Label Made in Africa: The Green Carpet African Runway Project

Label Made in Africa: The Green Carpet African Runway Project

To connect Sustainable Fashion to African creativity in the city of Lisbon is one of the major goal of MODAAFRICA. It is our great intention to make a 3rd edition of MODAAFRICA ...

  • 5


    1% of 8 650€

    1 backer

  • 15/05/2017

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

To connect Sustainable Fashion to African creativity in the city of Lisbon is one of the major goal of MODAAFRICA. It is our great intention to make a 3rd edition of MODAAFRICA in May 2018 we ask for your kind support for the next edition to happen.

Because we are a non-financed / non-subsidized / non-governmental / non-profit organization, we must call for your help and recur to your generous donation to be able to assure the continuity and success of MODAAFRICA – Et(h)nical Fashion Week which next 3rd edition is planed to happen in May 2018.

After its 1st edition in July 2015, and its 2nd in January 2017, MODAAFRICA keeps being The Luso-African Fashion Week  (for excellence) with its promising, and till now well succeeded, social, cultural and ecological mission of letting the extraordinary creative production of of Luso and African fashion to be known in its most contemporary ethically sustainable strand.

Alfa Cante (Guiné Bissau) _MODAAFRICA 2017 Créditos José Correia

Amongst our best results from the two first editions of MODAAFRICA it has been the opportunity to create synergies at both cultural and economical level between the several attending stakeholders, the partners and the participating designers.

There again, MODAAFRICA offers the right platform to show the latest collections of both young and mainstream creators working for a green fashion design and confection that consciously and ethically not only preserve traditions, but showing new trends thru a new dialogue indeed up-to-date, since they do it in a sustainable, innovative, creative, and yet, and always in a glamourous, elegant, empowering way.

For this purpose, MODAAFRICA invites African and Portuguese fashion designers whose collections are mainly ecological and so, more aware, ethically responsible for protecting a vast environmental and ethnical traditional heritage, while projecting it in the present day and into the future to redesign a contemporary culture, African and international.

On a global vision, which key-concept shares attention between sustainability and entrepreneurship, MODAAFRICA is also likely a platform to promote the blooming of young designers who in their early creative activity may find here the best opportunity to show their talents and their promising visions on Sustainable African Fashion.

Joan Auguni (Angola) _MODAAFRICA 2017 Créditos Pasma Almeida

Between the two first editions of 2015 and 2017, MODAAFRICA team is proud to acknowledge the important attendance of mainstream international designers, such as: Adama Paris (Senegal), Liz Ogumbo (Kenya), Jose Hendo (London, UK/Uganda), Nikola Conrandie (Namibia), Brama Sori Ba / BSB (Germany), Craig Jacobs, and Suzaan Heyns (South Africa), and Rogue Wave (Angola). While national representation deserved the spotlight for the collections of Joan Auguni, Ikilomba and also other emerging brand names like Mé-Wé Paris,  Alfa Cante, Lubetina Mak and Bula.

For more information please go to:

About the author

We are AMA – The African Fashion Association in Lisbon  – a social cultural non-profit organization created in 2014, and our main mission is to be a platform for inclusive fashion centered on sustainable development and in its respective intellectual, social, cultural, educational and economic progress of the different domains of the Design Creative Industries, here focused on fashion produced in the every time wider markets of action between Portugal and the Africas.

If in a first stage, our working agenda is circumscribed to projects and events happening in Portugal, aimed to groups and areas of interest, more or less specific, it is our ultimate near future goal to comprise other territories of action and its respective diverse audiences.

Omar Adelino (Mocambique) _MODAAFRICA 2017 Créditos José Correia

MODAAFRICA has been, till this moment, the top exponent of our campaign for an eth(n)ically sustainable fashion, allying to the social and cultural component of our activities a more creatively and educationally empowering action.

And, even if so far we ought to get any kind of direct financial aid, this project has otherwise counted with the key support of a non-financial, nonetheless essential, partnership in the areas of the runway production and artistic direction by the excellent team of  DXL Models (led by David Simões); the set-design and staging by the extraordinary team of Ra-Studio (led by Architect Luís Rebelo de Andrade); the audiovisual production by the tireless team of By The Music Productions (led by Carlos Vicente); while the in-site production and institutional representation was of the responsibility of engineer Nuno Simões (on the behalf of the IST till now the hosting partner venue of the event).

We are a small, yet strong team, convincingly committed and determined to make our project MODAAFRICA growing in 2018. We are Sofia Vilarinho (AMA's president and MA's founder and executive-creative director; and Raul Boino Lapa (AMA's vice-president and MA's senior coordinator of public affairs and institutional relations; with the precious collaboration of: Tânia Sitoe as press senior advisor; Ana Rendall Tomaz as social web manager; and Iris Santos and Abubacar Mané as production assistants.

Despite the apparently embryonic character of our project, MODAAFRICA's media coverage was beyond our estimations widely diverse from RTP Africa TV channel to several other fashion (and non-fashion) magazines and newspapers quite well known in the area of African fashion.

Watch video MODAAFRICA 2015:

Watch video MODAAFRICA 2017:

Budget and due dates

Because a project of such nature demands for a solid larger team to respond to a wide and organized range of tasks, we highlighted below the following key-points of our production agenda:

1st phase (6 months)

  • Organization, programming, event's pre-production and sponsoring
  • Communication, marketing and press advisory preparatory materials and actions
  • Web-design + website development

2nd phase (6 months)

  • Organization and event´s pre-production
  • Printing and production of graphic material
  • Guests listings and invitation processing
  • Volunteers' team organization (for the days of the event)
  • Event's production (guests' reception, backstage organization, teams' coordination; make-up + hairstyling, set-props, light and sound techs, runway production)
  • Promotional photoshoots, videos and teasers for press / media coverage
  • Organization of the Green Label MODAAFRICA cocktail party.

Below, we present estimated budget (reduced, minimizing costs by integrating the working teams ourselves, maximizing resources by/for strategic partnerships):

1st phase:

  • Organization, programming and event's pre-  production                                               4.100€
  • Com      munication, marketing and press advisory                                                               2.000€
  • Greeting photography poster (sponsored for 1000€)                                                                  0€
  • Model for greeting poster                                                                                                                        250€
  • Website update and maintenance                                                                                                  2.300€

Total estimated (1st phase)                                                                                                                         8.650€

2nd phase:

  • Organization and event's pre-production                                                                                  5.200€
  • Printing and production of graphic material                                                                             1.300€

   Runway production: Human Resources

  • Choreographer/Casting director                                                                                                     2.100€
  • 15 prop and set design assistants (volunteers)                                                                                  0€
  • Models (contract + volunteers)                                                                                                         8.300€
  • Backstage coordinator                                                                                                                            1.300€
  • (1) DJ                                                                                                                                                                      750€
  • Executive production                                                                                                                               4.500€
  • Catering/backstage (sponsored for 250€)                                                                                             0€
  • Promotional photoshoots, videos and teasers for press / media coverage              3.000€
  • Set design / Staging (sponsored for 4.500€)                                                                                         0€
  • Cleaning of venue (pre and post event)                                                                                             500€
  • Security guard(s)                                                                                                                                             250€

   Technical structures (2 days rental) 

  • Regi-Tech. (sponsored for 3.500€)                                                                                                              0€
  • 1 camera + technician (sponsored for1.500€)                                                                                      0€
  • Lightning and robotics                                                                                                                              2.700€
  • Sound                                                                                                                                                                  1.500€
  • 2 Sound-techs. + 2 lightning techs.                                                                                                    4.500€
  • Backstage-Materia (sponsored for 800€)                                                                                               0€

 Total estimated (2nd phase) =                                                                                                                   36.150€

Please note that your support through this crowdfunding campaign will be essentially important to fund the costs of the 1st phase of the whole production agenda for the value of 8.650€.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Special mention in MODAAFRICA website.

    Special mention in MODAAFRICA website.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    1 PIN + 1 DOUBLE INVITE (1 day)

    1 pin and 1 invitation for the 1st day of the event. Special acknowledgment on MODAAFRICA website. Materials to be picked up at the event's venue during the pre-assigned days. In case you want us to send invite via post-office, mailing costs are not included and would have to be paid aside).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    2 PINS + 1 DOUBLE INVITE (2 days)

    2 pin e 1 double invitation for the 2 days of the event. Special acknowledgment on MODAAFRICA website. Materials to be picked up at the event's venue during the pre- assigned days. In case you want us to send invite via post-office, mailing costs are not included and would have to be paid aside).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    1 PIN + 1 DOUBLE VIP INVITE (1 day)

    1 pin e 1 double VIP invitation (1st rows sitting) for the 1st day of the event. Special acknowledgment on MODAAFRICA website. Materials to be picked up at the event's venue during the pre-assigned days. In case you want us to send invite via post-office, mailing costs are not included and would have to be paid aside).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    2 PIN + 1 DOUBLE VIP INVITE (2 days)

    2 pin e 2 double VIP invitations (1st rows sitting) for the 2 days of the event. Special acknowledgment on MODAAFRICA website. Materials to be picked up at the event's venue during the pre-assigned days. In case you want us to send invite via post-office, mailing costs are not included and would have to be paid aside).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    2 PIN + 2 DOUBLE VIP INVITES (2 days) + 2 INVITES for MODAAFRICA party

    2 pin e 2 double VIP invitations (1st rows sitting) for the 2 days of the event + 2 invitations for the MA’18 Green Label party. Super special acknowledgment on MODAAFRICA website. Materials to be picked up at the event's venue during the pre- assigned days. In case you want us to send invite via post-office, mailing costs are not included and would have to be paid aside).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 15:15


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


1 member of the PPL community
support this campaign

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    new backer

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    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

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  • Anonymous

    20/03/2017 - 09:44