Palankalama - Promotion of the record "Boca de Raia"

Palankalama - Promotion of the record "Boca de Raia"

Crowdfunding campaign aimed at helping with the funding of Palankalama's new record entitled "Boca de Raia".

  • 2029


    100% of 2 025€

    23 backers

  • 20/02/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Crowdfunding campaign aimed at helping with the funding of Palankalama's new record entitled "Boca de Raia".

After a little more than three years playing together, we are launching our second album.

Boca de Raia - entitles the work, where the Portuguese cavaquinho appears as a central element of the ensemble, bringing with it the challenge of incorporating its characteristics in the context of the band's sound. In this new, record will then be possible to listen to the sound of a Portuguese cavaquinho resembling a South-American charango, a North-American banjo or an African kora. The small cavaquinho from Braga, stayed always limited to the folkloric context, continuing today to be seen as a not very resourceful instrument. Part of the aim of this work is to extend the scope of this instrument, contributing to its development, both at the technical level and in the "the imagery" that it is able to evoke, possible to be incorporated into any musical style or context.

Since some funds are necessary to carry out all of the logistics that this task involves, from the production to the promotion and the organizing of shows, we have decided to make a crowdfunding that reaches 2000€ in order to help kick-start our work in 2018.

However, we have some prizes in store for the friends who decide to support us.

Gravura alusiva ao novo disco

About the author

Pedro João - In addition to music has a course essentially connected to the fine arts and the performing arts. Has produced soundtracks and participated in some of the productions from "Teatro Experimental do Porto", of which he is a member. Since 2012 is focused on the experimentation with Portuguese popular string instruments.

Ricardo Nogueira - In 2010 begins to perform concerts as a guitar player, keeping this practice up to today. In parallel integrated initiatives related with the fine arts and performing arts, in most cases within the musical or sound aspects.

Anibal Beirão - Began by playing electric bass in his teens integrating projects in the area of rock. He had contact with Jazz soon as he studied electric bass in "Escola de Jazz do Porto". Later starts studying double-bass at the same school and later at "ESMAE" in the jazz course. Today he is involved in various projects in several musical styles.

Rui Guerreiro - Began by playing rock drums, until he decided to study jazz academically (in the "Hot Clube de Portugal" and later in "ESMAE") . Rui integrated "(Re)Tocar a Pantera", sound design project in which soundtracks were created live to episodes of "The Pink Panther". Today he is dedicated to the experimentation with other styles of music and percussion instruments.

Budget and due dates

Reproduction of 500 CDs - 625 euros

Production of a video-clip - 500 euros

Press office - 900 euros

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    "Boca de Raia" autographed

    The new record autographed.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    "Boca de Raia" autographed + painting allusive to the record

    The new record autographed and a painting drawn by Pedro João.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    "Boca de Raia" autographed + painting allusive to the record + "Palankalama" autographed

    The two records autographed and the painting allusive to "Boca de Raia"

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Concert in the band's practice room for four people + 4 packs ("Boca de Raia" and painting)

    Concert in the band's practice room for four people and 4 packs that include the new album "Boca de Raia" and the painting allusive to it.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Concert in your home + 4 packs ("Boca de Raia" and painting)

    Concert in your home (only valid in Continental Portugal and Galicia) and 4 packs that include the new album "Boca de Raia" and the painting allusive to it.

    1 backer

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 11:05

Fri, 09/03/2018 - 12:14

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Mon, 26/02/2018 - 00:08


É com grande alegria que ultrapassamos mais uma dificuldade, obrigado a todos pelo o vosso altruísmo, sem o qual seria muito mais difícil continuar a desenvolver o nosso trabal...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Palankalama


    É com grande alegria que ultrapassamos mais uma dificuldade, obrigado a todos pelo o vosso altruísmo, sem o qual seria muito mais difícil continuar a desenvolver o nosso trabalho e sobretudo partilha-lho. Teremos todo o prazer de em breve vos enviar as recompensas correspondentes. Para aqueles que gostariam de receber prémios mas contribuíram em anónimo, enviem um e-mail para

    Muito Obrigado

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23 members of the PPL community
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  • 4
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  • 8
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