Office 2 Office (London-Paris) for Acreditar Summer Camp

Office 2 Office (London-Paris) for Acreditar Summer Camp

Ana Mascate will be participating and the funds raised with her participation are destined to finance the summer camps organized by Acreditar.

  • 706


    141% of 500€

    38 backers

  • 16/06/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Ana Mascate will be participating and the funds raised with her participation are destined to finance the summer camps organized by Acreditar.

In a corporate environment were social participation is nurtured and sports practice encouraged, a group of 22 Genworth’s employees, from different countries, put themselves to the challenge of cycling 500km, during 5 days (between 6th and 10th June 2014), between Genworth’s London and Paris offices, destined to raise funds for several charities.

This is the second initiative of the event called “Office 2 Office", which started in 2013, when 5 Genworth’s employees from its Irish Office decided to start a cycling adventure between the offices in Shannon, Ireland and London, UK, aiming to raise funds to an Irish charity. The event and the cyclists success was so significantly that in 2014 the number of participants quadrupled.

From Portugal, Ana Mascate will be participating and the funds raised with her participation are destined to finance the summer camps organized by Acreditar – Associação dos Pais e Amigos de Crianças com Cancro (Believe – Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer), having chosen this institution after considered investigation and knowing the amazing work that the institution carries on in such a positive way.

The Acreditar (Believe) Summer Camps allow not only for children with cancer deseases to enjoy outdoor activities, but also to offer their parents an opportunity to see them recover some normality into their lives by participating in such activities.

With the amount raised it will be possible to finance a summer camp for 6 children during 4 days.


Day 1 - London-Ashford - 121.8km

Day 2 - Ashford-Dover - 41.87km - (Ferry) - Calais-Bruay la Brussiere - 93.22km

Day 3 - Bruay la Brussiere - Amiens - 102.85km

Day 4 - Amiens - Paris - 135.65km

 Day 5 - Paris (Arrival to the office) - 4.61km

Blog project

About the author

Genworth is an insurance company with head office in the UK, specialized in Lifestyle Protection Insurances and within its social policy promotes and encourages the social activities organized by its employees. Ana Mascate is Genworth’s Legal Counsel in Portugal. She will be part of the cycling team and will participate actively in the project, bonding her passion for cycle with fund raising destined to promote the wellbeing of children with cancer and their families, which are supported by the institution Acreditar - Associação dos Pais e Amigos de Crianças com Cancro (Believe – Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer).

Acreditar (Believe) is a private charity created in 1994 as a result of a national mobilization of parents of children under pediatric oncological treatment in Portugal’s health services. Acreditar (Believe) helps childrens and their families to better overcome the several problems that appear from the moment that the cancer is diagnosed, contributing to increase hope.

Acreditar (Believe) dedicates to “Treat the child with cancer, not only the cancer in the child”, making available, nationwide, emocional, financial, logistical, informative and recreational support to children with cancer and their families.

For more informations about the charity and its activities. 

Budget and due dates

Orçamento: € 500,00 Correspondem ao valor aproximado necessário para levar 6 crianças para um campo de férias durante 4 dias, incluindo despesas de transporte, alimentação, alojamento, actividades e custos de pessoal. Todos os custos com a viagem de ciclismo serão suportados pelos próprios participantes e pela Genworth, destinando-se os fundos angariados na totalidade à instituição Acreditar.
  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Support with 1€ or more and gain

    Individual and personalized Thank You Declaration will be sent to each donor, by e-mail or mail. The biggest donation will be rewarded with a cycle Jersey (size L) as used by the cyclists (in case of receiving more than one donation of the same value, the jersey will be awarded to the biggest donation firstly registered)

    38 backers

Fri, 03/05/2024 - 14:24

Tue, 24/06/2014 - 17:55

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 26/05/2014 - 15:38

Objectivo Atingido!!!

Muito obrigada a todos os que já contribuiram! Quero que saibam que ter atingido o objectivo do Projecto antes da partida é muito motivador e quando me faltarem as forças vou le...

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Campaign launched


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  • Ana Mascate

    Objectivo Atingido!!!

    Muito obrigada a todos os que já contribuiram! Quero que saibam que ter atingido o objectivo do Projecto antes da partida é muito motivador e quando me faltarem as forças vou lembrar-me disso com toda a certeza!
    A Acreditar é uma instituição que merece este apoio e podem ter a certeza que será muito bem utilizado.
    Um grande beijinho e abraço.
    Obrigado por Acreditarem connosco!

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