Include the Azores in the National Cycle Touring Network

Include the Azores in the National Cycle Touring Network

It is intended to include the Azorean islands in the most complete cycle touring network in the country. And we want to start with São Miguel, the largest island in the entire A...

  • 885


    7% of 12 000€

    25 backers

  • 05/08/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

It is intended to include the Azorean islands in the most complete cycle touring network in the country. And we want to start with São Miguel, the largest island in the entire Archipelago.

Bicycle tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. From the Atlantic coast to the border area, bicycle trips are increasingly contributing to the economic development of the regions (hotels, restaurants, regional products, complementary tourist activities, etc.), towards a tourism with a smaller environmental footprint, a fairer territorial cohesion through the decongestion of major tourist attraction centers, for a deeper knowledge of the national geography, flora and fauna, for the promotion of the habits and customs of each village, town and city.

The islands are no exception!

O seu apoio é fundamental para englobarmos São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo

For this reason, this campaign aims to raise funds to, for the first time, include the Azores Archipelago in the National Cycle Touring Network. And it's intended to start with the largest island, São Miguel !

The 3 great volcanic cones with their lagoons (Sete Cidades, Fogo and Furnas), the luxuriant tree vegetation, the hot water pools, the famous stew, the ocean beaches with water heated by volcanic activity, the waterfalls and the puddles with therapeutic mud are just a part of what this island has to offer during a few days of cycling around it. Oh! And of course, cows (lots of cows)!

This campaign is intended, as such, to raise funds to support the costs of identifying routes on the island of São Miguel to be included both in the National Cycle Tourism Network and in the new guide (almost ready) with Tours for e- bike. It is estimated that there may be between 4 and 6 sections, with 25 to 40 km each, passing through the most beautiful features of the island.

I count on you to support this campaign with a strong nature in terms of territorial cohesion !!!

O seu apoio é fundamental para englobarmos São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo

About the author

   Born in 1973 in a quiet village in Beira Alta province, Paulo Guerra dos Santos has lived in Lisbon since his first year.
Graduated in Civil Engineering from ISEL, he specialized in Road Projects. Since 1995 carries out projects, with strong use of computer-aided design and engineering technologies (CAD/CAE), in the areas of Digital Land Modeling (for topographical support, platform modeling and volume calculation) and Road Projects.
   He also has a second area of ​​training, Industrial Robotics, where he worked and provided training during much of the 1990s and early 2000s.
In the summer of 2010, he stopped his professional activity for 4 months and took an epic trip: 100 days of cycling in mainland Portugal, an adventure recorded daily on the travel blog.

The alliance between this knowledge and the experience acquired in the large dozens of bicycle trips that he has made (and continues to do) have been used to identify the National Cycle Touring Network and take it to other travelers in the shap of a guide with detailed maps and GPS trails to be used as a travel guide. In 2022, this network already has 148 sections and respective maps totaling 6409 km of identified routes, for now only in mainland Portugal.

The author develops the entire National Cycle Touring Network as a solo project.

His greatest ambition? May one day come to pedal on Mars. Or on the Moon, if the journey to Martian lands is too tiring.

O seu apoio é fundamental para englobarmos São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo

Budget and due dates

June and July 2022
- Fundraising campaign.

August and September 2022
- Search in office of routes to go. Definition of study tracks and preparation of field trips.

September 2022
- Trip of 10 to 12 days to São Miguel, Azores, for field work with successive bicycle trips along the routes to be identified in order to validate the best routes and points of natural and heritage interest, photo capture, recording of GPS tracks, obtaining technical data such as altitudes and slopes, condition of the pavements, etc.

October 2022
- Beginning of the creation of sections (4 to 6), design of maps and final GPS tracks, one for each of the new sections.

March 2023
- Completion of the new road book pages and sending them to all campaign supporters.

O seu apoio é fundamental para englobarmos São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo

  • 25€ discount for the purchase of the Road Book 2022

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    25€ discount for the purchase of the Road Book 2022

    For donations of €10 or more, offer of: - €25 discount for the purchase of the current Road Book 2022 of the National Cycling Tourism Network, which already has 6409 km of routes across the country (Mainland Portugal) divided into 148 sections.

    9 backers

  • The former + The new sections on the island of São Miguel

    Invest with
    25€ or more

    The former + The new sections on the island of São Miguel

    For donations of €25 or more, offer: - The previous reward. - Maps, photos and GPS tracks of the new sections to be identified in São Miguel. It is estimated that there will be between 5 and 7 sections throughout the island.

    8 backers

  • The previous + Road Book 2022

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    The previous + Road Book 2022

    For donations of €50 or more, offer: - All offers from the previous reward. - The entire Road Book 2022 of the National Cycling Tourism Network (at the end of the campaign).

    3 backers

  • The previous + Road Book 2023

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    The previous + Road Book 2023

    For donations of €100 or more, offer of: - All offers from the previous reward - The new Road Book 2023 of the National Cycling Tourism Network, to be published during Spring 2023, with new routes including those in São Miguel.

    4 backers

  • The previous + Road Book "The most beautiful tours for electric bikes"

    Invest with
    300€ or more

    The previous + Road Book "The most beautiful tours for electric bikes"

    For donations of €300 or more, offer: - All previous reward offers. - The new Road Book with "The most beautiful electric bike rides" and respective GPS tracks, to be finished and published in August of this year. In 2023 it will also include tours in São Miguel. - 2x Road Book 2022 offer, to select 2 friends of your choice who will receive this road book for free and who will have all the benefits as if they had purchased it. Note: It can be used to provoke that lazy friend who really likes the sofa ;)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • The previous + Road Books until 2025 + Lunch with the promoter

    Invest with
    1000€ or more

    The previous + Road Books until 2025 + Lunch with the promoter

    For donations of €1000 or more, offer: - All previous reward offers. - All Road Books, either from the National Cycle Touring Network as from "The most beautiful tours for electric bikes" until 2025, inclusive. - Lunch with the promoter for a conversation about bicycle trips (in tavern and date to be agreed). - 5x Road Book 2022 offer, to select 5 friends of your choice who will receive this itinerary for free and who will have all the benefits as if they had purchased it. Note: It can be used to provoke that lazy friend who really likes the sofa ;) - Inclusion in the restricted group (of emails) of friends of the promoter, who every year take a 1 week pedal trip through the National Cycle Touring Network.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 12/12/2024 - 13:10

Fri, 23/09/2022 - 16:08

Olá caras e caros apoiantes,

Olá caras e caros apoiantes, Apesar do insucesso da campanha no que toca à angariação dos fundos, esta teve um aspecto positivo: o de promover a Rede Nacional de Cicl...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 03/08/2022 - 22:13


Caras e caros apoiantes, Termina já esta sexta-feira, dia 5 de Agosto, a campanha de crowdfunding que pretendia englobar a Ilha de São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo...

Read more

Sat, 23/07/2022 - 10:59

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 22/07/2022 - 16:29

Caras e caros apoiantes,

Caras e caros apoiantes, Faltam duas semanas para o final da campanha de angariação de fundos para colocarmos os Açores na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo. Como pod...

Read more

Wed, 08/06/2022 - 10:03

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Olá caras e caros apoiantes,

    Olá caras e caros apoiantes,

    Apesar do insucesso da campanha no que toca à angariação dos fundos, esta teve um aspecto positivo: o de promover a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo nos Açores, deixando lá em diversos agentes uma pequena semente que há-de em breve germinar.

    Como forma de agradecimento enviei para todos vós, via email, uma hiperligação para descarregar o Road Book 2022 completo com todos os 148 tracks GPS correspondentes a tantas outras secções destes 6409 km de rotas identificadas em Portugal Continental.

    Espero que lhe dêem uso, muito uso, nas vossas viagens de bicicleta por Portugal.

    Para 2023 estão prometidos mais quilómetros e algumas novidades ;)

    Boas pedaladas a todos.

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    OBRIGADO !!!

    Caras e caros apoiantes,

    Termina já esta sexta-feira, dia 5 de Agosto, a campanha de crowdfunding que pretendia englobar a Ilha de São Miguel na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.
    Como poderão ver, dificilmente será alcançado o objectivo pretendido.

    Das enormes dificuldades sentidas para tentar fazer chegar a campanha aos açoreanos, tanto os residentes nas ilhas como os emigrantes, à reduzida adesão da imprensa regional na promoção da campanha (eu bem tentei) fazem perceber que as ilhas ainda não estão atentas à cada vez maior taxa de penetração do turismo em bicicleta no nosso país. Em particular numa altura
    em que cada vez mais insulares se queixam do crescente número de automóveis (com turistas) a circular pelas ilhas, incluindo em zonas mais ambientalmente sensíveis.

    Percebe-se também que, dada a actual situação macro-económica e de pós-pandemia, as incertezas em relação ao futuro originam nas pessoas uma retracção ao apoio a este tipo de projectos. Compreensivel, diria eu sem hesitações.

    Mas nem tudo se perde. O intensivo trabalho de promoção da campanha nestes 60 dias que agora findam certamente darão frutos dentro de alguns anos. Aguardemos serenamente.

    Por isso mesmo aos que apoiaram esta campanha deixo o meu especial agradecimento, lembrando que o valor do donativo será devolvido na íntegra dentro de dias.
    E a todos os que têm apoiado as sucessivas campanhas feitas nos últimos anos deixo também os meus sentidos agradecimentos, pois é graças a todos vós que o projecto da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo tem crescido.

    Estão por isso prometidos mais quilómetros de rede para 2023, tanto para bicicleta convencional como com assistência eléctrica. E muitas outras novidades também.

    Ah! E porque vocês são todos espectaculares, para quem fez donativo para esta campanha que agora finda, será enviado gratuitamente o Road Book 2022 da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo. Sim, e ainda recebem o vosso dinheiro de volta!

    E pronto, era só isto!
    Desejo-vos um 2022 cheio de muitas e boas pedaladas.
    Até breve.

    Paulo Guerra dos Santos

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Caras e caros apoiantes,

    Caras e caros apoiantes,

    Faltam duas semanas para o final da campanha de angariação de fundos para colocarmos os Açores na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.

    Como poderão ver esta campanha está a ser extremamente difícil.

    De todo o trabalho árduo desde os diversos contactos (quase diários) com agentes e imprensa regional, dos imensos mails a "chatear-vos", das variadíssimas publicações nas redes sociais, de tudo tenho feito ao meu alcance para tentar chegar às pessoas, nomeadamente aos Açorianos - tanto os que vivem nas ilhas como os emigrados - para os sensibilizar para um sector ainda em desenvolvimento nas ilhas e para o qual boa parte da população insular ainda não estará sensibilizada, nomeadamente sobre as enormes vantagens de apostar na criação de roteiros turísticos para a promoção do turismo em bicicleta.

    Conto por isso convosco para, qual milagre das rosas, darem o vosso melhor no apoio a esta empreitada hercúlea, sabendo que a maioria dos apoios vem sempre nos últimos dias de campanha. Por isso, se puderem, partilhem a campanha "à bruta e sem parcimónia" nas vossas redes sociais, junto de amigos e conhecidos.

    Vamos surpreender os Açores com o financiamento desta campanha?

    E lembrem-se, caso esta não tenha sucesso, o vosso donativo será devolvido na íntegra no final da campanha, pelo que não há nada a perder !

    Conto convosco nesta recta final.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos

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25 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 5
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