"Tartar" — Short Film — Psychological Thriller

"Tartar" — Short Film — Psychological Thriller

Tartarus: a short film that grotesquely reveals the abyss of society, exploring the dark depths of social inequality and morality, promising an intense and provocative cinematic...

Tartarus: a short film that grotesquely reveals the abyss of society, exploring the dark depths of social inequality and morality, promising an intense and provocative cinematic experience.

We invite you to support the creation of "Tartaro", a psychological thriller that explores the social critique of classes in an innovative and impactful way. This project aims to challenge the public to reflect on deep social inequalities and the distorted nature of morality in a dystopian environment.


In "Tartarus", society is governed by a cannibalistic system where the rich devour the poor. The poor, resigned, see death as a dignified escape, while the middle class navigates between serving and surviving. This film delves into the depths of human psychology, where the hunger for power and the fight for survival distort morality.

This campaign is intended to support the independent short film project "Tártaro", a psychological thriller directed by Kristina Boquinhas, master in forensic psychology, scriptwriter and film director. In partnership with several relevant entities and professionals, "Tartaro" proposes to explore a dystopian and disturbing narrative about social inequality, through a story where the rich devour the poor, the poor yearn to be eaten, and the middle class, serving both, finds a way to survive. The film aims to challenge the audience to reflect on morality and power dynamics in contemporary society.

Project's goal

"Tártaro" does not fit into the conventional mold of Portuguese cinema. It is a proposal that combines incisive social criticism with an engaging and disturbing narrative, using an aesthetic approach that mixes expressionist elements and a dark, dystopian look. This film aims to provoke discussion and reflection on the profound inequalities and moral distortions that emerge in contexts of extreme oppression.

Necessary Support

The film's production avoids traditional state financing and seeks support from independent film lovers who want to make a difference. We already have some logistical and financial support, but it is still necessary to raise a significant portion of the budget to finance:

  • Art Department: Including wardrobe, characterization, props and sets, essential to create the dystopian and visually impactful atmosphere of the film.
  • Filming and Sound Equipment: Rental of high quality equipment to guarantee technical excellence.
  • Post-Production: Editing, visual effects, music composition and sound work to finish the film to a professional standard.

    Filming Locations

    "Tartarus" will be shot in locations that capture the dark and dystopian essence of the narrative. Old abandoned factories or warehouses offer a decaying, industrial urban atmosphere, ideal for portraying areas devastated by social inequality. Additionally, interiors of abandoned churches or chapels will be explored, providing a unique blend of grandeur and decadence that will add visual depth and symbolism to the film. These unoccupied spaces not only complement the film's aesthetic, but also enrich the narrative with their distinctive architectural features.


    We plan to film "Tartarus" during the fall of this year, taking advantage of the season to capture the season's soft light and dramatic colors, ideal for this psychological thriller. The choice of filming locations, including interiors of abandoned churches and old factories or warehouses, enrich the film's visual narrative. These environments offer a unique combination of grandeur and decadence, perfect for conveying the dark, dystopian atmosphere of "Tartarus."

    Together, we can make "Tartarus" a reality. We will be eternally grateful for your support! Thank you very, very much!


About the author

This film is being produced independently, with the aim of reaching national and international cinemas.

"Tártaro" Team and Support

Kristina Boquinhas, a visionary director with a background in forensic psychology, now takes on the challenge of directing "Tártaro", a psychological thriller that promises to explore the dark depths of social inequality and morality. Her diverse career as a screenwriter and director prepared her for this innovative project.

The production is being developed with the collaboration of experienced talents in the film industry. The technical and creative team is made up of dedicated professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to the project.

We count on logistical support from local partners, including cultural entities, who have shown a strong interest in supporting "Tártaro". This project is not just a film, but an initiative to challenge conventions and provoke deep reflection on the issues that shape our society.

Join us on this cinematic journey where art meets social criticism in an innovative and transformative way. Be part of this movement to redefine independent cinema in Portugal and beyond.

Budget and due dates

To bring "Tartarus" to life on screen, we are looking for funding to cover all essential aspects of film production. Our budget of 3,855.72 euros for the first phase includes the following main items:

Pre-production: First Phase

  • Development of the script and script: Internal
  • Location research and artistic preparation: Internal
  • Hiring the main team (director of photography, art director, etc.): 1,000 euros

Production: First Phase

  • Rental of filming and lighting equipment: 1,000 euros
  • Rental costs and production insurance: 500 euros
  • Salaries for film crew and cast: 1,000 euros

Post-production: For viewing only, will be raised for the second phase.

  • Image and sound editing: 500 euros (for the second phase)
  • Original musical composition and audio mixing: 300 euros (for the second phase)
  • Color correction and visual effects: 200 euros (for the second phase)

Additional costs: First Phase

  • Campaign Fees 355.72 euros

Our production calendar is planned for October, taking advantage of autumn to capture the ideal atmosphere and light for "Tartarus". With your contribution, we can ensure that each phase of the project is completed with the quality and professionalism necessary to achieve our artistic goals and create an impact on the public.

Join us on this adventure to bring "Tartarus" to life, a film that challenges norms and offers an intense and provocative cinematic experience.

Sat, 13/07/2024 - 22:23

Campaign launched


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