The Taroço is a brand of food products, recently created by the founders and leaders of this project, which currently includes the lupine pate. Lupine has several advantages whi...
The Taroço is a brand of food products, recently created by the founders and leaders of this project, which currently includes the lupine pate. Lupine has several advantages which stands out for its low calorific value, high protein value and is low in fats.
There are three varieties of pates available the Classic, RedPepper and Onion.
This product directs itself to any type of consumer which can include:
Vegetarians and Vegans, doesn't include any animal products.
Celiac, doesn't contain gluten
Hypertensive, doesn't contain salt.
Diabetics and the lactose intolerant, classes that tend to increase throughout the generations.
Doesn't contain preservatives and dyes which are sometimes harmful to humans in long term, containing only natural and healthy ingredients. The product has been given to known and to prove to a sample of a population, where a positive feedback raised, resulting a significant number of sales.
The distribution method, in this initial phase passes by sending through post office outside our range. Later, with all regularization's and tests made, we intend to put Taroço on the shelves of your local shops and markets.
We do not have partnerships for now since the product is still in a very early stage of dissemination.
This is an innovative project with enough conditions to gain its position in the domestic market in the first phase and a second international stage.
The priorities for this project are:
Perform expiration date and nutritional analysis tests so that it’s regularized in order to perform a more comprehensive sale in the market.
Purchase of production equipment to produce at an intermediate scale.
Opening and founding the company in the finances and social security.
Study the economic assessment of large-scale production.
The points one and two are our main focus in the short term, due to the high cost associated with testing, food grinding and sterilization equipment. Each variety of product needs to be tested in the expiration date and nutritional analysis.
Despite Crowdfunding we already invested on our part on material that has allowed us to progress the project, but the costs are high. Support this idea and see Taroço brand expand more that you can imagine!
To conclude and to describe one more reason to support us, see our rewards and choose what interests you most!
Pedro Elvas
Taroço em Jornal de Setúbal
A equipa do Taroço foi entrevistada pelo jornal "osetubalense", veja as imagens!
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Carla Pinto
Tomei a liberdade de também
Tomei a liberdade de também divulgar o vosso projeto, para ver se todas as campanhas que estão no site conseguem o seu objetivo.
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Pedro ElvasCarla Pinto
Carla Pinto
Carla Pinto,
Muito obrigado pelo gesto de confiança na divulgação do nosso projecto. A sua ajuda é muito preciosa para cumprir o objectivo estabelecido.
Taroço é o Patê de Tremoço.
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