NICOLE EITNER and The Citizens Recording of the Third Album

NICOLE EITNER and The Citizens Recording of the Third Album

This is a Crowdfunding Campaign to help and support the production costs of Nicole Eitner and The Citizens' third album.

  • 4323


    108% of 4 000€

    137 backers

  • 23/12/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

This is a Crowdfunding Campaign to help and support the production costs of Nicole Eitner and The Citizens' third album.


Oficial Video: "To Forgotten Places

LIVE: "Where do the clouds go"


NICOLE EITNER and The Citizens

Recording of the Third Album

THE PROJECT. Following two CDs that were released in Portugal – “Vampires” in 2007 and “I am You” in 2011 – we are preparing a totally independent production of the third album to be released in 2014. The line up for the album is: Nicole Eitner – vocals, piano, arrangements and producing,  Alexandre Frazão- drums and Miguel Menezes – double bass and vocals. This 3rd album will be more intricate and full of details. It will comprise 14 new original songs, and enlist João Gomes for programming and synthesiser work.

CROWDFUNDING. In this crowdfunding campaign we hope to be supported by our fans and friends, and we have prepared rewards for them thoroughly and lovingly. Crowdfunding presents itself as a very appealing option when it comes to international independent publication in several cultural avenues, such as in music, cinema, art, writing, etc. In these campaigns, the audience is actively involved in the process of making the product from start to finish. An exclusive proximity between the fan/ supporter and the artist is created and the fan gets to be a part of the project.

WHAT'S THE MONEY FOR? The funds that will be raised throughout this campaign will help us support the production and distribution costs, including recording in the studio, mixing, mastering, cd manufacture, distribution, video production and promotion. That being said, the amount we're asking for won't be enough to cover all final costs… we really want to make a High Quality production and therefore need all your possible support! One of the main goals with this third album is to develop it internationally.

THE FANS. Throughout this month and a half campaign, we will be in constant touch with all fans and supporters with exclusive reports “in real time” of the progress of the recordings and limited edition rewards on special occasions.  We will communicate through facebook and emails. We need your online clout to help us reach all those who might be interested in supporting us. Without you - the fans - we are nothing, neither here nor on stage. We know that social networks can be an engine helping us have worldwide reach.

About the author

NICOLE EITNER. Nicole is half German/ half Portuguese and has been living in Portugal for longer than the years she spent studying in Germany.  Together with musicians Alexandre Frazão on drums and Miguel Menezes on double bass they created “Nicole Eitner and The Citizens”.

In 2009, Nicole shared the stage with Suzanne Vega in Sintra, Portugal and went to the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas where she won the first prize of the SXSW Festival Hottest Band Competition through online voting of her fans (!). The prize was a recording session in the legendary Sun Studios of Elvis Presley in Memphis. In 2011, after the release of her second album  “I am You”, Nicole was support act for New Yorker Joan as Police Woman’s tour in Portugal. That same year, Nicole won the Midem Off Showcase Competition, again through voting of fans. With “Witness of your life” , a song from "I Am You", they won the first prize of the “Pop Songs” category  in the International SongDoor Songwriting Competition in the US,  and they were Semi-Finalists in the UK Songwriting Contest of 2012. In 2012 Nicole was the supporting act for Perry Blake in Lisbon.

German video

Youtube Nicole Etner

Blog Nicole Etner

Budget and due dates

DINHEIRO PARA QUÊ? Os fundos obtidos nesta iniciativa de crowdfunding vão ajudar a suportar os custos de produção do disco e da sua divulgação, nomeadamente a gravação em estúdio, mistura, masterização, produção na fábrica e distribuição e se conseguirmos o objectivo ainda a produção de vídeo e promoção. Mesmo assim, o montante pedido não irá cobrir totalmente os custos finais…. Queremos fazer uma produção de elevado nível e qualidade e precisamos de todo o apoio possível! Até porque um dos nossos objectivos com este terceiro álbum passa pela internacionalização. Esperamos ter a gravação pronta até Janeiro, seguido de fabricação e distribuição. Em princípio, se tudo correr como planeado, em Março o terceiro álbum estará pronto! Tudo o resto está ainda nas estrelas...

Thu, 13/03/2025 - 20:35


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Nuno Silva

    Collector's Pack !!

    Não reparei em toda a informação e na data...
    Parece que o meu apoio não foi 'correcto'...
    Digam-me por favor o que preciso de fazer para conseguir ;)

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137 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 112
    new backers

  • 25
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Hans P Eismann

    23/12/2013 - 22:48

    Beijinhos e continuação de sucesso

  • Jutta Wieland

    23/12/2013 - 19:17

    ich freu mich so sehr für dich! Herzlichen Glückwunsch euch allen für diese wunderschöne Musik!

  • João Ferreira

    23/12/2013 - 16:05

  • Hannelore Correia

    23/12/2013 - 12:22

    Viel Erfolg!

  • mdalmeida

    23/12/2013 - 11:34

  • Fernando André

    23/12/2013 - 09:07

    Continuação de bom trabalho!

  • Kirsten Hartmut

    22/12/2013 - 22:48

    Hallo Nicole von Markus und Kirsten. Wir erinnern uns gerne an den netten Abend mit dir und dem Kindern.

  • Petra Weyrauch

    22/12/2013 - 21:29

  • Manya Lutz

    22/12/2013 - 18:22

  • Helge Jörgens

    21/12/2013 - 23:51

  • Rodrigo Fonseca

    21/12/2013 - 18:31

    Vale comprado no Concerto de Natal

  • Carmen Santos

    20/12/2013 - 15:46

    Com a vossa vontade, vai dar certo. Felicidades para todos!

  • Ulrich Hellwege

    20/12/2013 - 15:38

  • Doris S. Gaspar

    18/12/2013 - 16:43

    Immer volle Kraft voraus!! Viel Glück und ich freue mich auf die CD ;o)

  • Fernando Rente

    18/12/2013 - 16:05

    Please don't stop the music! :)

  • Nuno Silva

    18/12/2013 - 09:52

    Meus caros, aqui vai o meu possivel contributo. Espero aind poder ter o "Collector's Pack", os 2 CDs já editados mais um vale para o 3º CD. | SUCESSOS !

  • Martin Schütz

    17/12/2013 - 20:17

    Viel Erfolg!

  • Paulo Silva

    17/12/2013 - 18:38

    Força e muitos sucessos!

  • Maryn Elkan

    17/12/2013 - 09:59

    Congratulations Nicole - looks like you're going to make it.

  • ghoehn

    16/12/2013 - 09:53