Bathtube for Dogs, Floor/wall

Bathtube for Dogs, Floor/wall

lectric Bathtube for dogs and setup of a new floor for pets.

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    0% of 3 350€

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  • 18/04/2019

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  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

lectric Bathtube for dogs and setup of a new floor for pets.

I’m a proffesional groomer for 3 years. I have a small garage were i attend my customers in the center of Ericeira Village, Portugal. I have this space for almost 1 year and the bussiness goes reletively good, with baby steps trying to get more costumers. Unfortunately i was not able to get the bathtube for medium/big sized dogs. My dificulty is thar i have an autoimmune disease, Lúpus, I live with constant pain in my joints. My back is also a problem because i carry all the pets to my improvised bathtube by my own. Also, i would like to have a proper envioronment for the pets with a new floor. Iḿ trying to safe some money but this bussiness in portugal is sazonal and my expenses are relatively high. I would be extremely happy with your help.

About the author

My name is Lilian Juçara Lago, also known as Sara the Groomer. I have 41 years old and i live in the Ericeira Village, Portugal. I’m in love by pets. Have three dogs, 2 of them were redeemed from the streets. I got my groomer diploma 3 years ago and i commited my body and soul to this. I have Lúpus, autoimmune disease, with some highs and downs, but i can preform my work. I was working in lisbon in a groomer store, but the expenses for the transports were too high and i started a new bussiness in my residential área. I have fair prices and I’m allways ready to offer all my services to pets that need extreme care, homeless pets etc.

Budget and due dates

The value of the bathtube is 1450€. It’s an automated one with elevator só i can safe my back.

The rest of the value will be used in the floor, vinil application and a paint in the wall.

My space is good só i let my customers (pets) walk and play in the room, but i would like to have a proper floor só they can feel more confortable. I already tried to apply a proper ground paint but without any luck.

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    5€ or more


    5 decorative bows for dogs

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    3 Ties for males

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    1 canine biscuit bag

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    5 decorative bows for dogs

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  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    dog or cat

    The reward will be the offer of 1 bath in my facilities after renewed.

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  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    dog or cat

    2 baths for 2 dogs or cats up to 9 kilos

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  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    dog or cat

    1 Shearing with a bath to a dog or cat

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    for 2 dogs

    2 Shear dogs up to 19 kg each dog

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  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    for 3 dogs

    3 shears in dogs up to 19kg

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  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    4 shears in dogs up to 19kg

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Sun, 22/09/2024 - 09:52


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

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