Ricardo Teodósio in the 2016 National Rally Championship with a R5 car
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  • Portugal Continental e Ilhas

Ricardo Teodósio in the 2016 National Rally Championship with a R5 car

"After the last Rallye Casinos do Algarve, where i proved that with equal weapons i can get victories and consequently fight for the supreme title in rallying in Portugal, it's...

  • 1085


    10% of 10 000€

    38 backers

  • 15/02/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

"After the last Rallye Casinos do Algarve, where i proved that with equal weapons i can get victories and consequently fight for the supreme title in rallying in Portugal, it's time to take the step that was missing. At this point, I can forward that i have about 50% the virtually guaranteed project, but to really accomplish it, I need your help and from who you know. Thanks to all for the support and for all the messages I have received! Here is the opportunity to contribute, by support...

Ricardo Teodosio, nicknamed the "spetacle pilot", needs no introduction in the Rallys family in Portugal. For 2016, the pilot intends to finally construct an ambitious project to vie for primacy in the increasingly competitive national championship.

For this project we will use a known team  in the area and the vehicle will be, predictably, a Ford Fiesta R5, as happened in the last race of the 2015 championship. For return of your investment, be it large or small, We will give, beyond a list of prizes, what is essential for us: effort, commitment and dedication, which will boast all the participants in this project.

Rallye Casinos do Algarve 2015

About the author

Ricardo Teodósio has been, over recent years, one of the leading national rally pilots, winning four national runner-up of the production group and several high level performances, which have earned him the recognition between his peers and the general public, that almost unanimously consider the Algarvian pilot one of the most spectaculars of Portugal.

Last year, the pilot was worried solely on assembling the 2016 project that passed through fight by the top title in the Portuguese Rally championship. This preparation involved the participation in the last Rallye Casinos do Algarve with the car with you want to align next year (Ford Fiesta R5) in order to demonstrate, in the best way, its real value and financial return that will provide to the partners of this project.

Budget and due dates

The National Rally Championship takes place between March and November and consists of eight events, whose scrutiny of the scores, after added, shall determine the final result. The budget for a championship under such conditions is divided by the rental of the vehicle (at km with assistance and gasoline), secure of the vehicle, tires, registration, marketing costs and advertising costs for travel and subsistence and ultimately the essential training .

The total amount budgeted for this project exceeds € 200,000 and the value placed here in this "crowdfunding" for participation is around 5% of it.

 The amount requested here does not guarantee the total viability of this project, but the start of the season as we show below. The goal is set, at this time and as we await answers of some potential sponsors, in the 1000%.

Ricardo may receive contributions even though the campaign does not reach the goal, if it is given unconditionally. Therefore, it is necessary to validate the fied "I want to give the value to this promoter, even if the campaign does not angarie all funds".

If the goals of this campaign are achieved, we can assure already the order of prioritys in which we'll guide:

100% of the affected funds - dispute the first championship race
500% of the affected funds (50,000) - dispute of the first four continental races
750% of the affected funds (75,000) - dispute all continental rallys
1000% of the affected funds (100,000) - dispute the all Championship


- Fafe rally - 4/5 March
- Castelo Branco rally - 22/23 April
- Sata Rally Azores (ERC) - 2/4 June
- Vidreiro rally - 24/25 June
- Madeira Wine Rally (ERT) - 3/5 August
- Mortágua Rally - 16/17 September
- City of Guimarães Rally - 14/15 October
- Algarve Casinos Rally - 12/13 November

*ERC ‐ Europe Rally Championship / ERT ‐ Europe Rally Trophy

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Reconisation with registered name in the web page and on Facebook team.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Support with 20€ or more and apply for the lottery:

    10 meals in the restaurant "Teodósio" in Guia - Algarve (valid for 6 months) * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous one.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Support with 50€ or more and apply for the lottery:

    10 Paintball games at Azimut park (Guia - next to the Algarve Shopping) to 4 players (valid for 6 months) * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous ones.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Support with 100€ or more and get:

    1 sweatshirt of the Rally team + raffle of 10 "Rally Experience" with Ricardo Teodósio (of mailing postage included for Portugal). * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous ones.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Support with 250€ or more and apply for the lottery:

    5 weekends in a hotel in Vilamoura. * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous ones.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Support with 500€ or more and apply for the lottery:

    8 pairs of pilot gloves (one at the end of each race) - of mailing postage included for Portugal. * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous ones.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Apoie com 1000€ ou mais e obtenha: 

    Name / logo on the race car in one of the championship races. * Note: This bonus stacks with the previous ones.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    2500€ or more

    Name / logo on the race car in 8 races. * Note: This bonus stacks with the premiums relating to the 10, 20, 50, 100, 250 and 500 €.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    5000€ or more

    "Coodrive" in the race car and follow the team during a race. * Note: This bonus stacks with the premiums relating to the 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 2500 €.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Mon, 10/03/2025 - 22:05


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 21/01/2016 - 23:43


Gostaria de aqui deixar o meu agradecimento a todos aqueles que já apoiaram este projeto! É certo que ainda se encontra longe dos seus objetivos mas, como diz o ditado popular,...

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Campaign launched


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  • Teodosio Motorsport


    Gostaria de aqui deixar o meu agradecimento a todos aqueles que já apoiaram este projeto!
    É certo que ainda se encontra longe dos seus objetivos mas, como diz o ditado popular, "grão a grão enche a galinha o papo"!
    Vamos todos acreditar que vamos atingir a meta e para isso toda a divulgação desta campanha é fulcral! Assim, peço que, dentro da medida do possível, todos divulguemos o mais possível esta forma de apoiar este projeto!
    Juntos Conseguiremos!!

    Ricardo Teodósio

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38 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 32
    new backers

  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 7
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Luis Mesquita

    15/02/2016 - 16:19

    Força nisso

  • Sérgio Gama

    15/02/2016 - 11:46

    Campeão, que o futuro te traga muitos e bons momentos, e principalmente nunca esquecer os adeptos deste desporto maravilhoso.

  • Pedro Mestre

    15/02/2016 - 10:59

    Desejos de boa sorte. Abdico das recompensas, quero é um almoço com o navegador.

  • Anonymous

    11/02/2016 - 15:59


  • Miguel Araújo

    10/02/2016 - 12:23

    Mais que um patrão, um líder, um amigo é alguém que se esforça por ter sempre todos aqueles que estão à sua volta felizes e realizados. Força, Não desistas!!!

  • Flavio Oliveira

    07/02/2016 - 15:20

  • José Marques

    06/02/2016 - 23:45

    Força Ricardo

  • Nuno Miguel Rufino Santos

    06/02/2016 - 22:15

    Força e que nos possamos encontrar para uma foto em conjunto com o R5 no Rali Centro de Portugal

  • daniel da cunha goncalves

    06/02/2016 - 19:58

  • Valter Martins

    06/02/2016 - 19:09

    Força Campeão!

  • Joao Ramos

    06/02/2016 - 16:11

  • Paulo Sousa

    05/02/2016 - 18:20

    Força aí

  • Anonymous

    05/02/2016 - 17:25

  • Tiago Lopes

    05/02/2016 - 15:03

    Eu acredito no teu valor e sei que mereces um lugar no CNR! Vamos acreditar até ao fim que é possível! Go go go

  • Nuno Fontainhas

    05/02/2016 - 13:23

  • Anonymous

    05/02/2016 - 11:05

    Vamos Campeão

  • Helder Patricio

    26/01/2016 - 12:38

  • Anonymous

    22/01/2016 - 06:13

    desejo que consiga ter uma maquina capaz de ombrear e mostrar quem toca a guitarra

  • zegonzo2

    21/01/2016 - 16:31