We are students at Etic Algarve in the pre-production phase of the short film called "ATÉ À ULTIMA GOTA". This short film aims to tell the story of a happy family who, after being without water for weeks, their darkest side emerges.
This campaign aims to raise funds to make the short film "ATÉ À ULTIMA GOTA".
This short film revolves around the theme of water, an essential commodity that is in increasing scarcity. During the short we will meet the Santos Family who initially seem like a united family until there is a water shortage and they have to survive with the little water they have. During these moments, we will get to know each character's true personality as they become further separated as a family.
The importance of the issue of water is something that affects the whole world, especially in the Algarve area, where there are more and more droughts and the water in the dams is decreasing. And it is for this reason and many others that this topic is important to talk about. The short film will portray what could happen in the present future, with droughts occurring and dam levels falling. So we envision exploring the topic of water or in more detail, the topic of lack of water.
João Baptista
Queremos agradecer a todos os apoiantes que até agora colaboraram e nos ajudaram, são vocês que vão tornar este filme real e possível de acontecer. Somos imensamente gratos por vocês.
Já conseguimos muito mas ainda não chegamos à nossa meta, pedimos que divulguem ao máximo e dentro dos possíveis a nossa campanha para que chegue a um maior número de pessoas.
Até agora já 723 pessoas visualizaram a página do nosso projeto, e infelizmente se cada uma tivesse contribuído com 1€ já teríamos alcançado o objetivo, é esse o impacto que um crowdfunding pode ter e aquilo que o poder da união pode proporcionar, mas ainda temos esperança, vamos seguir em frente.
Muito obrigado e até breve com notícias ainda melhores!
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