Ending my postgraduation degree
PPL Causas

Ending my postgraduation degree

This course is a specialization that allows me to acquire specialized skills and knowledge of the hotel business, which currently do not have.

  • 30


    4% of 620€

    1 backer

  • 14/01/2015

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

This course is a specialization that allows me to acquire specialized skills and knowledge of the hotel business, which currently do not have.

Having a degree at some point is no longer enough, especially in an area such as tourism that is characterized by constant change and adaptation to trends and demands / customer motivations. There are always new things happening and so new things to learn. In addition, the degree provided me generic training in the tourism industry and this course is a specialization that allows me to acquire specialized skills and knowledge of the hotel business, which currently do not have.

"The Specialized Post-graduate Program in Hotel Management is organized in two school semesters, with a total of twelve units (six units per semester) with a focus on hospitality and restaurant management. The curricular structure of the program provides a multidisciplinary approach with such subjects as:

  • Management (Project Finance and Analysis, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Management Control, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Team Development)
  • Leisure and Tourism (Trends & Tourist Markets)
  • Hospitality and Catering (Room Operations and Restaurant Operations Management);
  • Information and Communication Technologies and Communication sciences (ICT and Web business);
  • Seminars on a wide range of Hospitality issues."

About the author

My name is Luísa Costa, I'm 31 and I have a degree in Tourism. I started my career in 2008 in the area of vocational training and currently work in a hostel where I am responsible for the business management. In September 2014 I decided to sign up on a specialition course in hospitality. I did so because I figured out it as the only way to achieve professional growing and at this point because I have no specialized training it is being an obstacle to achieving the professional opportunities I dream of. However I ended up unable to make payment of 2ªpart of tuition and as I am reluctant to give up the idea I decided to ask for help.

Budget and due dates

I need 620€ to pay two part of tuition. The first one I've payed, and the second I should I've done it on the last 8th january. The other one I must do it until 9th march. I've two children (3 and 6) who are in first place so I won't sacrifice them because I dream of keep on studying. If I don't get the money I need I'll loose the money I've already spent on the first part of tuition. I don't want the money fot nothing else but the tuition and if I don't get at least the 310€ for paying the part in delay, I'll gice the money to an animal shelter of my comunity.
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Sun, 05/05/2024 - 20:23


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