"Through Simplicity and Continuous Refinement - Saucha - body, thought and emotions become clear reflections of the Self. Saucha reveals our true nature, allowing for the emergence of interest in the discovery of the Self." Yoga Sutras
The Ishwari´s Mantras project is a Devotional Music project, which started in 2011 and has produced 3 CD's.
In 2011 we released the Ishwari´s Mantras CD, in 2014 the CD Light - Luz was born and 2019 is the year of return to the studio, this time with the CD Saucha - The Purity, which is being finalized.
Saucha is a different CD from the previous ones, brings together mantras and meditations. It may just be listened to, which by itself contributes to an experience of Self-expansion, or it may also be taken beyond that, into a devotional practice from the Kundalini Yoga tradition.
Mantras are a very direct form of connection with the divine dwelling within, and upon its touch it enables a connection with the Divinity in its totality. Meditation is already a cleansing process for the mind, purifying the negativity which clouds that divine light. Together, mantras and meditation provide a practice for the elevation of consciousness, which is my intention for anyone who wishes to embark with me on this journey.
This CD-Book includes the music for seven Meditations. Some were already part of the project Ishwari's Mantras but never recorded. Others I composed at Master Shiv Charan Singh's suggestion, and the others were composed and added exclusively to create this CD. Together they are Saucha - The Purity.
Mantras and Meditations included on this CD:
1. Har Har Har Har Gobinday - Meditation to Purify the Subconscious
2. Ad Guray Nameh - Meditation for Projection and Protection from the Heart
3. Ap Sahaee Hoa - Prosperity Meditation
4. Ang Sang Wahe Guru - Meditation for a Grateful Heart
5. Adi Shakti - Adi Shakti Meditation for the Primordial Goddess
6. Pavan - Pran Bhanda Mantra Meditation
7. I Am Sat Nam - Meditation with the Gong
Support this project, together we will spread Purity seeds!