Didgeridoo, Drums, Voice and Electronics on a CD/EP that needs your help!

Didgeridoo, Drums, Voice and Electronics on a CD/EP that needs your help!

Didgeridoo, drums, voice and electronics on a record that needs your help. Choose a reward and you will be the first to have the artist's debut CD/EP.

  • 1180


    20% of 5 800€

    41 backers

  • 21/12/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Didgeridoo, drums, voice and electronics on a record that needs your help. Choose a reward and you will be the first to have the artist's debut CD/EP.

“Blowviator” will be my first solo EP. An album of my own and co-produced by Daniel Carvalho with eclectic inspirations where it is felt that the artist drank fado and other musical genres such as drum n 'bass, dub, hip-hop and trance but with a common denominator thread, the didgeridoo.

BLOWVIATOR is an original pun by the artist that translates the vision of “piloting” dance and movement through the breath that commands the “aerodynamics” of music.

This album will feature Daniel Carvalho in the arrangements and pre-production; Ivan Pereira in mixing and mastering; Ruca Lacerda invited to play instrument; already confirmed voices and lyrics of Hugo Otto, Elizabete Almeida and Mariana Root.

There will be seven songs where they will find didgeridoo, drums, percussion, strings from Greece (Bouzouki by Ruca Lacerda), strings from India (by Renato Oliveira), Portuguese guitar strings (by Nuno Xandinho), accordion and other synths. The recordings are in charge of Daniel Carvalho at Fábrica do Som and Ruca Lacerda at Largo Recording Studios. The mixing and mastering is in charge of Ivan Pereira music producer from the legendary IBOGA Records.

As I am doing a self-edition, financial support is essential in order to be able to pay all expenses: the musicians' cachet, studio recording, mixing, mastering, graphic design, licenses, the manufacture of CDs and the sending to the patrons.

This disc has the support of the publisher Natural Groove Records, which will coordinate the strategy and digital editing.

Tracks you can listen to here on Spotify, itunes or youtube:



[YOUTUBE: ktJ1tdk_KS0]







Web site

I hope that this proposal has inspired you so that we can complete this work. Gratitude is little to match your attention and affection. Any help is well lived and received with Love!

About the author

This being a solo project, an act from the music I had been creating on the streets for some time, it was time to release an album of my own as a “man of the seven instruments” in my case, a “one man didgeridoo band”.
My journey is more marked by traditional music with didgeridoo guiding my creations with projects like Rootscaravan 2004, Retimbrar 2008, Synaesthetic Magic 2016, Psayagata 2017 and the heart of my career with the Porto trio, OliveTreeDance 2005 until current date. But, in addition to enjoying playing instruments that are common in the middle of the worldmusic, such as djembé, congas, sitar, flutes etc., I also grew up at a time when electronic music influences my culture of growth and evolution. I was unable to resist and gave in to the temptation to merge these two styles.

More about me..

Renato Oliveira was born in Porto in 1978. He attended didgeridoo workshops in several countries in Europe; took Sitar classes in India; African percussion classes with Paulo das Cavernas; percussion classes "Candombé" from Uruguay with Pancho; completed the musical training course at the Lisbon Academy; did a Training of Trainers of Socio-Cultural Animation at Casa da Musica do Porto. He attended the Economics course but chose to finish the specialization in Human Resources Management at Universidade Lusiada Porto. In 2002 he worked at Sonae Industria in Maia and in 2003 Liverpool but, he chose to dedicate himself exclusively to music since 2004 after debuting at the Cavern Club, the same venue where the Beatles debuted decades ago. He integrated several Musical Projects, mainly in the music called "traditional root", of which the most important are Retimbrar, OliveTreeDance, Roots Caravan, Stopestra, Drop Etnica, Synaesthetic Magic and Psayagata
On stage, he has accompanied artists such as Blasted Mechanism, Manel Cruz, Antonio Paes, Tim Steiner, Rui Junior, Pancho, António Serginho, Márcio Pinto, Hugo Danin, Pedro Vasconcelos, Zé Puto and Tito Silva and Rita Maria, all great mentors in their areas.

SPACESHIP a descolar nas ruas

Budget and due dates

Campaign starts on 22 October 2020 and ends on 8 March 2021. To be implemented by April 2021

Musicians Cachet - 700 €
Studio recording, mixing and mastering - 2500 €
Graphic design - 500 €
Industrial replication of CDs - 890 €
Licenses - 460 €
PPL (5%) + VAT (23%) - € 298.30

video clip - 2500 euros

Press Office - 1500 €

  • Bronze

    Invest with
    5€ or more


    New disc in mp3 format for online download, before hitting stores.

    7 backers

  • Silver

    Invest with
    10€ or more


    New disk in physical CD format, autographed by the artist, before arriving at stores + Sticker (estimated price of mailbox deliver is 3,5 euros)

    13 backers

  • Golden silver - Aveiro Concert

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    Golden silver - Aveiro Concert

    Whoever supports with this value or more, until the date of 14 November at 15h, is entitled to watch the concert live in the AVENIDA Showroom in AVEIRO. - maximum admission of 125 seats - concert regulated by DGS + EP - physical cd - BLowviator + Sticker (estimated price of mailbox deliver is 3,5 euros)

    7 backers

  • Natural Gold

    Invest with
    25€ or more

    Natural Gold

    New CD in CD format autographed by the artist, before arriving in stores + ticket for presentation party 2021 + Sticker (estimated price of mailbox deliver is 3,5 euros)

    6 backers

  • White gold

    Invest with
    40€ or more

    White gold

    new CD format signed by the artist, before hitting the stores + MP3 + ticket to a presentation party in 2021 + Blowviator Tshirt (estimated price of mailbox deliver is 5,5 euros)

    2 backers

  • Platinum

    Invest with
    80€ or more


    new CD in autographed CD format by the artist, before hitting the stores + mP3 + ticket for presentation party in 2021 + Till Sunday Pirate Hoodie + signed Artist Poster + Sticker + CDBoard game (original creation of OTD) the so-called SYMBOLOGY Visit to the backtage and a hug from the artist! (estimated price of mailbox deliver is 5,5 euros)

    7 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 07:59


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 09/12/2020 - 17:40

REPORT: 1 WEEK TO END... or maybe not!?!

Para todos os que acreditaram e contribuíram, Estamos a chegar ao fim desta pequena “grande” viagem de 2 meses em que de forma generosa se envolveram neste projeto contribuin...

Read more

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 13:34

Novas recompensas para Fundações e outras entidades

BOAS NOVAS! a Todos os Interessados: Gostaria de começar este post informativo, com uma citação de Marcel Proust (1871-1922), "em busca do tempo perdido" remetendo para uma o...

Read more

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 12:16

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 23/10/2020 - 14:15

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Renato Oliveira

    REPORT: 1 WEEK TO END... or maybe not!?!

    Para todos os que acreditaram e contribuíram,

    Estamos a chegar ao fim desta pequena “grande” viagem de 2 meses em que de forma generosa se envolveram neste projeto contribuindo cada um á sua maneira e da forma como puderam.

    Já agradeci pessoalmente a cada um de vocês mas venho com esta mensagem dar um bem haja coletivo do quão profundo me sinto agradecido e honrado por ter envolvido 40 parceir@s naquela que sera a minha próxima criação de originais: o Blowviator. Estão todos de parabéns!

    A uma semana de atingir o target estamos apenas a 18% do objetivo, sendo que só um “milagre” poderia fazer-nos chegar lá. Já que o dinheiro que me enviaram pela plataforma ppl.pt vai ser todo devolvido a cada um de vocês, eu decidi reabrir o projeto numa nova plataforma que me permita ter condições onde eu possa equilibrar melhor o orçamento estimado com base no número de apoiantes que tive nesta primeira tentativa.

    Assim sendo, passo para uma segunda fase em que reforço o projeto pedindo a cada um de vocês que quando sejam reembolsados me possam transferir esse apoio para esta nova fase da campanha agora no gofundme.com.

    O gofundme.com não tenha a mesma apresentação visual da antiga ppl.pt mas permite-me usar os fundos mesmo que não atinja o target final, garantindo que este projeto vai ser realizado com o montante atingido.

    Clica neste link para conhecer esta nova fase do projeto Blowviator crowdfunding: https://gf.me/u/zbz5d3

    Relembro que o projeto no ppl.pt acaba dia 21 de Dezembro. Por volta dessa semana a vossa doação vai ser devolvida na integra. Caso exista algum problema com essa devolução não hesite em contactar por via email : tillsundaypirate@gmail.com

    Para terminar quero mais uma vez agradecer o vosso apoio que tem sido fundamental para manter a chama da criação acesa com aquela positividade constante!
    Graças a este grupo que se envolveu na minha arte hoje sou um Musico e um sonhador mais completo.

    Bem Hajam! Muito Amor!

    english version

    For all who believed and contributed,

    We are coming to the end of this small “big” 2-month trip in which they generously got involved in this project, contributing each one in his own way and in the way they could.

    I have already thanked each of you personally, but I come with this message to show you how deeply I feel grateful and honored to have involved 40 partners in what will be my next original creation: the Blowviator. Congratulations everyone!

    Within a week of reaching the target, we are only 18% of the target, and only a “miracle” could get us there. Since the money you sent me through the ppl.pt platform will be returned to each one of you, I decided to reopen the project on a new platform that allows me to have conditions where I can better balance the estimated budget based on the number of supporters that I had this first attempt.

    So, I move on to a second phase in which I reinforce the project by asking each of you that when you are reimbursed, you can transfer this support to this new phase of the campaign now on gofundme.com.

    Gofundme.com does not have the same visual presentation as the old ppl.pt but allows me to use the funds even if it does not reach the final target, ensuring that this project will be carried out with the amount reached.

    Click this link to know this new phase of the Blowviator crowdfunding project: https://gf.me/u/zbz5d3

    I remember that the project on ppl.pt ends on December 21st. Around that week your donation will be returned in full. If there is any problem with this return do not hesitate to contact via email: tillsundaypirate@gmail.com

    Finally, I would like to thank you once again for your support, which has been instrumental in keeping the flame of creation burning with that constant positivity!
    Thanks to this group that got involved in my art today I am a Musician and a more complete dreamer.

    Well there! Much love!
    Renato Oliveira

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  • Renato Oliveira

    Novas recompensas para Fundações e outras entidades

    a Todos os Interessados:
    Gostaria de começar este post informativo, com uma citação de Marcel Proust (1871-1922), "em busca do tempo perdido" remetendo para uma obra em que o autor nos leva para uma visão filosófica do tempo, em que as memórias podem pôr no mesmo plano o passado e o presente. Nestes meses, o tempo parou devido à pandemia. Das actividades culturais ao desporto, do lazer ao normal funcionamento das escolas e da tão necessária socialização, do trabalho aos serviços, de e para o cidadão. Tudo parou! foi um tempo passado mas que, infelizmente, ainda é presente. Aos poucos, tal como no país, estou a procurar retomar a "vida”. Com Till Sunday Pirate procuro retomar o rumo da minha subsistência, em desempenhar a minha área profissional artística e para isso procuro vosso apoio para poder criar uma obra musical e videográfica, já em decurso de produção, mas que, dadas as circunstâncias, ainda muito falta para completar até ao lançamento de “Blowviator”. Assim, estou a programar um sistema de investimento colectivo para me poderem ajudar na criação deste álbum de originais onde vou fundir Fado com Trancanholas e Didgeridoo e outros estilos. 

    Para organismos Sociais e outros grupos de interesse, decidi lançar novas recompensas que me parecem justas por acreditarem no meu trabalho, assim sendo, aos que investem no meu projecto:

    + de 300 euros - recebe as recompensas “platina” (descritas na plataforma) e terá o seu LOGOTIPO no site do artista durante dois anos.   Fica habilitado a Ganhar um DIDGERIDOO em Carbono pertencente ao grupo português - OliveTreeDance Signature - Tonalidade F - valor do instrumento 800€

    + de 500 euros - - recebe as recompensas “platina” e terá o seu LOGOTIPO  no site do artista durante dois anos.    Fica habilitado a Ganhar um DIDGERIDOO em Carbono pertencente ao grupo português - OliveTreeDance Signature - Tonalidade F - valor do instrumento 800€E, o Till Sunday Pirate - OFERECE  um concerto no palco à sua comunidade.

    Em suma, estarei disponível para qualquer esclarecimento para fazer vosso contributo. Deixar-me-ia com esperança de poder “gerar” o meu ofício que tantos anos levo aperfeiçoando. Sou um criador dedicado desde 2005 profissional na área da música, um empreendedor que também precisa das instituições locais para poder servir no futuro mais arte de qualidade deste país.

    Muito obrigado pela atenção e conto com vossa generosidade e, sobretudo, crença no meu trabalho para que juntos possamos fazer mais pela Arte.

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41 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 35
    new backers

  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 5
    anonymous backers

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