Venda da Vila Velha - rescue the memory of traditional sales and complete the "garden-restaurant" cycle at Espaço Vila Velha: Restaurant and headquarters of Montícola. Promote the circular economy, awareness and community spirit.
The Vila Velha Sale continues and strengthens the Eco-Circular Project: Pedagogical Garden and Social Restaurant, to raise awareness of more conscious consumption. Espaço Vila Velha, in addition to the restaurant and headquarters of the Association, also hosts exhibitions, workshops and lectures. This is where we want to open a grocery store and that's why we're asking for your help!
Projeto Eco-Circular
We intend to establish proximity trade and environmental awareness. We want to sell the products from our garden, transforming them into jams, dehydrated fruits and preserves. We want to promote the returnable tare of used bottles and conscientious purchasing: buy only what you need and in the quantities you need.
Create new links with the community, recover customs, promote the circular economy in the community, make known local/regional production.
On sale at Vila Velha will be available legumes, aromatic herbs, seeds, teas, dried fruits, olive oil, wine, natural cosmetics and essential oils.
Participate in our campaign and help us in Venda da Vila Velha!
About the author
Equipa Montícola
The Montícola Association, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Mértola, is an Association for Sustainable Development and Nature Conservation, with experience in holding events for scientific dissemination, awareness and environmental education, and monitoring focused on two groups: fauna and Flora.
The Montícola Association team comes from all corners of the country. We are lovers of the countryside, the Alentejo, Nature and we want this project to help make the village of Mértola more dynamic, fight depopulation and preserve this land of endless horizons.
We currently manage a vegetable garden, which intends to become an educational vegetable garden, demonstrating good agricultural, environmental and food practices, associating itself with a non-formal education space, Espaço Vila Velha (Restaurant and Tapas).
Budget and due dates
What have we already been able to do?
August'21 to September'21
. Collecting material to remodel the room for the future sale;
. Room makeover with the help of associates and volunteers
. Anniversary of the first year of Espaço Vila Velha: Pre-Inauguration of the Sale: interaction with the population to share ideas, needs and contacts with local producers.
. Creation of a promotional video for the Vila Velha Association and Space
What do we hope to achieve?
October' 21 to November'21
. Raise the amount needed to carry out the project
. Collect opinion from the local community about the project and their needs
November'21 to December'21
. Acquire weighing and technical products and material
. Inauguration of the Vila Velha Sale and public thanks to the funders
. Online Store Creation
The help raised throughout the campaign will be distributed in 5 groups, as shown in the chart below.
Associação Montícola
Obrigad@ a todos
Agradecemos a todos o importante contributo que realizaram para concretizar o nosso projeto!
Estamos a trabalhar no envio das recompensas, qualquer dúvida ou curiosidade, não hesitem em contactar-nos. OBRIGAD@
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Associação Montícola
Alcançamos os 30%
Agradecemos a todos os que nos ajudaram a alcançar os 30% de valor angariado!
Faltam 17 dias para o final da nossa campanha, ajudem-nos a alcançar os 50% ainda este fim-de-semana! Partilhem, partilhem, partilhem!! MUITO OBRIGAD@
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Associação Montícola
O Projeto está em andamento ...
A Venda da Vila Velha dá os primeiros passos. Já nos podem visitar.
As hortícolas que produzimos já estão disponíveis para venda, assim como alguns produtos locais.
Precisamos do vosso contributo para concluir este projeto e adquirir os equipamentos em falta e mais produtos locais e sazonais.
Venham visitar-nos! Ajudem-nos a criar esta Eco-Merceria em Mértola!
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