Volunteer program in Kathmandu - Nepal

Volunteer program in Kathmandu - Nepal

Volunteer project in Kathmandu in Nepal. All money raised will be applied to medical expenses, school supplies, payment of school fees and materials that the orphanage is missing.

  • 1440


    103% of 1 400€

    34 backers

  • 20/09/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Volunteer project in Kathmandu in Nepal. All money raised will be applied to medical expenses, school supplies, payment of school fees and materials that the orphanage is missing.

We need you! How can you help?

We (Anna & Inês) are going to volunteer at VFN - Papa's home in October and November 2013.

We are trying to do some fundraising for this wonderfull project and give those children new opportunities!

Your Sponsorship will enable an underprivileged child to attend a good school and access confidence and building opportunities. 

  • Food and secure Shelter.
  • Clothing, including school uniforms.
  • Covering of all educational expenses.
  • Education materials.
  • Proper Medical care.
  • Combined study room and library facility.
  • Extra curricular activities like sports, music, arts etc.
  • Educational tours at least once a year.

About the author

Who we are:

Inês Alves 27 years old, was born in Oporto, Portugaland she works as a Visual Arts teacher. 

Convinced her parents to enrollin girl scouts of Portugal by the age of 9 and spent the next decade with this organization. 10 years of voluntary work, nights slept in the open fields, sweat, tears and many life-long friendships, helped make this club her second home.These life experiences, not only helped to develop that inner need of being always ready to help the stranger besides you, but also the great joys and benefits that come from travelling. These two virtues combined brought me forward to apply to become an international volunteer. 

Anna Jonker, 27 years old, from Haarlem, The Netherlands. Account manager in a fashion company.

Anna began working 9 years ago in the Dutch Fashion Industry. An industry where she got to grow professionally as well as personally.
At 27, she couldn't asked for more. An admirable job position, a fancy apartment, too many travels to count. But at 27 she also realized how much privileged her life thus far has been, all due to the nature of being born into a very gifted family. Not everybody has these possibilities and opportunities.
With this in mind, Anna has decided to take some time off from her professional and personal life to help and contribute as an international volunteer at the Volunteers Foundation Nepal. 

Volunteer Foundation Nepal founded in 2010 by Lalit Shahi.

The combined effort of Nepali citizen Lalit Shahi and retired UK school teacher Eric Fairman, created: Papa's Home.

Papa's Home is located in Kupondol, a suburb of Kathmandu. It is estimated that there are +/- 4.000 children surviving on the streets of Nepal. Living their lives collecting plastic bottles for re-sale, begging from passers-by and checking garbage bins for something to eat. 

The project Papa’s Home’ was launched on the 1th September, 2012. The home is a small project, currently caring for 33 children. 28 boys and 5 girls. Most of them ar younger than the age of 12. After lots of effort Papa's home has become a focus for helping a few of the many hundreds of street children in Kathmandu.

Feel free to contact us by email.

Budget and due dates

Despesas: Despesas médicas, frequência nas escolas (no Nepal o ensino não é gratuito), alojamento e alimentação dos meninos do orfanato, materiais e recursos humano

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 19:16


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


34 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 25
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  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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