Luís Tinoco - Orchestral Works

Luís Tinoco - Orchestral Works

Following his first CD "Chamber Works" (2006), the composer Luís Tinoco is working on a new CD project due to be released in 2013 on Naxos.The recording sessions ...

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  • 10/06/2012

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Following his first CD "Chamber Works" (2006), the composer Luís Tinoco is working on a new CD project due to be released in 2013 on Naxos.The recording sessions ...

Following his first CD "Chamber Works" (2006), the composer Luís Tinoco is working on a new CD project due to be released in 2013 on Naxos.

The recording sessions with the Gulbenkian Orchestra lead by the American conductor David Alan Miller will take place between the 11th and the 16th of June 2012, at the Gulbenkian Foundation's auditorium, and will also feature three internationally renowned sopranos: Yeree SuhAna Quintans and Raquel Camarinha.

Four orchestral works  will be recorded on this CD, all written by Luís Tinoco during the last ten years: "Round Time" (2002), for symphony orchestra; "Search Songs" (2007), for soprano and orchestra – setting poems by Alexander Search (Fernando Pessoa); "From the Depth of Distance" (2008), for soprano and orchestra – setting poems by Walt Whitman and Álvaro de Campos (F. Pessoa); and "Songs from The Solitary Dreamer" (2011-12), also for soprano and orchestra – setting texts by Almeida Faria.

These four works were commissioned by the Porto National Orchestra, the Estoril Music Weeks Festival, the Albany Symphony Orchestra, the Algarve Orchestra and the Casa da Música Foundation and were previously performed both in Portugal and abroad by prestigious orchestras such as the Gulbenkian Orchestra, the Porto Casa da Música Symphony Orchestra, the Portuguese Symphony Orchestra, the Algarve Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Albany Symphony Orchestra and the Montpellier National Orchestra.

The funds collected by the Crowdfunding platform will help supporting the production costs of a recording that gathers a notable group of artists and that counts with the institutional support of the Gulbenkian Foundation's Music Service, the Portuguese Author's Society, the Luso-American Foundation (FLAD) and the Classical Radio RDP Antena 2.

EGEAC - The company managing the equipment and cultural events, from the Lisbon Municipality - is a promotion partner in this project.
The solicited funding corresponds to the minimum amount required to support this project through the crowdfunding platform. The remaining funding will need to be collected through other partnerships.

About the author

Luís Tinoco studied Composition at the Escola Superior de Música in Lisbon and the Royal Academy of Music in London and, more  recently, he completed a PhD at the University of York in the UK.

He was awarded with various Composition prizes in Portugal and in the UK, including the Revelation Prize (for Music), awarded by the Ministry of Culture in Portugal.

Recent projects include the première of the music theatre work Evil Machines with libretto and stage direction by the former Monty Python Terry Jones; and the opera Paint Me, com libretto by Stephen Plaice and stage directed by Rui Horta.

Future projects include the composition of new orchestral works commissioned by the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra.

Tinoco's music is published in the UK by the University of York Music Press.

David Alan Miller (conductor): Born in Los Angeles, he concluded his BA at the University of Califórnia, Berkeley, and obtained a Masters Degree in Orchestral Conducting at the Juilliard School. He has established a reputation as one of the leading American conductors of his generation. As a guest conductor, he worked with most of the major American Orchestras. And as Music Director of the Albany Symphony Orchestra, a position he has held since 1992, Mr. Miller has proven himself a creative and compelling orchestra builder.

Yeree Suh (soloist)Has sung in various productions lead by renowned conductors such as René Jacobs, Philippe Herreweghe, Kent Nagano, Marek Janowsky, Tom Koopman, Charles Dutoit, Andrea Marcon, amongst others, and also sung in many prestigious festivals such as the Innsbruck Early Music Festival, Berlin National Opera Baroque Festival, and the Flandres and the Schwetzingen festivals.

Ana Quintans (soloist): With a Degree on Sculpture by the Lisbon Beaux-Arts Faculty, Ms Quintans also studied Singing at the Music National Conservatoire and at the Flanders Operastudio in Gent (with a Gulbenkian scholarship). Her international career started in 2005 with Les Arts Florissants and the Maestro William Christie, specializing in the music repertoire of the XVII / XVIII centuries. In this field she has worked with conductors such as Michel Corboz; Marc Minkowski; Enrico Onofri; William Christie; Marcos Magalhães; Vincent Dumestre and Alan Curtis amongst others. Ms Quintans can be heard on DVD in Purcell's “Dido and Aeneas” (Christie/Warner/Opera Comique Paris).

Raquel Camarinha (soloist): Concluded her Singing undergraduate studies in 2004 with distinction. In 2009 completed a First Degree at the Aveiro University, where she was awarded with various scholarships. And in 2011 she completed with distinction (Mention Très Bien) her Master Degree at the Paris Conservatoire.
 In the same year, Ms Camarinha won the 1st Prize in the Luísa Todi - Singing National Competition, as well as the Ana Lagoa Award, for the Best Performance in the category Opera Aria.

Budget and due dates

1) Este projecto discográfico, estando já confirmada a sua realização, ainda não conseguiu reunir a totalidade dos montantes para cobrir os encargos previstos. Enquanto autor das obras que serão gravadas e na qualidade de promotor do projecto, assumirei pessoalmente o encargo dos valores que não forem reunidos até a conclusão da produção do CD. 2) O CD será gravado e masterizado em Junho de 2013, estando prevista a sua edição em Setembro de 2013, pela etiqueta Naxos. Os pagamentos aos artistas e restantes profissionais deverão ser feitos num prazo razoável após a conclusão da produção do CD (i.e., até final de Julho 2012) 3) Os pagamentos a fornecedores poderam ser um pouco mais adiados mas, mesmo assim, deverão ser honrados até final de Setembro 2012 4) Apesar de o CD contar com o apoio institucional do Serviço de Música da Fundação Gulbenkian e da RDP Antena 2, não está previsto que estas instituições suportem custos financeiros de qualquer ordem, o mesmo acontecendo com a Editora (Naxos) que só assumirá a produção (em fábrica) e distribuição do CD. 5) Resumidamente, os custos de produção serão os seguintes: a) cachets para músicos de reforço da orquestra: 2775€ b) cachets para músicos solistas: 3000€ c) cachet para maestro: 2400€ d) viagens, alimentação e alojamentos dos solistas e maestro: 2950€ e) custos com engenheiro de som (Produtor) e com trabalho da equipe técnica (fornecido pela empresa Lourisom), incluindo captação, edição, masterização e aluguer de equipamento: 10725€ (valor com IVA) f) aluguer de partituras e materiais orquestrais (fornecidos pela MusicSales group, via Intermúsica): 2637€ g) grafismo: 1500€ h) diversos (transportes, refeições, etc): 480€ total: 26.467€ total angariado até Maio 2012 (com apoios do Fundo Cultural da SPA e da Fundação Luso-Americana): 9.196€ total em falta: 17.271€ Nota: estes valores não incluem a eventual realização de um pequeno vídeo promocional "making of". A eventual angariação de verbas suplementares poderia viabilizar a realização deste vídeo, com depoimentos dos vários intervenientes e captação de imagens durante as sessões de gravação com a Orquestra Gulbenkian.

Fri, 14/03/2025 - 18:43


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 29/05/2012 - 23:20

Entrevista na TSF, no "Pessoal e Transmissível"

Entrevista na TSF, no "Pessoal e Transmissível" de Carlos Vaz Marques. Disponível para ouvir aqui:

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