Lyan - I Believe

Lyan - I Believe

My name is Lyan, I'm a R & B singer, I'm recording my first album.

  • 152


    7% of 2 000€

    13 backers

  • 11/07/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

My name is Lyan, I'm a R & B singer, I'm recording my first album.

My name is Lyan, I'm  a R & B singer, I'm recording my first album, and I’m very excited to invite you to participate in this project. Ever wanted to help fund a project? This is your chance! I need your support to Edit my debut album!

The PPL Crowdfunding gives u the opportunity to invest on a project that goes far beyond my music. Lyan’s universe is a universe that involves young people who aspire to leave their mark in several areas that illustrate my first album.

Dance, video, photo and music production, are some of the areas that hide national talent and this album will be the stage that they are constantly deprived. For more barriers that may exist, if the determination and talent are bigger, nothing can stop us.

I Belive, do you?

How to Participate ?

Through monetary contributions that give rewards depending on the amount invested during the period of the campaign.

 All money raised will be applied in the following processes:

  • Studio time;
  • Music production;
  • Graphic design;
  • Distribution;
  • Promotion

What´s the reward?

  • The EP “Lyberation”;
  • Participation in the video of the theme "Lyberation";
  • 1 copy of the physical album personalized and autographed before the official release;
  • Tickets for concerts;
  • Campaign merchandising.

About the author

I have done my musical career independently, with the support of friends and producers I have built the bases that support my art.

I began this journey in the neighborhood of Monte de Caparica, Portugal, forming in 2005 a group of HipHop / R & B, initially known as NOC and later as 2MuchSouL. Absorbing various influences that came to me through the various styles of music I heard, I decided to start a solo career in order to explore the different styles (from Soul to Pop, from Afrobeat to Dubstep) that reflects my cultural diversity.

Budget and due dates

O valor mínimo para alcançar o objectivo é 2000€ O montante angariado será investido nos diferentes processos: • Tempo de estúdio – gravação, mistura&masterização • Design e reprodução do álbum físico [personalizado] • Promoção – videoclip, merchandising • Distribuição - a distribuição será feita nas plataformas de venda online, à excepção das cópias físicas que serão exclusivas para os apoiantes da campanha. Investimento&Recompensas • Apoia com 5€ e obtém o meu primeiro EP (álbum de 5 músicas enviadas por email) • Apoia com 10€ e obtém a recompensa anterior + o Pack "Eu acredito" que contém: t-shirt (Eu acredito_Team Lyan) + direito a entrada para o concerto de apresentação do EP; • Apoia com 20€ e obtém a recompensa anterior + o Pack "Team Lyan" que dá direito ao 1º Álbum autografado + participar no videoclip “Lyberation” + entrada livre para a festa de lançamento do Álbum e estreia do videoclip "Lyberation". Prazos • A campanha terá a duração de 30 dias; • O EP será entregue via email, imediatamente após o investimento mínimo de 5€ no projecto; • A t-shirt será entregue pessoalmente ou por correio após a aquisição do pack "Eu acredito"; • A data da gravação do videoclip do tema "Lyberation"será comunicada a todos os participantes, que adquirirem o pack "Team Lyan", logo após a campanha; • o Álbum de estreia autografado será entregue na festa de lançamento, um mês após o período da campanha. Se não houver possibilidade de estares presente na festa, será combinada uma data alternativa para fazer a entrega;

Fri, 07/03/2025 - 02:42


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


13 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 5
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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