"Voltar à Terra" - Return to Earth

"Voltar à Terra" - Return to Earth

The “Voltar à Terra” (Return to Earth, in english) is an environmental play. The goal is to create an artistic space for reflection and awareness related to environmental issues...

  • 385


    5% of 7 500€

    6 backers

  • 11/11/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The “Voltar à Terra” (Return to Earth, in english) is an environmental play. The goal is to create an artistic space for reflection and awareness related to environmental issues. We would like to travel around the country to share and take in the most diverse and ecological experiences. To make this happen, we need your support!

The storytellers are related to the earth and revives it. This notion about storytelling keeping the planet alive making it a necessity, is the basis of this performance intending to position itself as an environmental self-portrait but also to create a dialogue with the audience to share their experiences.

The actress Anabela Teixeira performs inspired by her personal blog  “Voltar à Terra”, and her engagement in environmental related causes such as FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture; Greenfest Festival; among others.

The aim is to share, in an artistic and creative way, the actress’ lifestyle and experience related to sustainability.

In addition to that, during the performance the audience’s experience related to environmental issues will be shared, such as: climate change, foods environmental impact, recycling, polution, circular economy, ecology language, cultural ecology...

This exchange of ideas with people during gatherings/workshops are an essential part of the performance.

Thus arises the “Voltar à Terra” as a solo performance, but also as a joint creation, which we intend to bring to parks, other national areas and international as well, as a way to develop this research.

To achieve this goal, we ask for your help and contribution. With the possibility of touring we are sure we can get closer to you, your experiences and traditions.


Thank you!

About the author

Anabela Teixeira | Interpreter and co-creator

Started her training as an actress in 1992. Starred in several movies, television series, soap operas and short films. In theatre Anabela worked with directors, such as João Brites, Joaquim Benite, Nuno Carinhas, among others. In 2013 she received the award Prémio Sophia, for Best Supporting Actress, starred in the movie “Florbela”.

Directed and Devised by | Mário Coelho

Started, in 2012, his undergraduation in Teatro – Actores (Theatre - Actors), at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (Theatre and Cinema College) In 2015, starred in the play “Musgo e Urze”, under the direction of Mariana Ferreira. In 2016, he wrote and directed the play “É possível respirar debaixo de água” (“It is possible to breathe under water) having his premiere at Manteigaria Lisboa.

Music and Sound Design | Frederico Pereira

Composer, Sound Designer - BA Honours in Sonic Arts at Middlesex University, SAE Diploma in Audio Engineering;  Bachelor of Music (University of London) – Bmus Composition and Music Technology at Goldsmiths College London and Conservatório de Música do Porto – Piano e Composição (Porto’s Music Conservatory - Piano and Composition). Music Producer of various national artists. Software and technology developer dedicated to live shows (music, theatre, dance, etc.). 

Nuno Meira | Lighting Designer

Has worked with several artists in the theatre and dance areas, such as Ana Luísa Guimarães, Beatriz Batarda, Diogo Infante, João Cardoso, João Pedro Vaz, João Reis, Manuel Sardinha, Marco Martins, Nuno Carinhas, Paulo Ribeiro, Tiago Guedes de Carvalho, Tiago Rodrigues, Ricardo Pais e Rui Lopes Graça. Co-founded Teatro Só (1995) and Cão Danado e Companhia (2001), he’s partner of ASSéDIO (1998) and regularly contributor at Companhia Paulo Ribeiro (2001) and at Arena Ensemble (2007). Was awarded, in 2004, with the Prémio Revelação Ribeiro da Fonte.

Isabel Tavares | Producer

Started in 2012 her undergraduation at Leisure and Tourist Entertainment Management at Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (Hotel and Tourism College of Estoril). Since then, her passion for events and her interest in sustainability has made her part of the Greenfest festival team (biggest event on sustainability in Portugal).



Budget and due dates

Team: 4.500€

Production costs: 1.400€

Allowances: 725€

Promotion: 500€

5% of PPL value (before TAX): 375€

Total Budget: 7.500€

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Special Thanks

    You will get a speacial thanks in an article on the blog Voltar à Terra!

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  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Special Thanks + theatre ticket

    Get your ticket for the show now, as if you had bought it in advance! In case you can not attend the play in Lisbon, you will receive an email with the dates of the tour. You will have a special thanks in an article on the blog Voltar à Terra.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Special Thanks + theatre ticket + autographed poster

    Besides receiving a theatre ticket and a special thanks, you will also receive an autographed poster.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Special Thanks + theatre ticket + autographed poster + programme of the show

    Besides receiving a theatre ticket and a speacil thanks, you will also receive an autographed poster and the programme of the show.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Special thanks in the programme of the show + one ticket for the play’s premiere

    We will mention your name under “Special Thanks”on the play’s programme. You will always be notified by email about our performances taking place all over the country, and you will always be able to attend the play on the day of the premiere.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Name on the play’s programme + possibility of dinner/lunch with the team + take photos together + previous items

    You will have your name on the play’s programme! Besides the invitations for the premieres, we will consider you a friend of the team Voltar à Terra and we can have dinner or lunch together. We will take photos together and you will receive the autographed play’s poster as well as the programme.

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  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Name or logo on the poster + promotion in the media + precious items

    Considered one of the main sponsors of the play, you will have your name on the poster, or the logo, in case it is a company. You will also be mentioned on the blog Voltar à Terra and in all the media that the actress Anabela Teixeira will attend, including interviews (radio, television shows). We will be eternally grateful for helping us to create the play Voltar à Terra. This also includes invitations to the premieres in the whole country, as well as a lunch or a dinner where you will meet the whole team.

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Thu, 26/09/2024 - 20:03

Tue, 10/01/2017 - 09:58

Reembolso - Espetáculo Voltar à Terra

Bom dia, Gostariamos antes de mais de agradecer todo o vosso apoio. Infelizmente não obtivemos sucesso com esta campanha mas acreditamos que poderemos crescer e dar voz a est...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

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  • Anabela Teixeira

    Reembolso - Espetáculo Voltar à Terra

    Bom dia,

    Gostariamos antes de mais de agradecer todo o vosso apoio. Infelizmente não obtivemos sucesso com esta campanha mas acreditamos que poderemos crescer e dar voz a este espetáculo de uma forma diferente e única. Fique atento às novidades!

    Como tal, para procederem ao vosso reembolso basta enviar o IBAN, nome da pessoa e montante atribuído para o seguinte e-mail : pagamentos@ppl.com.pt

    Se necessitar de ajuda da nossa parte , não hesite em contactar-nos : voltaraterraproducao@gmail.com

    Obrigada uma vez mais.


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