1 Hand 4 the Arts

1 Hand 4 the Arts

Speedy is one of those people who stays in our memories and our hearts: even though he doesn't have an arm he is a professional dancer and a breakdance teacher. If he teaches y...

  • 21880


    109% of 20 000€

    480 backers

  • 19/05/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Speedy is one of those people who stays in our memories and our hearts: even though he doesn't have an arm he is a professional dancer and a breakdance teacher. If he teaches you a move, will you give him a hand?

The life of "Speedy" started just like ours with the small difference that he was born with only one arm.

But this circumstance never limited him: it became the opportunity for Andre to give his body and soul to his passion for dance and to become one of the best b-boys in Portugal.

With the strenght and joy that come from his heart with the will and perserverence that only a gift can give, Andre was able to achieve his dream and on top of dancing for a living he also teaches and inspires others to do the same regardless of the circumstances.

We want to help "Speedy" because of the amazing person he is but also because this would be a precious gift to him as a dancer and person, not only today or tomorrow but for the rest of his life. 

Motivated by the will of growing as a dancer, André dreams of traveling to the United States of Americ to get a prosthesis that is specially built for athletes, also improving the quality of his daily life. This prosthesis will allow him to execute a range of movements now impossible for him such as grab, pull, lift, support, elevate and others.

Speedy 2

Advanced Arm Dynamics is a company based in Philadelphia (PA, USA) close to the Big Apple, that specializes in upper extremity prosthetic rehabilitation and already made itself available to help Andre and to follow his process by offering a discount to help his cause.

To make André's dream come true, Dê+Coração, Slow J and Sente Isto joined and united their strenghts and resources to raise the necessary funds to pay for this prosthesis and his trip to the USA.

In total Speedy needs 28,061.78 € (aprox. 30,313.89$)

If he teaches you some moves, will you give him a hand?

About the author

Dê + Coração - Movimento Daniela

The Association "Dê Mais Coração - Movimento Daniela" is a non profitable organization from Portugal whose mission is to:

  • Help the Heart Institute from Mozambique (Instituto do Coração - ICOR) to save the lives of children who suffer from heart diseases;
  • Boost happiness in Portugal, by helping to make dreams come true;
  • Keep alive the memory of Daniela and do good through this legacy.

This association was founded in 2011 by Esmeralda Fernandes after the death of her daughter Daniela who left us too soon because of a heart disease. In a constant revival of her memory the selection of dreams to realize by Dê + Coração are connected to the aspirations and passions of Daniela.



Slow J

Slow J is a producer, singer, MC and sound engineer from Portugal. He has his roots in Setúbal, he studied sound engineering and production in London and he puts his heart and soul in his music. He masters words, beats and emotions which makes him one of the most important agents of the musical scene in Portugal. Slow J masters the art of being slow to reach further

Slow J's new single is called "Arte" it was directed by Made in LX and introduces Speedy as it's leading figure because he is an undeniable example of authenticity and an inspiration to Slow J.


 Sente Isto (site em manutenção)

Sente Isto ("Feel This") was founded in 2012 product of the concerted will of some young artists to trigger people and communities to the therapeutic, interventive and social potencial of artistic expression.

Sente Isto focus on developing, managing and producing artistical brands (such as Slow J and DISH) and also on the strenghtening of communitarian bonds and on the development of artistic intervention projects within local communities (RAP Talks).

Before "Arte" video, Sente Isto produced a hand full of other projects with different artists.
We show you the most recent one with Slow J: https://youtu.be/0NGbg36uwWs

Budget and due dates

  • Special prosthesis by Advanced Arm Dynamics: 21.861,78€
  • Flight Lisbon - NY for 2: 1.500€
  • Accommodation for 2 at Philadelphia and New York for 1 month: 2.000€
  • Food for 2 (all meals): 600€
  • Public transportation in the US for 2:  1.500€
  • Shooting material: 600€

TOTAL amount necessary to make Andre's dream come true: 28.061,78€

TOTAL raised by crowdfunding: 20.000€ - PPL Commissions (8,6%) = 18.280€

Because it's a high value we are in need and because the promoters are producing different fundraising events and experiences, we have the goal to raise around 20.000€ through this campaign (excluding the ppl commissions) which will allow the payment of almost the total value of this special prosthesis.

The rest of the money is already being raised by Dê+Coração through other projects that can be found at www.demaiscoracao.com

In case this campaign raisings exceed the proposed value, the surplus will be destined to the support of the flight and journey costs necessary to successfully complete this process with Advanced Arm Dynamics. If the raised amount still exceeds the needed expenses the surplus will be channeled to Dê+Coração's next sponsored dream.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thank You

    You get a thank you note in Speedy's and Slow J's facebook pages so that the world knows a little bit more about the butterfly effect and your contribution to this cause.

    119 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    "Dê + Coração" Padlock

    You are entitled to a "Dê+Coração" padlock to be picked up at Martim Moniz (Lisbon), at the site of the LOVE structure. Lock your dream to this structure which is nourished with love to the arts.

    127 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    "Arte" print signed by Speedy and Slow J

    You are entitled to an artistic photograph of Speedy in action (in A3 size and high quality paper) signed by André himself and Slow J.

    122 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    2H Breakdance Workshop by Speedy

    You are entitled to the picture signed by both artists and to a 2 hours breakdance workshop given by Speedy where you can explore the art of breakdance and get to know André.

    49 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Full Day Breakdance Workshop by Speedy

    You are entitled to the picture signed by both artists and to a full day breakdance workshop given by Speedy where you can explore a little bit of the hip-hop culture through the art of breakdance besides spending a full day with André.

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Breakdance Workshop & Talk by Speedy

    You are entitled to the picture signed by both artists and to a breakdance workshop given by Speedy, besides a special talk with him about hip-hop culture and the experience of being a b-boy with different obstacles than most.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    400€ or more

    Slow J Show All Access

    If you help with 400€ or more, besides the previous reward and a special and personal thank you from André and J, you still have all access to one Slow J's show during his album presentation tour in Portugal, during 2017 and 2018.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Free entrance to every Slow J shows during 2017 and 2018

    If you help with 1.000€ or more, besides all the previous rewards you wish to benefit from and a special and personal thank you from André and J you still have free entrance to all Slow J's shows during his album presentation tour during 2017 and 2018.

    9 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 08:04

Sun, 12/05/2019 - 17:31

Thank You Party - 18 Maio

Hey crowdfunder! Já passou algum tempo desde o fim da campanha crowdfunding e falta-nos distribuir 3 recompensas. Honestamente, lamentamos a demora mas acreditamos que a ...

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Thu, 01/06/2017 - 13:50

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Wed, 24/05/2017 - 11:40


Missão cumprida, sonho realizando-se! Em 2 meses reunimos mais de 20.000€ e tornámos o sonho do André numa realidade para ele e para todos nós. A todos os que deram um pou...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Sente Isto

    Thank You Party - 18 Maio

    Hey crowdfunder!

    Já passou algum tempo desde o fim da campanha crowdfunding e falta-nos distribuir 3 recompensas.

    Honestamente, lamentamos a demora mas acreditamos que a espera vai ser compensada :)

    Graças à tua ajuda, o Speedy realizou um sonho e descobriu um braço que nunca tinha sentido antes.

    A prótese ajudou o André a equilibrar e transformar o seu corpo e a sua mente e, desde que voltou dos Estados Unidos, explorou imensas actividades e movimentos que antes não conseguia fazer.

    Mas melhor do que contar, é mostrar... por isso o Speedy vai estar no dia 18 de Maio de 2019, Sábado, na Jazzy Dance Studios (em Santos, Lisboa) a partir das 14:30H, a dar um workshop e um testemunho da sua experiência como pessoa e bailarino, em jeito de agradecimento.

    Além do workshop e da palestra, vamos também distribuir as fotografias assinadas pelo Slow J e pelo Speedy.

    Se não te for possível beneficiar do workshop ou deslocares-te à Jazzy Dance Studios - Santos nesse dia, pedimos que se quiseres receber a tua fotografia assinada por correio que preenchas este formulário com os teus dados pessoais e morada: https://goo.gl/forms/RajilPbFNcZ8PVrv2.

    Esta mensagem apenas se aplica a ti se contribuíste com mais de 20€ na campanha de crowdfunding. Qualquer dúvida contacta-nos em geral@senteisto.com

    Em nome de todos os envolvidos, obrigado.

    Até já!
    Sente Isto

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  • Sente Isto


    Missão cumprida, sonho realizando-se!

    Em 2 meses reunimos mais de 20.000€ e tornámos o sonho do André numa realidade para ele e para todos nós.

    A todos os que deram um pouco de si a esta causa, com 1 ou 1.000 €, com partilhas, sorrisos, convites, apelos ou orações: Muito obrigado!

    Sempre acreditámos que seria possível chegar aqui, mas a emoção que por nós passa ao atingirmos este objectivo é inacreditável e as palavras serão sempre escassas.

    Em nome do André e de todos os promotores (Dê+Coração, Slow J e Sente Isto), queremos que cada um de vocês saiba que foi indispensável para a realização deste sonho, que transborda a força de vontade, alegria e inspiração próprias do Speedy.

    Mas o caminho não termina aqui…

    Já estamos em conversações com a Advanced Arm Dynamics para iniciar o processo e prepararmos a viagem do André.

    Relativamente às recompensas, estamos a planear a logística e entraremos em contacto o mais rápido possível.

    Podem seguir o processo do André e desta causa no seu facebook de artista (https://www.facebook.com/AndreSpeedyGarciaoficial/)

    Mais uma vez, em nome de todos nós, obrigado :)

    Até já,
    Tomás Furtado Martins
    (Sente Isto)


    Mission accomplished, dream coming true!

    In 2 months we raised more than 20.000€ and we made Andre's dream his' and everyone's reality.

    To all of you who gave a bit of yourself to this cause whether it was with 1€ or 1000€ with shares or smiles, invitations, appeals or even prayers: Thank You!

    We always believed it could be possible to get here but the emotion that passes through us as we reach this goal by this mean is unbelievable and words will always fall short.

    In the name of André and of the promoters (Dê+Coração, Slow J e Sente Isto) we thank each and every one of you for being essential to the making of this dream into reality overflowing the power of will, joy and inspiration that represents André, the person and the artist.

    But the journey doesn’t end here…

    We are already in conversations with Advanced Arm Dynamics to start the prosthesis process and to set up all the details for André’s trip.

    Regarding the rewards we are now planning logistics and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

    You can follow this process in Andre’s artist page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AndreSpeedyGarciaoficial/).

    Once again, in the name of all of us, Thank You!

    Best regards,
    Tomás Furtado Martins
    (Sente Isto)

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480 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 336
    new backers

  • 144
    recurrent backers

  • 234
    anonymous backers

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