

Filipa is being pursued by an evil spirit, and it's up to you to try to save her.

  • 5


    1% of 900€

    1 backer

  • 28/03/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Filipa is being pursued by an evil spirit, and it's up to you to try to save her.

FILIPA and JOANA performed a ritual in order to fulfill their greatest desires for fame and fortune. The ritual does not seem to have had an immediate effect, however days later FILIPA discovers that JOANA was found dead, in an unconventional situation. FILIPA begins to feel persecuted. In this story, the viewer will follow FILIPA's point of view and through various choices that will be put in question in the character's path, the audience will have to try to save her.

Filipa is 25 years old and an aspiring writer who knows that her dream of becoming famous is far from being realized. He works full time in a cafe, which helps pay the bills of the house where he lives. He is fascinated by supernatural stories, which is why he decided to team up with Joana to perform the ritual.

The Force is the antagonist of this story. Its origins date back to a distant past, in the Middle Ages (17th century). She was condemned to a life of oblivion and now lives in limbo between the two worlds (the mortal and the spiritual). Your goal is to survive by becoming immortal through possession of a physical body.

About the author

We are a group of students from the Degrees in Video Cinema and Multimedia Communication and Sound Sciences and Technology at Universidade Lusófona.

The project was born within a small group of students of the 3rd year of the degree in cinema during the first semester of this school year (2021/2022). As it was developed, it gained life and more complexity, as well as the help of the Sound. Despite its experimental content, with a lot of effort, dedication and teamwork we won the opportunity to be able to carry out and produce it.

We intend to create something out of the ordinary, not yet explored enough in the audiovisual world. All that is needed now is all your help to make this project real.


Director – Constança Baptista

1st Assistant Directing – Eliana Caleia

2nd Assistant Directing – Catarina Silva

Script Supervisor – Lara Figueiredo

Production Director – Ana Lourenço

Production Coordinator – Pedro Coimeira

Production Manager – Madalena Dickmann

Production Assistants – Joana Seixas; Monica Martins; Diogo Palma

Art Director – Barbara Barbosa

Chief Decorator – Francisca Fernandes

Art Assisi – Lara Mather

Assisi de Plateau -Bárbara Barbosa

Propist – Madalena Dickmann

Head of Wardrobe – Francisca Fernandes

Costume designer – Joana Seixas

Wardrobe Assis – Théo Ferreira

VFX and SFX Make-up / Hair – Vera Lúcia

VFX Coordinator – Pedro Oliveira

VFX Technician – Guilherme Pica

Marketing and Web Promotion – Constança Baptista and Ana Lourenço

EPK – Francisca Fernandes

Director of Photography – Leonor Leitmann

Gaffer – Rafael Florencio

Lighting Assistants – Mafalda Vaz; Rita Mata; Karina de Gennaro

Video-assist – João Trindade

Making of – Ana Gabrielle Stradiotto

Scene Photographer – Diogo Flauzino

Post-production Coordinator – Théo Ferreira

Editors – Roberta Lionello and André Alves

Assembly Assistant / Data Wrangler – Duarte Felgueiras

Colorists – Leonor Leitmann and Constança Baptista

Generics, Credits and Graphics – Guilherme Pica

Creation of promotional materials – Carlotta Sempere and Diogo Valadares

Trailer Assembly – Tomás Lourenço

Making of montage – Maria Batista

Subtitling – Tomás Lourenço

VFX - Pedro Oliveira


Budget and due dates

Being an academic project, we received a small amount from the faculty, however it is not enough to support the entire project, and that is why we ask for your help in raising these funds.

Distribution of the budget among the various departments of the team:

Production – 900€

Image – 290€

Art – 480€

Sound – 30€

Filming days will take place from March 9 to 13.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Personalized thank you by email

    By supporting our campaign with 10€ we will send you a personalized thank you email.

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    15€ or more

    Thanks in the movie credits

    By supporting our campaign with 15€, your name will appear in the film acknowledgments within the end credits.

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    20€ or more

    official poster

    By supporting our campaign with 20€, you receive, after the film's premiere, your Official Poster. Place, time and date to be agreed with the person in question.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

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    Limited to 25 units. 25 remaining

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    digital album

    By supporting our campaign with 30€, a digital photo album with a dedication written by the director will be sent via email.

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Official T-shirt

    By supporting our campaign with 50€, we will deliver the Official T-shirt of the film, after the film's release date. Place, date and time to be agreed with the person in question.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

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    Limited to 15 units. 15 remaining

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    Associate Producer

    By supporting our campaign with 70€ you will receive the position of Associate Producer in our film.

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    Limited to 7 units. 7 remaining

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Ritual book

    By supporting our campaign with 100€, you will receive the exclusive ritual book. Place, date and time to be agreed with the person in question.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

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    Limited to 4 units. 4 remaining

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Complete Ritual Performance Kit

    By supporting our campaign with 200€, you will receive the complete ritual package. Follow the instructions carefully and don't try to do it yourself at home! Place, date and time to be agreed with the person in question.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

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    Limited to 4 units. 4 remaining

Sun, 16/02/2025 - 15:50


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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