Play can not stop here! We have the best fans in the world so our aim at this crowdfunding is 100,000 € or more. 4PLAY ... GAME ON !!!! If you have not seen the season 1 you can see here:

Filmagens 4Play
The first season of 4PLAY had 156.000€ funding of RTP2. The truth is that our company Frame productions, still had to add 15.000 € to produce the series and the pace of work on the shoot was very exhausting. It gave us a lot of pleasure to shoot 4 Play but the conditions were tough. It is impossible to work again at this pace, so we need to hire more people for the team on this second season.
The budget for the second season of 4PLAY is € 250 000. (we already have € 40 000 in sponsorship)
The campaign for the second season aims at € 100,000 or more by fans.
When we get the 100,000€ or more from crowdfunding, it will be national record and will end up being talked about everywhere and will "open the eyes" to brands and channels, This money will allow us to have more negotiating ability, will facilitate the obtaining of sponsorships and mainly proving the will of the public to see more of this series irreverent and innovative in the Portuguese panorama.
And now you ask. What if we get the Crowd funding goal but can not get the 110,000€ remaining? Well, in case we can not achieve this goal, we will use the money guaranteed by the fans and the support already raised to make a movie 4play for cinema. It is not our goal but we assure the fans that the money will be spent on 4 play content.
It is important to say that the more money we put together with the crowd crowding campaign, the closer we are to realizing the dream of the second season.
4 Play .... Game on!
Thanks for the support!!

moopie 4Play
Frame Productions
2o ep. Temporada 1.5
Já podes visualizar aqui o segundo episódio da temporada 1.5. Ainda é possível ! Partilha pelos teus amigos o link do crowdfunding e incentiva a contribuírem também !
O terceiro já está no forno. Em breve já enviamos!
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Frame Productions
2• ep. Temporada 1.5
Já podes visualizar aqui o segundo episódio da temporada 1.5. Ainda é possível ! Partilha pelos teus amigos o link do crowdfunding e incentiva a contribuírem também !
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Frame Productions
2•Ep temporada 1.5
Já podes visualizar aqui o segundo episódio da temporada 1.5. Ainda é possível ! Partilha pelos teus amigos o link do crowdfunding e incentiva a contribuírem também !
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Frame Productions
Pedimos desculpa por ainda não ter enviado os restantes episódios da temporada 1.5, mas a equipa é muito reduzida e estamos em fase de edição. Vamos enviando á medida que é editado.
Já viste o apanhado que lançamos hoje? Vais-te divertir imenso :)
Podes ver aqui o 1º episódio da 1.5:
Partilha e passa a palavra aos teus amigos, familiares, cão, gato, etc.
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