We want to wash among all by creating a communal laundry where everyone can wash their clothes. By applying a Robin Hood model, we can use your money from washes to provide free washes to those in need
Hi everyone, we are LET and we want to wash among all.
Have you ever asked yourself how does it feel to be homeless? How many times, were you going to your workplace and you saw a person sleeping on the floor? How many times, on rainy days, you saw a person sleeping on the floor? We researched. We met with organizations. We talked with the involved community. And, we figured out that, washing their clothes is one more problem that they have to face.

Conversa com a comunidade envolvida
We want to create a communal laundry, with a Robin Hood model, where every time you wash your clothes you are also providing free washes for those in need.
The Portuguese community is a solidarity one and wants to help those in need. However, we need to differentiate our service in order to be the chosen one by consumers in the market. Therefore, we pretend to offer complimentary services such as ironing clothes and some basic sewing jobs.
Homeless people, already in integration process, will be the ones responsible for performing these tasks. They will be rewarded with something symbolic that will help them in the day-to-day basis, such as food cards. By occupying their days, we will be fighting against loneliness that they feel after moving into a room. In the future, we want to have a weekend delivery service provided by volunteers, with morning pick ups and afternoon delivers.
By integrating homeless people in the process, we will be creating a sense of responsibility and commitment. Also, clean clothes gives them the confidence to enter in the job market and have a higher success in the search for a job. With a small gesture we will be fighting against the lack of hygiene of their belongings.
Going even further, by entering in the job market, the unemployment rate may decrease. Also, by becoming total or almost independent, we may see a decrease in the money spent by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa with homeless people. In addition, since social organizations do not have the capacity to wash their belongings and just throw them away, LET would be an alternative to stop this waste of clothes.
“The strongest people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own personal problems..” And, it is with this phrase that we leave you. For many of us, washing our clothes is something that is just a walking distance from the couch, but for others it is another story. We have the opportunity to help them, why shouldn't we do it?
Join us in this movement!

Campanha de sensibilização - NovaSBE