental para o sucesso desta campanha!
    Queremos dizer-lhe que, com a sua ajuda, estamos já a 62% do nosso objetivo, 62% do valor que necessitamos para entregar à Roseta a primeira cadeira de rodas que a levará a conhecer a escola, o bairro, o mundo!

    PS: A percentagem apresentada é a soma dos donativos recebidos através do PPL (e presentes na página da campanha) com os donativos feitos à APOIAR, por MBWAY e Transferência Bancária, e que contribuem para a mesma missão!

    Bem haja.

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80 members of the PPL community
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  • 24
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