Who want's to be happy? Do you know that happiness can be worked out? and the sooner, the better? Did you know the happier people are more healthy, live longer, have better relationships and more personal and professional success?
The project Science of Happiness 'EDUCAR PARA A FELICIDADE' is a finalist projet from the Social Contest Bet24 and proposes to take Happiness to schools, envolving kids, teens, parents, families, teachers and educators!
Help us bringing this projet to schools and make a happier world!
About the author
We are a team of professionals in the area of Psychology and Health, with experience in the development and implementation of programs to reinforce skills in schools and training in implementation methodologies, namely Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, Emotional Intelligence and Public Health Promotion.
Budget and due dates
To start the project and being part of the social entrepreneurship finalists of the Bet24 project, we need to be able to raise € 1,000 by the end of May 2017 to take the project free of charge to 1 public school in the Greater Lisbon area next academic year and platform development To support the project.
Help us fulfill the dream of 'making more children, young people and families happy. Inspiring a better world!
Educar para a Felicidade (Science of Happiness)
Obrigado! : )
Umas simples palavras para agradecermos toda a disponibilidade e apoio dado ao projeto EDUCAR PARA A FELICIDADE, na certeza de que, com orgulho e gratidão, podemos dizer que graças a vós cresce ainda mais a vontade e confiança de que poderemos fazer mais e melhor, para contribuirmos para um mundo mais feliz, a começar por aqueles que nos estão mais próximos.
Obrigado por todo o V. apoio!
Votos de uma semana muito feliz!!! : )
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