5 Encores for Beethoven

5 Encores for Beethoven

"5 Encores for Beethoven" marks Beethoven's 250th birthday, establishing a bridge between the past and the present, with the commission and world premiere of 5 new musical compo...

  • 2734


    109% of 2 500€

    67 backers

  • 06/04/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"5 Encores for Beethoven" marks Beethoven's 250th birthday, establishing a bridge between the past and the present, with the commission and world premiere of 5 new musical compositions from current day Portuguese composers.

In 2020 we celebrate Beethoven's 250th birthday!

Given the importance and relevance of Beethoven in music history, his 250th birthday is being celebrated around the world. As a pianist and as an admirer of his works, I decided to create an original project for this occasion; one that would establish a bridge between the past and the present, to serve as a connection with the music of our days. 

"5 Encores for Beethoven" presents 5 new compositions for piano written specifically for this anniversary by Portuguese composers of my generation. Composers include: Nuno da Rocha, Tiago Cabrita, Luís Soldado, Gonçalo Gato, and Tiago Derriça. Each new and original piece will be performed as an encore after one of the 5 Beethoven Piano Concertos. Performances will take place throughout the year in several different cities in Portugal. 

As a donor, you will have an active role in celebrating Beethoven's 250th birthday. As well, you will help support the creation and distribution of new artistic works by Portuguese composers. These new musical compositions will be available in print through Ava Musical Editions and a recording of the pieces will be made available on Youtube.

About the author

Pianist Marta Menezes has dedicated several projects to the dissemination of Portuguese music, in Portugal and abroad. In 2013, she received 1st Prize at the International Piano Competition Nice - Côte D'Azur "Simone Delbert-Février" and won the Beethoven Competition at the Royal College of Music in London. Marta has received several additional awards in international competitions in Portugal, Spain and France.

She has presented recitals as a soloist and chamber musician in Europe, in the United States, Cape Vert and China. As a soloist, she performed with the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, Orchestre Régional de Cannes, Orquestra de Câmara de Cascais e Oeiras, Symphony Orchestra from the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, Camerata MusArt, Camerata Amicis, among others, under conductors such as Nicolas Simon, Pedro Neves, Nikolay Lalov, Vasco Azevedo, Gareguin Aratiounian, Carlos Silva, and Louis Lohraseb. 

Marta was awarded the Silver Medal of Honor and Distinction - "Medalha de Prata de Valor e Distinção"- by the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon in acknowledgement of her artistic accomplishments in 2014. In 2015 she released her first CD, which received an award at Global Music Awards, in the USA.

She holds a Bachelor degree from Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, under Miguel Henriques, and a Master of Music from the same institution, under the tutelage of Miguel Henriques and Jorge Moyano, having completed the course with the highest grade. She completed a Master of Performance at the Royal College of Music in London with distinction, under Dmitri Alexeev. Marta is finising her Doctoral studies at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where she studied under Arnaldo Cohen, with a dissertation about "Works for Piano and Orchestra by Portuguese Composers".


Upcoming concerts:

February 8th - Teatro Virgínia, Torres Novas. Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa

February 9th - Teatro Thalia, Lisbon.Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa

March 1st - Cine-Teatro Paraíso, Tomar. Orquestra Sinfónica de Thomar

March 28th - Centro Cultural Raiano, Idanha-a-Nova. Orquestra Sem Fronteiras

May 23rd - Cine-Teatro São Pedro, Alcanena. Orquestra Sinfónica Juvenil

Budget and due dates

The amount raised is intended to support the costs of: commissioning the score, editing, revising and printing the score, professional audio recording of the 5 pieces, campaign rewards (including shipping cost) and crowdfunding fees.


January to December: performance of Beethoven's 5 Piano Concertos, and world premiere of the 5 Encores.

April: recording of Encores nos. 1, 2 and 3

November: recording of Encores nos. 4 and 5

December 2020: edition of the score by AvA Musical Editions (after the premiere of all Encores).


Delivered at the conclusion of the crowdfunding, except in the case of the score, which will be sent in December 2020, after all the works have been premiered by the pianist.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Für Elise

    You will receive a personalized thank you message by the pianist.

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more


    You will receive a CD of works by Nuno da Rocha or Luís Soldado (of your choice), signed by the composer. (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more


    You will receive the score of the 5 Encores signed by the composers and the pianist, as a souvenir of Beethoven's 250th birthday. (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    You will receive the score of the 5 Encores signed by the composers and the pianist, with a mention of your support in the preface, as a "Silver Sponsor". (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    If you are curious about what it would be like to receive a piano lesson from a professional pianist, this is your opportunity! You will have a lesson with Marta Menezes, in Lisbon, and your name will be mentioned in the preface of the score of the 5 Encores as a "Silver Sponsor".

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more


    There is nothing link attending a live concert. You will receive a two free tickets to one of Marta's concerts with orchestra, along with a score of the 5 Encores signed by the composers and the pianist. Your name will also be mentioned in the preface, as a "Silver Sponsor". (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more


    Share the rewards with your friends! You will receive two double tickets to attend two concerts with piano and orchestra (subject to availability), 3 signed scores of the 5 Encores, and the "Gold Sponsor" badge in the preface to the score. (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    9th Symphony

    What about going to an orchestra rehearsal for the first time, and getting to know the musicians and the pianist up close? You will also receive two double tickets to attend two concerts (subject to availability), 3 autographed scores of the 5 Encores, and the "Gold Sponsor" badge in the preface to the score. (If you live outside of Portugal, please add 6 € to your donation, for covering the shipping costs).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    600€ or more


    Organize a different soirée for your friends, with a private recital by pianist Marta Menezes, which will include works by Beethoven. Your name will also be mentioned as "Platinum Sponsor" in the preface to the score of the 5 Encores, which you will receive signed by the composers and the pianist. (For recitals outside the Greater Lisbon region, travel and accommodation costs shall be added. Availability Sep-Dec 2020)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Tue, 21/01/2025 - 08:02

Wed, 04/12/2024 - 10:29

Novo projecto e nova campanha de crowdfunding

Caros amigos, Já passaram quase cinco anos desde o meu projecto "5 Encores para Beethoven", para o qual tive o privilégio de contar com o vosso apoio, que foi fundamental para ...

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Mon, 24/01/2022 - 15:23

Os vídeos!

Amigos, É com alegria que anuncio a publicação dos vídeos dos Encores! O primeiro estará disponível hoje à noite no youtube. Poderão receber notificações da publicação dos rest...

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Wed, 29/09/2021 - 09:07


Amigos, É com alegria que anuncio a conclusão deste projecto! O último concerto terá lugar esta sexta-feira, dia 1 de Outubro, em Palmela, onde farei a estreia do encore para o...

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Thu, 08/04/2021 - 17:57


Amigos, Espero que estejam todos bem.  Faz agora um ano que terminou esta campanha, que tem vindo a concretizar-se graças ao vosso apoio. Foi um ano muito desafiante, no qual ...

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Wed, 08/04/2020 - 11:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Wed, 08/04/2020 - 09:37

Obrigada! Thank you!

Amigos, O meu muito obrigada a todos os que apoiaram e que acreditaram neste projecto. Foi com grande alegria que recebi a notícia de que superámos o objectivo!  Dadas as actu...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 05/04/2020 - 09:37

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 10/03/2020 - 11:01

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 07/02/2020 - 12:19

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Marta Menezes

    Novo projecto e nova campanha de crowdfunding

    Caros amigos,
    Já passaram quase cinco anos desde o meu projecto "5 Encores para Beethoven", para o qual tive o privilégio de contar com o vosso apoio, que foi fundamental para a sua concretização. Desde então, tenho continuado a divulgar a música de compositores portugueses, tanto em Portugal como no estrangeiro, e tenho também incluído novas obras no meu repertório. Noto, com agrado, um interesse por parte do público em conhecer melhor a música portuguesa, o que me motivou a avançar com um novo projecto.
    É com grande entusiasmo que partilho convosco a minha nova campanha de crowdfunding, destinada à gravação em vídeo de quatro obras dos compositores António Fragoso, Alfredo Napoleão e José Vianna da Motta, interpretadas por mim. Podem saber mais em: https://ppl.pt/martamenezes.
    Agradeço-vos por continuarem a acompanhar o meu percurso e espero ter a oportunidade de vos encontrar em breve num próximo concerto.

    Dear friends,
    Almost five years have passed since my project "5 Encores for Beethoven", for which I had the privilege of counting on your support—fundamental to its success. Since then, I have continued to promote the music of Portuguese composers, both in Portugal and abroad, and I have also included new works in my repertoire. I have noticed an interest from international audiences in discovering Portuguese music, which has motivated me to embark on a new project.
    It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you my new crowdfunding campaign, aimed at the recording of four works by composers António Fragoso, Alfredo Napoleão, and José Vianna da Motta, performed by me. You can learn more here: https://ppl.pt/en/martamenezes.
    Thank you for continuing to follow my journey, and I hope to have the opportunity to see you at an upcoming concert.

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  • Marta Menezes

    Os vídeos!

    É com alegria que anuncio a publicação dos vídeos dos Encores! O primeiro estará disponível hoje à noite no youtube. Poderão receber notificações da publicação dos restantes vídeos ao subscrever o canal. Um ou dois dias depois de cada publicação haverá uma Live no Instagram com o compositor, onde falaremos um pouco acerca da obra, do processo de composição, e onde as pessoas que estão a assistir poderão fazer perguntas ou satisfazer alguma curiosidade. A primeira será na quarta-feira às 21h30 e as restantes serão anunciadas na página de Instagram. 
    youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLGacpZjMVyJQQ1ASwGW1rg
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martamenezes.pianist/
    Após a partilha dos vídeos, o projecto estará finalizado. Obrigada mais uma vez pelo vosso apoio e por nos terem acompanhado até aqui! Foi um prazer poder concretizar este projecto com a vossa ajuda.
    Se algum de vocês ainda não recebeu a sua recompensa, agradeço que entre em contacto comigo. 
    Até breve!

    Dear friends,
    I'm happy to announce that we will start publishing the videos of the Encores! The first one will be out today on youtube. You can receive a notification each time there is a new video by subscribing to the channel. One or two days after each publication there will be a Live on Instagram with the composer where we will talk about the work, about the project, about music... The first one will be this Wednesday at 9.30 pm (Portugal time). The following lives will be announced on the Instagram page. After the publication of all videos this project will come to an end. Thank you again for your support and for making this possible!
    If any of you haven't received your score or CD yet, please let me know. 
    Thank you,

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  • Marta Menezes


    É com alegria que anuncio a conclusão deste projecto! O último concerto terá lugar esta sexta-feira, dia 1 de Outubro, em Palmela, onde farei a estreia do encore para o Concerto nº 4 de Beethoven. Deixo-vos um convite a assistir :)
    As partituras estão em fase final de edição e serão enviadas por correio após o concerto. Caso eu ainda não tenha entrado em contacto com algum de vocês para combinar a entrega das recompensas, agradeço que me enviem uma mensagem.
    A edição e lançamento online das gravações terá também lugar após o concerto. 
    Voltarei a escrever quando tiver mais novidades. 
    Obrigada e até já!

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  • Marta Menezes


    Espero que estejam todos bem. 
    Faz agora um ano que terminou esta campanha, que tem vindo a concretizar-se graças ao vosso apoio. Foi um ano muito desafiante, no qual apresentei 10 concertos com orquestra e fiz a estreia de 4 dos 5 encores. Poderão encontrar informação detalhada aqui: https://www.martamenezes.com/calendrio. Aguardo neste momento o reagendamento de alguns concertos para poder finalizar o projecto. 

    Aproveito para actualizar o calendário inicialmente previsto, que sofreu alterações pelos motivos que conhecemos:

    Abril-Junho: edição, montagem e publicação dos 3 encores já gravados. Live na minha página de Instagram com os compositores.

    Junho-Agosto: gravação e edição dos restantes 2 encores. Finalização da edição da partitura

    Data a anunciar: estreia do encore ao Concerto nº 4 e publicação da partitura e restantes gravações das obras. 

    Muito obrigada e até breve!

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  • Marta Menezes

    Obrigada! Thank you!

    O meu muito obrigada a todos os que apoiaram e que acreditaram neste projecto. Foi com grande alegria que recebi a notícia de que superámos o objectivo! 
    Dadas as actuais circunstâncias, o calendário sofreu alguns ajustes, mas o meu empenho e motivação mantêm-se. Darei notícias em breve.
    Sem a ajuda de todos não teria sido possível concretizar esta ideia, muito obrigada!

    Dear friends,
    Thank you very much for your support and for believing in my project. It is with a great pleasure that I announce that the crowdfunding surpassed the goal! I will be able to move forward with "5 Encores for Beethoven" as I wished.
    Given the present circumstances, the calendar will be adjusted. I will send you news soon. 
    Thank you again for helping me reach this goal; without you this wouldn't have been possible.

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67 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 31
    new backers

  • 36
    recurrent backers

  • 14
    anonymous backers

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