PlayMENTO Emotional intelligence game for children and teenagers

PlayMENTO Emotional intelligence game for children and teenagers

PlayMENTO is a card game that allows children and teenagers to explore and get to know better their Emotions, Feelings and how they are expressed in the Body.

  • 306


    102% of 2 000€

    116 backers

  • 15/07/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

PlayMENTO is a card game that allows children and teenagers to explore and get to know better their Emotions, Feelings and how they are expressed in the Body.

PlayMENTO is not just a game, there are SIX! Six games aimed at the emotional development of children and teenagers that bring together movement, feeling, thinking, behavior, and lots of fun.

PlayMENTO is a game that unites essential areas of Psychomotricity work: the Body that involves all our actions, movements, postures, relationships and also the Emotions that are expressed through the Body.

Helping children and adolescents to discover and be aware of their emotions and how they express themselves in the body is an essential tool for learning to identify them in themselves, to recognize them in everyday situations and to recognize them. them in others, developing their emotional intelligence.

Jogo PlayMENTO

How did PlayMENTO come about?

The games about emotions that I find in the market focus on the facial expression of each emotion, which as a Psychomotor Therapist, seemed insufficient to me because the whole body speaks when it comes to our emotions! For this reason, PlayMENTO contains:

- 30 illustrated cards with 15 Emotions, in female and male versions, represented in full body (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Love, Shame, Calm, Anxiety, Surprise, Annoyance, Frustration, Disgust, Courage, Gratitude, Guilt).

-10 Question Cards that allow you to deepen the participants' emotions, promoting reflection on situations in which they felt a certain emotion, how they feel it in themselves and in their body, how they resolve them… and much more!

It is a game that can be used by therapists, teachers, educators and parents who want to promote their children's emotional development in a fun way!

And still...

In addition to the 6 PlayMENTO games, you also have the opportunity to have 10 extra dynamics with the digital PlayMENTO+ add-on.

With PlayMENTO+ you will explore to the full the opportunities that PlayMENTO offers to work on the Emotional Intelligence and Body Awareness of children and adolescents.

Carta Emoção Gratidão

About the author

I'm Sara Duarte, I'm a psychomotor therapist (Psychomotor Rehabilitation) and I'm passionate about my work that allows me to help children, teenagers and their families in what may be obstacles in their day-to-day. I work with children and adolescents with developmental problems, learning difficulties and difficulties in managing their emotions and regulating their behavior. And all this through the Body and Psychomotor intervention!

In addition to clinical work, I train parents, teachers, educators and other therapists in the area of psychomotor skills and child development. And now, I decided to create PlayMENTO, a game that responds to the need to develop the emotional intelligence and body awareness of the children and teenagers I work with, and so many others, in a fun and dynamic way!

Budget and due dates


In order to be able to launch the PlayMENTO game and contribute to the emotional development of children and adolescents, whether in a therapeutic context, or through group dynamics with teachers, educators and even parents, I need your help to raise €2000 in which:

- 1815.5€ are intended to pay the cost of printing and packaging the game.

- €184.5 is for the PPL commission.


The printing and packaging of the game will take place between the 15th and 18th July 2021.

Rewards will be sent from August 1st, 2021.

  • calm reward

    Invest with
    3€ or more

    calm reward

    PlayMENTO+ ebook with 10 dynamics to develop emotional intelligence and body awareness in children and adolescents, based on PlayMENTO cards.

    8 backers

  • SURPRISE reward

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    SURPRISE reward

    Coupon of 25% discount on the PlayMENTO Game and the PlayMENTO+ Ebook offer.

    30 backers

  • GRATITUDE reward

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    GRATITUDE reward

    Coupon of 50% discount on the PlayMENTO Game and the PlayMENTO+ Ebook offer.

    18 backers

  • COURAGE reward

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    COURAGE reward

    Offering the PlayMENTO Game and the PlayMENTO+ Ebook.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    50 backers

  • reward LOVE

    Invest with
    60€ or more

    reward LOVE

    Offer of the PlayMENTO game and the PlayMENTO+ Ebook & Offer of 1 Course on the 'Desenvolver Childhood' Project (courses in the area of child development)

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    5 backers

    Limited to 30 units. 25 remaining

  • JOY reward

    Invest with
    110€ or more

    JOY reward

    Offer of the PlayMENTO game and the PlayMENTO+ Ebook & Offer of 2 Courses of the 'Desenvolver Childhood' Project (courses in the area of child development)

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    2 backers

    Limited to 20 units. 18 remaining

Mon, 17/03/2025 - 21:30

Thu, 22/07/2021 - 19:49

Agradecimento especial <3

Muito grata por terem apoiado este meu projeto! É graças a todos os contributos que é agora possível iniciar a produção do jogo PlayMENTO e levá-lo a mais crianças, pais, educad...

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Fri, 16/07/2021 - 09:55

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 14/07/2021 - 18:01

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sat, 19/06/2021 - 16:55

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 04/06/2021 - 22:47

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 01/06/2021 - 22:32

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Sara Duarte

    Agradecimento especial <3

    Muito grata por terem apoiado este meu projeto! É graças a todos os contributos que é agora possível iniciar a produção do jogo PlayMENTO e levá-lo a mais crianças, pais, educadores, professores, terapeutas e a todos os que se interessam pela educação da inteligência emocional desde cedo!
    Em breve darei notícias sobre o PlayMENTO e envio das recompensas :)
    Um dia feliz!

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  • Dário Marreiros


    Muito boa sorte para o projecto.
    Desenvolver a inteligência emocional nas crianças é fundamental para se tornarem adultos plenos.

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