Develop our website which will allow us to spread information about these pressing matters and give people an effective solution.
Portugal is now the sixth European country with the highest obesity rate: 59,1% of the adult population suffers from being overweight, 24% is obese, and about 30% of the children population is either overweight or obese.
It is clear that something needs to be done in order to change these numbers. With that in mind, on January 2014, we created the SALUS Project which consists of a programme to be put in action from childhood until adult life. We intend to promote healthy lifestyles of the general population and overweight people by increasing their knowledge on health, promoting better diets and the increase of physical activity, and intervening within the community and also in a clinical context.
This project has come to life thanks to a partnership with NEDOSaúde, a multidisciplinary medical clinic. It is formed by a team of professionals, specialized in the fields of Medicine, Nutrition, Physiology and Psychology.
The SALUS Project aims to provide an effective response to the problem of obesity in Portugal mostly through community intervention. Thus, we intend to develop initiatives such as:
Free nutritional and psychological traces on the streets, schools and shopping areas; Raise awareness about the problem of obesity and the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle since childhood; Thematic Workshops; Parental counseling; Psychopedagogical activities for youngsters; Create support groups for the obese and their families; Implement a childhood obesity programme in schools; Organize group physical activities; Create a website to provide information and awareness about these matters.
We also aim to “flag” children, teenagers and families who are at risk of developing obesity in order to provide them with a more especialized intervention on a clinical context.
Unfortunately we still lack the funds to lift this project higher and create some public awareness to our cause. Our primary goal is to develop our website which will allow us to spread information about these pressing matters and give people an effective solution. It will help spread information about:
Obesity and its risks; Shedding some light on controversial myths about food; The importance of treating obesity and the role that endocrinology, psychology, and nutrition play in seeking this treatment; Share information about project SALUS project and somes tips and trivia about healthy lifestyles; Give some tips on how to cook healthy meals and suggest some healthy and balanced recipes; Promoting group physical activities and sport events; Disclose the SALUS project activities and workshops schedule; Web Forum and more.
We We believe that the success of such an ambitious project can only be achieved with the envolvement of the whole community and therefore, we need your help!
Please contribute to the development of our website and help us kickstart our project!