Sonha, Faz e Acontece - Project Príncipe 2014
  • Education
  • Ilha do Príncipe, São Tomé e Príncipe

Sonha, Faz e Acontece - Project Príncipe 2014

Considering the activity focus of Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ the volunteers of the Project Principe 2014 established new goals for this year.

  • 2725


    124% of 2 200€

    106 backers

  • 18/07/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Considering the activity focus of Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ the volunteers of the Project Principe 2014 established new goals for this year.

Principe is a special and exciting place, but where shortages abound all around.

Considering the activity focus of Sonha, Faz e Acontece the volunteers of the Project Principe 2014 established as a main objectives for this year the performance of the following activities: 

1. Xináa Fogáa (“Learn to Play”) summer camp – organization of a summer camp for 90 children, with different educational and ludic activities; 

2. Gravana school – continuing training / education in English, entrepreneurship, geography, science and arts, and organization of workshops on basic health care, needlework, journalism, photography, among others;

3. Roça de São Joaquim’s intervention – comprehensive intervention in that roça, including, among other activities, an after-school recreation center, workshops for basic health care, maternal and fetal care sessions, hypertension and diabetes screening programs, guidance and career support sessions and the reconstruction of a health center;

4. Regional reading plan –  distribution of books in several roças of the Island, promoting  reading and interpretation, combined with artistic expressions;

5. SFA at school – development of civic education sessions in several school of the Island during school hours;

6. Professions open day – organization of professions fair in the Island capital, the city of Santo António;

7. Príncipe newspaper – implementation of a circuit of information collection and dissemination of news within the roças of the Island;

8. Reconstruction of the sports field – requalification of the only sports field in the city of Santo António that allows children to play other sports different from football, notably basketball, volleyball and athletics.

18 volunteers will be performing these projects during 3 months. For more information of the Príncipe Project 2014, please see our blog.

Projeto Príncipe 2012: equipa

The crowdfunding campaign will end on July 18, since our volunteers depart to the Island of Principe on July 19. Over the last 9 months, the volunteers organized several fundraising activities and have raised near € 5,000.00. Therefore, our goal is to raise the required amount to perform all the activities, i.e., € 2,200.00.

Please note that this is the second time that SFA is financed through this crowdfunding platform. In 2013, Project Príncipe 2013 was able to raise all the required amount to rebuilt the Roça Abade school (also in the Island of Príncipe).

About the author

In 2010, moved by the desire to create value, a group of friends flew to the Principe Island in Sao Tome and Principe. There we discovered a different reality, where happiness and smiles prevailed, but where there were no dreams of a different future, or an alternative to the existing reality. Books to read, teachers to teach, libraries to study, training in several areas ... In Principe, there was - and still there is - a lot to do for the Education of those children and ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ wants to participate actively in this change that reveals urgency. Because educate is take care of the future!

That was how, in April 2012, ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ was born, an association of social entrepreneurship and volunteerism whose dream is to promote the Education on the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP countries).

We started by the Principe Island, what we assume it as our pilot project, but our intention is to expand our activity to other countries where the Education still is a basic need.Currently, we are focused on two lines of action - one in Portugal, the other in Principe - and all the help and revenues are necessary in order to achieve the projects we have outlined. It is education that we are speaking about. Education is synonymous with freedom. Education is "the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela.

Budget and due dates

In 2014, 8 projects will be implemented by us in Principe. In terms of time and number of volunteers, the presence of SFA on the island will be extended. Therefore, during 3 months, 18 volunteers - 3 of them from the island -, will be working on the Island. The projects are budgeted at € 7,200.00, as follows: - Xináa Fogáa (“Learn to Play”) summer camp – € 800.00; - Gravana school – € 1,000.00; - Roça de São Joaquim’s intervention – € 3,000.00; - Regional reading plan – € 1,000.00; - SFA at school – € 200.00; - Open Day – € 100.00; - Príncipe newspaper – € 800.00; - Reconstruction of the sports field of the ciry of Santo António – € 300,00. Over the last 9 months, the volunteers have been organizing severall fundraising activities. Until now, SFA raised € 5,000.00. In view of the above, our goal is to raise 2200€, through this crowdfunding platform.
  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thanks note in Facebook and in the Project's blog + receipt for purposes of IRS.

    33 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Thanks note in Facebook and in the Project's blog + SFA's postcard + receipt for purposes of IRS.

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Thanks note in Facebook and in the Project's blog + SFA's postcard + SFA's mug + receipt for purposes of IRS.

    24 backers

Wed, 25/09/2024 - 04:13

Mon, 21/07/2014 - 18:51

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


106 members of the PPL community
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