My name is now

My name is now

-Being and doing simple. Having the right people. Believe in love. The ingredients for a book. And for life.❤

  • 3530


    101% of 3 500€

    66 backers

  • 22/03/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

-Being and doing simple. Having the right people. Believe in love. The ingredients for a book. And for life.❤

Call me now

It's a story about stories. Stories that can be mine, yours, the neighbor next door. Stories from and in an aging country, such as ours. It leads us to reflect on the failures of the system and who moves it and who moves in it; about human frailty; about the vulnerability of the elderly; about resilience; about encounters, disagreements and dreams.

Through a simple story, the author leads us to the increasingly urgent importance of taking care of ourselves and others. It tells us about love in its various forms. And how much we lose when we try to silence him.

" My Name Now " is more than a story. It's more than a novel. It is a cry that appeals to the courage to look within ourselves, in the same way that it asks us to always put ourselves in the other's shoes. To see and hear better. To be, ourselves, love. If we succeed, we will be able to hear the deafening noise of silence and see the blinding light of darkness, which exists in some lives we cross paths with and sometimes settles in the lives of those we have right next to us.

A story that takes us on a journey through the simple things in life. They will always be the most important. These will also be the ones that save us.


“I was your wife and his mother for all the time we didn't have. Together. Even if separated. I invented stories prettier than mine. I put on his skin. I clung to them. And I survived with a smile on my face. Do you know how? I didn't take myself seriously. Not you. And maybe that was the recipe. To continue loving you…”

D.ª Laura's death took everyone by surprise. The revelations that this unfortunate episode will trigger in a time supposedly dedicated to mourning, brings out the fruits of the violence of the choices he made in the past.

The improbable emotional labyrinth installs itself, thickens, distills.

Happiness is not postponed. Live here and now. Until the end of our days.

Any resemblance to reality should be pure fiction, but as the author has been getting used to, it is likely that in some of the dramas experienced in these pages, she was inspired by lives remembered and lent to these characters.

About the author

Helena Saraiva, was born 44 years ago. He grew up in Venda do Cêpo, a small village in the interior, located in the municipality of Trancoso, District of Guarda. He emigrated to Switzerland for 10 years and then returned. He currently lives in the city of Guarda.

Ever since she was a little girl, she has liked to write and believes in the magic of words and the power of recording them.

He continues to use writing to regain peace. Getting lost in your imagination (and characters), among dreams, hope and ideas that will always (and only) be your perspective of seeing things, nothing more than that.

Mentor of a pioneering project in the district of Guarda, she is currently President and Coordinator of Rugas de Sorrisos – Social Support Association that aims to combat loneliness and isolation of the elderly, promoting their inclusion and delaying their institutionalization.

Thanks to this project, to the path of learning and knowledge that he adds, it is the fourth book he writes in four years.

He aspires to make his way in the literary world and this desire gave him the courage to resort to the PPL platform. She believes it will be the bridge that will take her to the right people and will also be one of the best tools to grow as a writer.

The aim of this campaign is to make this and other books of his authorship known to a greater number of people, hoping to be a reading selection, occupying your home library in the future and who knows your friends.

The author hopes you enjoy reading it, as she enjoys writing to you.

Budget and due dates

400 copies €2800

5% PPL platform €322.88

Other expenses 377.12

Starting on the 9th of January. Until March 8th

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Postcard with image of the book and dedication by the author

    Postcard with image of the book and dedication by the author.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping not included

    2 backers

  • Book t' ENTAS

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Book t' ENTAS

    Author's first book with dedication. Synopsis: Francisca is a psychologist and has a life that seems perfect to everyone. However, as she enters her forties, she finds herself confronted with its varied versions, dilemmas and enigmas. During the year of his fortieth birthday, he will deal with the loose ends of the past and the dents that these ends caused him and still do in the present. She will stop to recover, also recovering the one person who encouraged her to go after the best version of herself. Manuel, a married man with whom Francisca was involved for three years and who, after two years of silence, work comes back together. Will they be prepared this time to experience love or will they allow the misunderstandings of the past to push them away again?

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    5 backers

  • Things in the Head or Lack of It or In the Eyes of Everyone and No One

    Invest with
    13€ or more

    Things in the Head or Lack of It or In the Eyes of Everyone and No One

    One of two books by the author, with dedication. Synopsis of Things in the Head or Lack of It: At age 17, Carolina was raped by her boyfriend Carlos and friends during her prom. That same night, Carlos dies and Carolina changes her life and country radically. 15 years later, Carolina feels she is ready to return to Portugal, face the past and take revenge on Carlos' friends, who helped him steal his dreams and identity. However, on this return, things are not as simple as I would like. (Re)encounters arise that awaken in Carolina a heart asleep by hatred. Will Carolina take her own path and take revenge or will life change its course and show her that there are other ways... Will Carolina be able to trust and love again? Things in the head or lack thereof is a book that takes us through the darkest side of our mind and proves that staying there or not will always be our choice. Synopsis of In the Eyes of Everyone and No One: “It's still too early to go home. She thinks about calling Francisco, but doesn't feel like being with him. Remember the goat you crossed in the movies. Wherever he goes, there will always be someone to remind him of the swirl of women in his life. And he starts walking aimlessly, as he always does when his life becomes heavy, or too full of itself. Another cup. Another glass would do. Thinks, starting to run towards the abyss. At 37 years old, Leonor is in a terminal phase. But life still has surprises for her and one more challenge awaits her... Francisco, her love from other times, and from another life, has returned. This journey, troubled by Leonor's emotions in a permanent struggle with herself, is not easy to follow. Daughter Adriana, parents, best friend and Francisco, assist with the love that forgives everything. Until when? Leonor will also have to find the strength to forgive herself. If you choose this reward, select the book you want to receive.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    11 backers

  • My name is now

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    My name is now

    Author's book with dedication Synopsis: “I was your wife and his mother for all the time we didn't have. Together. Even if separated. I invented stories prettier than mine. I put on his skin. I clung to them. And I survived with a smile on my face. Do you know how? I didn't take myself seriously. Not you. And maybe that was the recipe. To continue loving you…” D. Laura's death took everyone by surprise. The revelations that this unfortunate episode will trigger in a time supposedly dedicated to mourning, brings to light the fruits of the violence of the choices that D. Laura made in the past. The improbable emotional labyrinth installs itself, thickens, distills. Happiness is not postponed. Live here and now. Until the end of our days. Any resemblance to reality should be pure fiction, but as the author has been getting used to, it is likely that in some of the dramas experienced in these pages, she was inspired by lives remembered and lent to these characters.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    55 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    2 books My Name Now

    Two books by the author with dedication

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    29 backers

  • All books by the author

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    All books by the author

    All the author's books and a surprise gift.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    19 backers

Sat, 18/01/2025 - 10:31

Sun, 26/03/2023 - 11:00


Olá a todos/as Se consegui o resultado pretendido é graças a cada um de vós. Obrigada! Agradeço aos que nunca ouviram falar no meu nome; Aos que me conheciam mas não sab...

Read more

Thu, 23/03/2023 - 16:50

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 22/03/2023 - 16:04

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Thu, 16/03/2023 - 07:25

Ultimos dias

Caros leitores/as Antes de mais quero agradecer-vos a reserva/compra do(s) meu(s) livro(s). ´ Agradecer também a quem não gosta de ler mas contribuiu de forma anónima. Falta...

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Mon, 06/03/2023 - 18:32

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 17:41

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 20:17

Lançamento do Livro

Ser e fazer simples, o que de simples não tem nada, só me é possível porque estou rodeada de amor. E venho aqui partilhar um pouco desse amor, pelo qual estou muito grata, convo...

Read more

Tue, 17/01/2023 - 23:24

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Helena Saraiva


    Olá a todos/as

    Se consegui o resultado pretendido é graças a cada um de vós.
    Agradeço aos que nunca ouviram falar no meu nome;
    Aos que me conheciam mas não sabiam que escrevia;
    Aos que compraram e divulgaram;
    Aos que colocaram os meus livros nos seus espaços;
    À Ana Lúcia que se fartou de mandar e-mails e mensagens a famosos, colegas e amigos;
    À Inês que contactou bibliotecas de todo o país;
    Agradeço especialmente aos meus. Aos de/para sempre. Aos que me seguram e "sofrem" comigo.
    Este resultado também é vosso.
    Obrigada por fazerem caminho do meu lado.
    Ser e fazer simples. Acreditar no amor. Só é possível porque tenho as pessoas certas.
    Boas leituras!
    Com carinho,
    Helena Saraiva.

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  • Helena Saraiva

    Ultimos dias

    Caros leitores/as
    Antes de mais quero agradecer-vos a reserva/compra do(s) meu(s) livro(s). ´
    Agradecer também a quem não gosta de ler mas contribuiu de forma anónima.
    Faltam seis dias para a campanha "Chamo-me Agora" terminar e estou a 1200€ de chegar ao objetivo. Caso não atinja o valor estipulado, que são 3500€, o valor já angariado é devolvido a quem reservou/comprou aqui. A maioria de vocês já tem o(s) livro(s) tal era a minha vontade de ter o vosso feedback. E é de coração cheio de gratidão e alegria que leio as mensagens de quem já o leu e partilha comigo o que a leitura desta história lhe provocou.
    E é por essa razão que estou aqui.
    Peço a todos, aos que já têm o livro, aos que ainda não têm, - mas terão mal termine a campanha, - que divulguem.
    Mais do que nunca preciso o vosso apoio na divulgação,
    A diferença que me falta pode estar nos vossos amigos. Partilhem!
    Um beijinho e obrigada pelo percurso que fazem do meu lado.

    Com estima,
    Helena Saraiva

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  • Helena Saraiva

    Lançamento do Livro

    Ser e fazer simples, o que de simples não tem nada, só me é possível porque estou rodeada de amor. E venho aqui partilhar um pouco desse amor, pelo qual estou muito grata, convosco.
    Alguns de vós tiveram a possibilidade de estar no lançamento, no dia 28 de janeiro, outros não.
    A maioria conhece-me não só da escrita, como também do projeto Rugas de Sorrisos e quero agradecer especialmente a quem só me conhece nesse registo, - e através das redes sociais, -
    ter reservado o meu livro.
    Espero não defraudar as vossas expetativas.
    Amos Bronson Alcott escreveu que um bom livro é aquele que se abre com esperança e se fecha com conteúdo. Espero surtir esse efeito em cada um de vós.
    Depois partilhem comigo o que acharam da história que não sendo de ninguém, podia ser de qualquer um de nós.
    Para já partilho eu algumas imagens de um dia que me permite dizer OBRIGADA a quem torna o meu agora tão bonito.
    Com carinho,
    Helena Saraiva.

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