Let's publish on paper the Adventures of Lusitano, a Portuguese super hero!

Let's publish on paper the Adventures of Lusitano, a Portuguese super hero!

Help to print the comic books of Lusitano!

  • 1225


    123% of 1 000€

    56 backers

  • 15/10/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Help to print the comic books of Lusitano!

The world is crowded with super heroes!


You can see them in movies, comic books, on TV and all kind of publicity! But they are americans and their battles are fought in New York or Los Angeles!

Where are our own super heroes?

Lusitano wants to open the doors for a new world!

Portuguese comic books need the support of all dreamers that, just like me, love to read a good adventure!

Although you can read his adventures online at www.lusitanobd.pt, I want to print them and dedicate 100% to this life project.

Publishing the origin's seven issues is the first step!


About the author

Bruno Matos


Born in Angola, 29 of August 1975. He self-learned how to draw and always had the ambition to share his imagination with the world!

At age 5, Bruno made his first comic book (his mother and sisters filled the ballons with words). Since them he never stop creating!

Author of the trilogy "The 5 Moklins", published by Editorial Presença.

Author of the romance "Illusya", published by Saída de Emergência.

  • Degree in Public Relations and Advertising by INP.
  • Degree in TV Prodution by ISCSP.
  • Course of Editorial Projects Management by Booktailors.
  • 13 years experience in Video Editing and Copywriting at RTP.


But above all, passionate for creating adventures!

Budget and due dates

Publishing a book isn't cheap when you don't have a publishing house. Now imagine seven!

If the campaign is sucessful, I'm planning on having the comic book ready to print in two months. During the next month I will sent the rewards.

The costs for launching Lusitano's seven books would be:

  • Printing (50 copies x 7 books): 850 Eur
  • Other expences: 150 Eur

From the sucess of the campaign depends the publishing of new adventures and other material related to Lusitano, such as t-shirts, prints, etc... but I'm taking it slow, one step at a time!

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    A big THANKS!

    You contribution will be officially recognize on Lusitano's Facebook page, at www.facebook.com/lusitanobd

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Previous + Issue 1 autographed

    Adding to the previous reward, you'll receive at home (shipping expenses included) a copy of issue 1 autographed in the defined delivery timeline.

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    A big THANKS + the seven issues autographed

    You contribution will be officially recognize on Lusitano's Facebook page, at www.facebook.com/lusitanobd and you'll receive at home (shipping expenses included) a copy of issue 1 to 7 autographed in the defined delivery timeline.

    16 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    A big THANKS + the seven issues autographed + an autographed illustration (A4)

    You contribution will be officially recognize on Lusitano's Facebook page, at www.facebook.com/lusitanobd, you'll receive at home (shipping expenses included) a copy of issue 1 to 7 autographed in the defined delivery timeline and a Illustration (size A4) autographed.

    3 backers

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 17:46

Wed, 17/10/2018 - 21:06

Vamos publicar o Lusitano! Objetivo alcançado!

OBJETIVO ALCANÇADO E SUPERADO! A campanha “Vamos publicar o Lusitano, um super-herói português” terminou e foi um sucesso! Este sucesso não é meu, é nosso! Graças ao vosso ...

Read more

Tue, 16/10/2018 - 18:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 04/10/2018 - 00:58

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 04/09/2018 - 16:44

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Sat, 18/08/2018 - 22:02

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Bruno Matos

    Vamos publicar o Lusitano! Objetivo alcançado!


    A campanha “Vamos publicar o Lusitano, um super-herói português” terminou e foi um sucesso!
    Este sucesso não é meu, é nosso!
    Graças ao vosso apoio, ao vosso acreditar e à vossa vontade, vamos ter os livros do Lusitano publicados em papel!
    Obrigado a todos!
    Começa agora a segunda fase do processo que consiste na produção das revistas, das ilustrações e da concretização das recompensas prometidas!
    Todos os Euros contaram neste processo, e o meu abraço estende-se aos que deram o pouco que puderam mas que não deixaram de participar!
    Para os que vão ter o nome mencionado no site, indiquem-me como o querem ver apresentado (nome e apelido) ou se desejam ficar no anonimato.
    Para os que vão receber as revistas e as ilustrações, agradecia que me remetessem as MORADAS DE ENVIO assim como indicações específicas onde querem o autógrafo (na capa ou na primeira folha que fiz branca, com o título da obra e nome de autor) e o nome que desejam ver mencionado (ex. Para o Daniel, do Bruno; Para o Daniel Santos, do Bruno; Para o Daniel e o Bartolomeu, do Bruno)
    Mais uma vez, um GRANDE OBRIGADO por participarem nesta aventura!
    Prometo tentar ser o mais breve possível nesta fase!
    Juntos vamos fazer o Lusitano grande!

    Bruno Matos



    The campaign "Let's publish Lusitano, a Portuguese super-hero" has ended and it was a success!
    This success is not mine, is ours!
    Thanks to your support, your belief in this campaign and your willingness to participate, the Lusitano books will be published in paper.
    Thank you to all!
    I'm now beginning the second phase of this process which consists of the production of the magazines and illustrations and the delivery of the rewards promised.
    Every Euro counts in this process and I thank everyone who chose to participate even if all you could give was very minimum.
    For those who will have your name published on the webpage, let me know how you would like your name mentioned (first and last name) or if you wish to remain anonymous.
    For those who will be receiving the magazines and the illustrations, please send me your mailing address. Also let me know where you would like the autograph (on the cover or on the first white page with the title and the author's name?) Also let me know how you would like your name mentioned for the autograph (ex. For Daniel, from Bruno; For Daniel Santos, from Bruno; for Daniel and Bartolomeu, from Bruno).
    Once again, thank you very much for being part of this adventure!
    I'll try to make this phase as short as possible.
    Let's make Lusitano a great super-hero!

    Bruno Matos

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  • Carlos Rocha



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56 members of the PPL community
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  • 27
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  • 29
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  • 5
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