Project Kids Media Lab - Technologies for Children

Project Kids Media Lab - Technologies for Children

The research project Kids Media Lab - Technologies and Programming Learning in Preschool Age, proves to be innovative, both in the context in which it will be implemented either...

  • 71


    2% of 6 000€

    16 backers

  • 26/01/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The research project Kids Media Lab - Technologies and Programming Learning in Preschool Age, proves to be innovative, both in the context in which it will be implemented either in their own research goals. We intend to consolidate knowledge about learning theories, by introducing the programming in a playful and creative way in the activities in the garden for children. We will take tablets and robots to kindergartens in 5 districts of Portugal (Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Oporto and Viseu) for ...

Kids Media Lab - Technologies and Programming Learning in Preschool Age.

We intend to consolidate knowledge about learning theories, by introducing the programming in a playful and creative way in the activities in the garden for children.

This project will provide activities during a school year in 5 districts of Portugal (Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Oporto and Viseu) involving 250 children (estimate) in the course of the investigation. We will also carry out activities (workshops and training), across the country, with several technological resources (tablets and robots). We intend to annually take the technological resources to other schools, which do not benefit in this first phase of the project activities.


Understanding how children react in the use of technologies and programming proves to be important to know your behavior, your learning style and enable education professionals anticipate or not this integration in their educational settings.

In order to realize this research outlined the following objectives:

  • Know about the technologies that children know and use;
  • Recognizing the potential of technology and mobile devices in preschool;
  • Develop skills associated with digital literacy and applications on mobile devices;
  • Promote creativity and imagination through the symbolic representation associated with the program;
  • Integrate learning activities of the program in early childhood education contexts, in a playful manner;
  • Learn to program by applying Scratch Junior for mobile devices and also the KIBO robot kits;
  • Develop programming activities in accordance with the phases of the model "K tangible curriculum";
  • Promote sharing and collaboration among children, by building projects with significance for them in particular with stories;
  • Understanding how children learn to program;
  • Perspetivar the construction of meaningful learning to use the program and that they endure throughout life;
  • Analyze and compare the different contexts studied;
  • Disseminate results in the scientific community.

We expect the project to be developed in three phases with a total of 36 months, each of which corresponds to one year and we will replicate the same research for another three years in other educational settings.

About the author

We are researchers at the Institute of Education, CIEd (Centre for Research in Education) at the University of Minho.

This project involves the creation of a Technology Lab (Kids Media Lab), to train and support the integration of technology, programming and robotics in Childhood Education contexts.

Project Homepage

Group on Social Network

Maribel Santos Miranda Pinto - is a researcher and is conducting post-doctoral studies in the scientific area of Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology at the Institute of Education, University of Minho. The project was approved by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), entitled: "Kids Media Lab: Technology and Programming Learning in Preschool Age."

It is PhD in Educational Sciences in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), University of Minho (2009), which created and energized @rcaComum - An Ibero-American Community of Practice Online Education Professionals Childhood.

Is Associate Professor invited, ICT, Department of Communication and Art in ESE Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, since September 2009. Directs several masters and undergraduate projects in the areas of ICT, Educational Technology, Education and Multimedia.
"The realization of this project Kids Media Lab is another challenge for the Education of Children in Portugal. It is the opportunity to provide children in preschool innovative learning through technology, programming and robotics, with a playful and creative aspect. A project dedicated to children, with support and training for education professionals ".

António José Osório - Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Minho, a member of the Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology at the Institute of Education.

He held a doctorate in educational telematics from the University of Exeter School of Education, UK, (1997). Master in Education Specialization in Computing in Education from the University of Minho (1991). It has a degree in Teaching of Biology and Geology from the University of Minho (1983).

As a
collaborator of the MINERVA Project actively participated under the guidance of Professor Altamiro Machado in research and development activities under the Lethes Project / Peneda-Geres, with a view to boosting a computer network involving the single Schools National Park in Portugal .

Coordinates various research projects, national and international, in ICT in Education. Directs the Master in Computer Teaching and guides of various masters projects, doctoral and post-doctoral ICT and Educational Technology.

Budget and due dates

For the implementation of the project need to buy and have the technological resources at our laboratory by April 2016.

Starting this month we will be giving training to kindergarten teachers who will participate in the project, conducting workshops and activities in our lab before starting the activities in kindergartens in September 2016.

At the same stage we will also be giving back what we offer in the rewards of this campaign.

Given that the robots come from the United States and the expected delivery time is 2 months, we need to have the support available in late January 2016.

Resources for Kindergarten

The minimum resources to implement the project and to achieve the research are:

30 tablets (5 for each kindergarten and 5 for the laboratory at the University of Minho).

6 KIBO Robots (one for each kindergarten and one for the laboratory at the University of Minho) - (each robot $ 399 + tax + shipping fees).

6 digital cameras.

In the event that we can have more support, we may include in our research activities to other kindergartens and so bring more technology to more children.

Resources for Researcher

Training - Training at KIBO KinderLab in Boston, MA | ($ 450) registration fee only.

Teaching Materials Package ($ 140.00) - KIBO Training.

These resources are part of the training and accreditation of the investigator to validate and give credibility to research and design.

Resources (tablets and robots) are intended for use by children participating in the project. The lab resources will be used in the activities (workshops and training) for all childhood education institutions to support this project through the rescompensas we offer.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Public thanks on the project website

    Public thanks on the project website. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Project Community access or Videoconference with Researchers

    Public thanks on the Web page. Access 30m virtual community to know the activities of the project or 30m of video conferencing with the project researchers. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    45€ or more

    Training 2h (with certificate of participation)

    Public thanks Homepage. 2h training in e-learning on the activities of the project with a participation certificate. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    Accredited Training Education Professionals (E-Learning)

    Public thanks on the project website. Accredited training (Educational Scientific Council of Continuing Education) for educational staff in e-learning system on technology, programming and robotics in preschool education and activities developed in the project. Certificate with number of hours and credits. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    WORKSHOPS for Educators, Parents and Children at the University of Minho

    Public thanks on the project website. A WORKSHOP for Parents and Children (3h) in attendance (UM) on the activities developed in the project, complete with certificate. We will have available tablets and Robots. Limited to a maximum of 10 children per session. Or, a WORKSHOP for Professional Education (3h) in attendance (UM) on the activities developed in the project, complete with certificate. We will have available tablets and Robots. We may conduct several sessions at dates to be arranged from June 2016. Thank you for your cooperation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    WORKSHOP for Educators, Parents and Children in Kindergartens (for mainland Portugal)

    Public thanks on the project website. A WORKSHOP Children and Kindergarten teachers 5h (in your institution) on the activities developed in the project. We take the tablets and the Robots. Right certificate for children and educators. Or, a WORKSHOP for Parents and Children 3h on the activities developed in the project. We take the tablets and the Robots. Right certificate for children and parents. This support is available only to mainland Portugal. We will not have to visit any other country. Offer limited to the first 20 Support. This support will only be repaid (as of September 2016), after we get the support for the purchase of resources and time aa match every institution. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    750€ or more

    2-day WORKSHOP for Educators, Parents and Children in Kindergartens (for mainland Portugal)

    Public thanks on the project website. A WORKSHOP for kindergarten Children and Educators two days - 8 am (for the institution), on the activities developed in the project. We take the tablets and the Robots. Right certificate for children and educators. Or, a WORKSHOP for Parents and Children 2 days - 6 am on the activities developed in the project. We take the tablets and the Robots. Right certificate for children and parents. This support is available only to mainland Portugal. We will not have to visit any other country. Offer limited to the first 10 Support. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    950€ or more

    Offer a robot to an institution that participates in research

    Public thanks on the project website. Offer a KIBO Robot to one of the Childhood Education institutions (public, private or IPSS) integrating the research project. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 16/02/2025 - 04:39


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


16 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 11
    new backers

  • 5
    recurrent backers

  • 5
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Raquel Bastião

    26/01/2016 - 16:40

    Boa sorte para este teu grande projeto!! Beijinho

  • Anonymous

    04/01/2016 - 16:40

  • Amtonio Namorado

    28/12/2015 - 21:20

    São projetos destes que devemos apoiar sempre e apesar de a vida não estar fácil conseguimos com esforço chegar lá. Basta que cada um de nós faça a sua parte...

  • AP Braga

    22/12/2015 - 19:19

  • Anonymous

    22/12/2015 - 08:05

  • Vitor Tomé

    19/12/2015 - 11:53

    Este projecto, inovador em todos os sentidos, merece ser apoiado.

  • Luis Sousa

    15/12/2015 - 15:16

    Força para o projecto!

  • Odilia Sacramento

    12/12/2015 - 23:02

  • Margarida Domingos

    08/12/2015 - 18:40

  • Elizabeth Dos Santos Miranda

    05/12/2015 - 17:52

    Muito bom! a brincar, a brincar adquirimos conhecimentos...

  • Andreina

    05/12/2015 - 17:10

  • Marlene Gabriela Marques Fernandes

    03/12/2015 - 17:33

    Um passo em grande em prol da educação de infância! Parabéns!

  • Anonymous

    03/12/2015 - 11:37

  • Anonymous

    02/12/2015 - 12:43

  • Anonymous

    02/12/2015 - 12:36

    Foça para este projeto que faz falta na educação de infância!

  • alfranco

    29/11/2015 - 15:23

  • Anonymous

    28/11/2015 - 14:17